// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.js';
import type {CrDialogElement} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
* Manages focus restoration for modal dialogs. After the final dialog in a
* stack is closed, restores focus to the element which was focused when the
* first dialog was opened.
export class DialogFocusManager {
private previousFocusElement_: HTMLElement|null = null;
private dialogs_: Set<HTMLDialogElement|CrDialogElement> = new Set();
showDialog(dialog: (HTMLDialogElement|CrDialogElement), showFn?: () => void) {
if (!showFn) {
showFn = function() {
// Update the focus if there are no open dialogs or if this is the only
// dialog and it's getting reshown.
if (!this.dialogs_.size ||
(this.dialogs_.has(dialog) && this.dialogs_.size === 1)) {
if (!this.dialogs_.has(dialog)) {
dialog.addEventListener('close', this.getCloseListener_(dialog));
* @return True if the document currently has an open dialog.
hasOpenDialog(): boolean {
return this.dialogs_.size > 0;
* Clears the stored focus element, so that focus does not restore when all
* dialogs are closed.
clearFocus() {
this.previousFocusElement_ = null;
private updatePreviousFocus_() {
this.previousFocusElement_ = this.getFocusedElement_();
private getFocusedElement_(): HTMLElement {
let focus = document.activeElement as HTMLElement;
while (focus.shadowRoot && focus.shadowRoot!.activeElement) {
focus = focus.shadowRoot!.activeElement as HTMLElement;
return focus;
private getCloseListener_(dialog: (HTMLDialogElement|CrDialogElement)):
((p1: Event) => void) {
const closeListener = (_e: Event) => {
// If the dialog is open, then it got reshown immediately and we
// shouldn't clear it until it is closed again.
if (dialog.open) {
// Focus the originally focused element if there are no more dialogs.
if (!this.hasOpenDialog() && this.previousFocusElement_) {
dialog.removeEventListener('close', closeListener);
return closeListener;
static getInstance(): DialogFocusManager {
return instance || (instance = new DialogFocusManager());
static setInstance(obj: DialogFocusManager|null) {
instance = obj;
let instance: DialogFocusManager|null = null;