// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Module of functions which produce a new page state in response
* to an action. Reducers (in the same sense as Array.prototype.reduce) must be
* pure functions: they must not modify existing state objects, or make any API
* calls.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import type {Action} from 'chrome://resources/js/store.js';
import type {ChangeFolderOpenAction, CreateBookmarkAction, EditBookmarkAction, FinishSearchAction, MoveBookmarkAction, RefreshNodesAction, RemoveBookmarkAction, ReorderChildrenAction, SelectFolderAction, SelectItemsAction, SetPrefAction, StartSearchAction, UpdateAnchorAction} from './actions.js';
import type {BookmarkNode, BookmarksPageState, FolderOpenState, NodeMap, PreferencesState, SearchState, SelectionState} from './types.js';
import {removeIdsFromMap, removeIdsFromObject, removeIdsFromSet} from './util.js';
function selectItems(
selectionState: SelectionState, action: SelectItemsAction): SelectionState {
let newItems = new Set();
if (!action.clear) {
newItems = new Set(selectionState.items);
action.items.forEach(function(id) {
let add = true;
if (action.toggle) {
add = !newItems.has(id);
if (add) {
} else {
return (Object.assign({}, selectionState, {
items: newItems,
anchor: action.anchor,
}) as SelectionState);
function deselectAll(_selectionState: SelectionState): SelectionState {
return {
items: new Set(),
anchor: null,
function deselectItems(
selectionState: SelectionState, deleted: Set<string>): SelectionState {
return /** @type {SelectionState} */ (Object.assign({}, selectionState, {
items: removeIdsFromSet(selectionState.items, deleted),
anchor: !selectionState.anchor || deleted.has(selectionState.anchor) ?
null :
function updateAnchor(
selectionState: SelectionState,
action: UpdateAnchorAction): SelectionState {
return (Object.assign({}, selectionState, {
anchor: action.anchor,
}) as SelectionState);
// Exported for tests.
export function updateSelection(
selection: SelectionState, action: Action): SelectionState {
switch (action.name) {
case 'clear-search':
case 'finish-search':
case 'select-folder':
case 'deselect-items':
return deselectAll(selection);
case 'select-items':
return selectItems(selection, action as SelectItemsAction);
case 'remove-bookmark':
return deselectItems(
selection, (action as RemoveBookmarkAction).descendants);
case 'move-bookmark':
// Deselect items when they are moved to another folder, since they will
// no longer be visible on screen (for simplicity, ignores items visible
// in search results).
const moveAction = action as MoveBookmarkAction;
if (moveAction.parentId !== moveAction.oldParentId &&
selection.items.has(moveAction.id)) {
return deselectItems(selection, new Set([moveAction.id]));
return selection;
case 'update-anchor':
return updateAnchor(selection, action as UpdateAnchorAction);
return selection;
function startSearch(
search: SearchState, action: StartSearchAction): SearchState {
return {
term: action.term,
inProgress: true,
results: search.results,
function finishSearch(
search: SearchState, action: FinishSearchAction): SearchState {
return /** @type {SearchState} */ (Object.assign({}, search, {
inProgress: false,
results: action.results,
function clearSearch(): SearchState {
return {
term: '',
inProgress: false,
results: null,
function removeDeletedResults(
search: SearchState, deletedIds: Set<string>): SearchState {
if (!search.results) {
return search;
const newResults: string[] = [];
search.results.forEach(function(id) {
if (!deletedIds.has(id)) {
return (Object.assign({}, search, {
results: newResults,
}) as SearchState);
function updateSearch(search: SearchState, action: Action): SearchState {
switch (action.name) {
case 'start-search':
return startSearch(search, action as StartSearchAction);
case 'select-folder':
case 'clear-search':
return clearSearch();
case 'finish-search':
return finishSearch(search, action as FinishSearchAction);
case 'remove-bookmark':
return removeDeletedResults(
search, (action as RemoveBookmarkAction).descendants);
return search;
function modifyNode(
nodes: NodeMap, id: string,
callback: (p1: BookmarkNode) => BookmarkNode): NodeMap {
const nodeModification: NodeMap = {};
nodeModification[id] = callback(nodes[id]!);
return Object.assign({}, nodes, nodeModification);
function createBookmark(nodes: NodeMap, action: CreateBookmarkAction): NodeMap {
const nodeModifications: NodeMap = {};
nodeModifications[action.id] = action.node;
const parentNode = nodes[action.parentId]!;
const newChildren = parentNode.children!.slice();
newChildren.splice(action.parentIndex, 0, action.id);
nodeModifications[action.parentId] = Object.assign({}, parentNode, {
children: newChildren,
return Object.assign({}, nodes, nodeModifications);
function editBookmark(nodes: NodeMap, action: EditBookmarkAction): NodeMap {
// Do not allow folders to change URL (making them no longer folders).
if (!nodes[action.id]!.url && action.changeInfo.url) {
delete action.changeInfo.url;
return modifyNode(nodes, action.id, function(node) {
return Object.assign({}, node, action.changeInfo);
function moveBookmark(nodes: NodeMap, action: MoveBookmarkAction): NodeMap {
const nodeModifications: NodeMap = {};
const id = action.id;
// Change node's parent.
nodeModifications[id] =
Object.assign({}, nodes[id], {parentId: action.parentId});
// Remove from old parent.
