// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../strings.m.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_toolbar/cr_toolbar.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.js';
import type {CrInputElement} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.js';
import {I18nMixinLit} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/i18n_mixin_lit.js';
import {addWebUiListener} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {CrLitElement} from 'chrome://resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {PropertyValues} from 'chrome://resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import {getCss} from './app.css.js';
import {getHtml} from './app.html.js';
import type {BrowserSwitchInternalsProxy, Decision, RuleSet, RuleSetList, RulesetSources, TimestampPair} from './browser_switch_internals_proxy.js';
import {BrowserSwitchInternalsProxyImpl} from './browser_switch_internals_proxy.js';
interface XmlSiteListItem {
policyName: string;
url: string;
interface RuleItem {
rule: string;
rulesetName: string;
const AppElementBase = I18nMixinLit(CrLitElement);
export class AppElement extends AppElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'browser-switch-internals-app';
static override get styles() {
return getCss();
override render() {
return getHtml.bind(this)();
static override get properties() {
return {
isBrowserSwitcherEnabled_: {type: Boolean},
showSearch_: {type: Boolean},
lastFetch_: {type: String},
nextFetch_: {type: String},
urlCheckerInput_: {type: String},
urlCheckerOutput_: {type: Array},
greyListRules_: {type: Array},
siteListRules_: {type: Array},
xmlSiteLists_: {type: Array},
protected isBrowserSwitcherEnabled_: boolean = true;
protected showSearch_: boolean = false;
protected greyListRules_: RuleItem[] = [];
protected siteListRules_: RuleItem[] = [];
protected xmlSiteLists_: XmlSiteListItem[] = [];
protected urlCheckerInput_: string = '';
protected urlCheckerOutput_: string[] = [];
protected lastFetch_: string = '';
protected nextFetch_: string = '';
override firstUpdated() {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
addWebUiListener('data-changed', () => this.updateEverything());
override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
const changedPrivateProperties =
changedProperties as Map<PropertyKey, unknown>;
if (changedPrivateProperties.has('urlCheckerInput_')) {
getRuleBrowserName(rule: string) {
return rule.startsWith('!') ? getBrowserName() : getAltBrowserName();
getPolicyFromRuleset(ruleSetName: string) {
const rulesetToPolicy: Record<string, string> = {
gpo: 'BrowserSwitcherUrlList',
ieem: 'BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist',
external_sitelist: 'BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl',
external_greylist: 'BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl',
return rulesetToPolicy[ruleSetName];
* Updates the content of all tables after receiving data from the backend.
updateTables(rulesets: RuleSetList) {
this.siteListRules_ = [];
this.greyListRules_ = [];
const listNameToProperty: Record<string, RuleItem[]> = {
sitelist: this.siteListRules_,
greylist: this.greyListRules_,
for (const [rulesetName, ruleset] of Object.entries(rulesets)) {
for (const [listName, rules] of Object.entries(ruleset as RuleSet)) {
listNameToProperty[listName]!.push(...rules.map((rule: string) => ({
* Takes the json from the url checker and makes it readable.
urlOutputText(decision: Decision): string[] {
let opensIn = '';
const altBrowserName = getAltBrowserName();
const browserName = getBrowserName();
switch (decision.action) {
case 'stay':
opensIn = this.i18n('openBrowser', browserName) + '\n';
case 'go':
opensIn = this.i18n('openBrowser', altBrowserName) + '\n';
let reason = '';
if (decision.matching_rule) {
if (decision.matching_rule.startsWith('!')) {
reason += this.i18n(
JSON.stringify(decision.matching_rule)) +
} else {
const list = decision.reason === 'sitelist' ?
this.i18n('forceOpenTitle') :
reason += this.i18n(
JSON.stringify(decision.matching_rule), list) +
// if undefined - add nothing to the output
switch (decision.reason) {
case 'globally_disabled':
throw new Error('BrowserSwitcherEnabled policy is set as false!');
case 'protocol':
reason += this.i18n('openBrowserProtocolReason') + '\n';
case 'default':
reason += this.i18n('openBrowserDefaultReason', browserName) + '\n';
return [opensIn, reason];
private checkUrl_(url: string) {
if (!url) {
this.urlCheckerOutput_ = [];
if (!url.includes('://')) {
url = 'http://' + url;
.then((decision) => {
// URL is valid.
this.urlCheckerOutput_ = this.urlOutputText(decision);
.catch((errorMessage) => {
// URL is invalid.
this.urlCheckerOutput_ = [this.i18n('invalidURL')];
refreshXml() {
* Update the paragraphs under the "XML sitelists" section.
updateTimestamps(timestamps: TimestampPair|null) {
if (!timestamps) {
const {last_fetch, next_fetch} = timestamps;
this.lastFetch_ = last_fetch !== 0 ? formatTime(last_fetch) : '';
this.nextFetch_ = next_fetch !== 0 ? formatTime(next_fetch) : '';
* Update the table under the "XML sitelists" section.
updateXmlTable(rulesetSources: RulesetSources) {
this.xmlSiteLists_ =
.map(([prefName, url]) => ({
// Hacky name guessing
policyName: 'BrowserSwitcher' +
url: url || this.i18n('notConfigured'),
* Called by C++ when we need to update everything on the page.
async updateEverything() {
this.isBrowserSwitcherEnabled_ =
await getProxy().isBrowserSwitcherEnabled();
if (this.isBrowserSwitcherEnabled_) {
(rulesets) => this.updateTables(rulesets));
(timestamps) => this.updateTimestamps(timestamps));
(sources) => this.updateXmlTable(sources));
* Section: XML configuration source
* Shows information about the last time XML sitelists were downloaded.
protected getXmlSitelistsLastDownloadLabel(): string {
return this.i18n('xmlSitelistLastDownloadDate', this.lastFetch_);
* Section: XML configuration source
* Shows information about the next download time of XML sitelists.
protected getXmlSitelistsNextDownloadLabel(): string {
return this.i18n('xmlSitelistNextDownloadDate', this.nextFetch_);
* Section: Ignore
* Paragraph that informs that the URLs that are affected by the lists
* BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl and BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist
* will not trigger a browser switch.
protected getIgnoreUrlMatchingLabel(): string {
return this.i18n('ignoreParagraph2', getBrowserName(), getAltBrowserName());
protected onUrlCheckerInputInput_(e: Event) {
this.urlCheckerInput_ = (e.target as CrInputElement).value;
customElements.define(AppElement.is, AppElement);
* Converts 'this_word' to 'ThisWord'
function snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(symbol: string): string {
if (!symbol) {
return symbol;
return symbol.replace(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/g, (_, letter) => {
return letter.toUpperCase();
* Formats |date| as "HH:MM:SS".
function formatTime(dateNumber: number): string {
const date = new Date(dateNumber);
const hh = date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0');
const mm = date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
const ss = date.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0');
return `${hh}:${mm}:${ss}`;
* Gets the English name of the alternate browser.
function getAltBrowserName(): string {
// TODO (crbug.com/1258133): if you change the AlternativeBrowserPath
// policy, then loadTimeData can contain stale data. It won't update
// until you refresh (despite the rest of the page auto-updating).
return loadTimeData.getString('altBrowserName') || 'alternative browser';
* Gets the English name of the browser.
function getBrowserName(): string {
// TODO (crbug.com/1258133): if you change the AlternativeBrowserPath
// policy, then loadTimeData can contain stale data. It won't update
// until you refresh (despite the rest of the page auto-updating).
return loadTimeData.getString('browserName');
function getProxy(): BrowserSwitchInternalsProxy {
return BrowserSwitchInternalsProxyImpl.getInstance();