const oldParentId = action.oldParentId;
const oldParentChildren = nodes[oldParentId]!.children!.slice();
oldParentChildren.splice(action.oldIndex, 1);
nodeModifications[oldParentId] =
Object.assign({}, nodes[oldParentId], {children: oldParentChildren});
// Add to new parent.
const parentId = action.parentId;
const parentChildren = oldParentId === parentId ?
oldParentChildren :
parentChildren.splice(action.index, 0, action.id);
nodeModifications[parentId] =
Object.assign({}, nodes[parentId], {children: parentChildren});
return Object.assign({}, nodes, nodeModifications);
function removeBookmark(nodes: NodeMap, action: RemoveBookmarkAction): NodeMap {
const newState = modifyNode(nodes, action.parentId, function(node) {
const newChildren = node.children!.slice();
newChildren.splice(action.index, 1);
return /** @type {BookmarkNode} */ (
Object.assign({}, node, {children: newChildren}));
return removeIdsFromObject(newState, action.descendants);
function reorderChildren(
nodes: NodeMap, action: ReorderChildrenAction): NodeMap {
return modifyNode(nodes, action.id, function(node) {
return /** @type {BookmarkNode} */ (
Object.assign({}, node, {children: action.children}));
export function updateNodes(nodes: NodeMap, action: Action): NodeMap {
switch (action.name) {
case 'create-bookmark':
return createBookmark(nodes, action as CreateBookmarkAction);
case 'edit-bookmark':
return editBookmark(nodes, action as EditBookmarkAction);
case 'move-bookmark':
return moveBookmark(nodes, action as MoveBookmarkAction);
case 'remove-bookmark':
return removeBookmark(nodes, action as RemoveBookmarkAction);
case 'reorder-children':
return reorderChildren(nodes, action as ReorderChildrenAction);
case 'refresh-nodes':
return (action as RefreshNodesAction).nodes;
return nodes;
function isAncestorOf(
nodes: NodeMap, ancestorId: string, childId: string): boolean {
let currentId: string|undefined = childId;
// Work upwards through the tree from child.
while (currentId) {
if (currentId === ancestorId) {
return true;
currentId = nodes[currentId!]!.parentId;
return false;
// Exported for tests.
export function updateSelectedFolder(
selectedFolder: string, action: Action, nodes: NodeMap): string {
switch (action.name) {
case 'select-folder':
return (action as SelectFolderAction).id;
case 'change-folder-open':
// When hiding the selected folder by closing its ancestor, select
// that ancestor instead.
const changeFolderAction = action as ChangeFolderOpenAction;
if (!changeFolderAction.open && selectedFolder &&
isAncestorOf(nodes, changeFolderAction.id, selectedFolder)) {
return changeFolderAction.id;
return selectedFolder;
case 'remove-bookmark':
// When deleting the selected folder (or its ancestor), select the
// parent of the deleted node.
const id = (action as RemoveBookmarkAction).id;
if (selectedFolder && isAncestorOf(nodes, id, selectedFolder)) {
const parentId = nodes[id]!.parentId;
return parentId;
return selectedFolder;
return selectedFolder;
function openFolderAndAncestors(
folderOpenState: FolderOpenState, id: string, nodes: NodeMap):
FolderOpenState {
const newFolderOpenState = (new Map(folderOpenState) as FolderOpenState);
for (let currentId = id; currentId; currentId = nodes[currentId]!.parentId!) {
newFolderOpenState.set(currentId, true);
return newFolderOpenState;
function changeFolderOpen(
folderOpenState: FolderOpenState,
action: ChangeFolderOpenAction): FolderOpenState {
const newFolderOpenState = new Map(folderOpenState) as FolderOpenState;
newFolderOpenState.set(action.id, action.open);
return newFolderOpenState;
export function updateFolderOpenState(
folderOpenState: FolderOpenState, action: Action,
nodes: NodeMap): FolderOpenState {
switch (action.name) {
case 'change-folder-open':
return changeFolderOpen(
folderOpenState, action as ChangeFolderOpenAction);
case 'select-folder':
return openFolderAndAncestors(
folderOpenState, nodes[(action as SelectFolderAction).id]!.parentId!,
case 'move-bookmark':
if (!nodes[(action as MoveBookmarkAction).id]!.children) {
return folderOpenState;
return openFolderAndAncestors(
folderOpenState, (action as MoveBookmarkAction).parentId, nodes);
case 'remove-bookmark':
return removeIdsFromMap(
folderOpenState, (action as RemoveBookmarkAction).descendants);
return folderOpenState;
function updatePrefs(
prefs: PreferencesState, action: Action): PreferencesState {
const prefAction = action as SetPrefAction;
switch (prefAction.name) {
case 'set-incognito-availability':
return /** @type {PreferencesState} */ (Object.assign({}, prefs, {
incognitoAvailability: prefAction.value,
case 'set-can-edit':
return /** @type {PreferencesState} */ (Object.assign({}, prefs, {
canEdit: prefAction.value,
return prefs;
export function reduceAction(
state: BookmarksPageState, action: Action): BookmarksPageState {
return {
nodes: updateNodes(state.nodes, action),
updateSelectedFolder(state.selectedFolder, action, state.nodes),
updateFolderOpenState(state.folderOpenState, action, state.nodes),
prefs: updatePrefs(state.prefs, action),
search: updateSearch(state.search, action),
selection: updateSelection(state.selection, action),