// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handles auto scrolling on navigation.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '/common/automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from '/common/automation_util.js';
import {constants} from '/common/constants.js';
import {CursorUnit} from '/common/cursors/cursor.js';
import {CursorRange} from '/common/cursors/range.js';
import {EventHandler} from '/common/event_handler.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
import {Command} from '../common/command.js';
import {TtsSpeechProperties} from '../common/tts_types.js';
import {ChromeVoxRange} from './chromevox_range.js';
import {CommandHandlerInterface} from './input/command_handler_interface.js';
// setTimeout and its clean-up are referencing each other. So, we need to set
// "ignoreReadBeforeAssign" in this file. ESLint doesn't support per-line rule
// option modification.
/* eslint prefer-const: ["error", {"ignoreReadBeforeAssign": true}] */
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
import Dir = constants.Dir;
import EventType = chrome.automation.EventType;
type Unary = AutomationPredicate.Unary;
const RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
* Handles scrolling, based either on a user command or an event firing.
* Most of the logic is to support ARC++.
export class AutoScrollHandler {
private isScrolling_ = false;
private scrollingNode_: AutomationNode | null = null;
private rangeBeforeScroll_: CursorRange | null = null;
private lastScrolledTime_ = new Date(0);
private relatedFocusEventHappened_ = false;
private allowWebContentsForTesting_ = false;
static instance: AutoScrollHandler;
static init(): void {
AutoScrollHandler.instance = new AutoScrollHandler();
* This should be called before any command triggers ChromeVox navigation.
* @param target The range that is going to be navigated
* before scrolling.
* @param dir The direction to navigate.
* @param pred The predicate to match.
* @param unit The unit to navigate by.
* @param speechProps The optional speech properties
* given to |navigateTo| to provide feedback from the current command.
* @param rootPred The predicate that expresses
* the current navigation root.
* @param retryCommandFunc The callback used to retry the command
* with refreshed tree after scrolling.
* @return True if the given navigation can be executed. False if the given
* navigation shouldn't happen, and AutoScrollHandler handles the command
* instead.
target: CursorRange, dir: Dir, pred: Unary | null,
unit: CursorUnit | null, speechProps: TtsSpeechProperties | null,
rootPred: Unary, retryCommandFunc: Function): boolean {
if (this.isScrolling_) {
// Prevent interrupting the current scrolling.
return false;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if (!target.start?.node || !ChromeVoxRange.current!.start.node) {
return true;
const rangeBeforeScroll = ChromeVoxRange.current;
let scrollable: AutomationNode | null | undefined =
// At the beginning or the end of the document, there is a case where the
// range stays there. It's worth trying scrolling the containing scrollable.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if (!scrollable && target.equals(rangeBeforeScroll!) &&
(unit === CursorUnit.WORD || unit === CursorUnit.CHARACTER)) {
scrollable =
target, dir, scrollable ?? undefined);
if (!scrollable) {
return true;
this.isScrolling_ = true;
this.scrollingNode_ = scrollable;
this.rangeBeforeScroll_ = rangeBeforeScroll;
this.lastScrolledTime_ = new Date();
this.relatedFocusEventHappened_ = false;
target, dir, pred, unit, speechProps ?? undefined, rootPred,
.catch(() => this.isScrolling_ = false);
return false;
* This function will scroll to find nodes that are offscreen and not in the
* tree.
* @param bound The current cell node.
* @param command the command handler command.
* @param dir the direction of movement
* @return True if the given navigation can be executed. False if
* the given navigation shouldn't happen, and AutoScrollHandler handles
* the command instead.
bound: AutomationNode, command: Command, target: CursorRange, dir: Dir,
postScrollCallback: Function): boolean {
if (bound.parent?.hasHiddenOffscreenNodes && target) {
let pred = null;
// Handle grids going over edge.
if (bound.parent?.role === RoleType.GRID) {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
const currentRow = bound.tableCellRowIndex;
const totalRows = bound.parent!.tableRowCount!;
const currentCol = bound.tableCellColumnIndex;
const totalCols = bound.parent!.tableColumnCount!;
if (command === Command.NEXT_ROW || command === Command.PREVIOUS_ROW) {
if (dir === Dir.BACKWARD && currentRow === 0) {
return true;
} else if (
dir === Dir.FORWARD && currentRow === (totalRows - 1)) {
return true;
// Create predicate
pred = AutomationPredicate.makeTableCellPredicate(bound, {
row: true,
} else if (
command === Command.NEXT_COL || command === Command.PREVIOUS_COL) {
if (dir === Dir.BACKWARD && currentCol === 0) {
return true;
} else if (
dir === Dir.FORWARD && currentCol === (totalCols - 1)) {
return true;
// Create predicate
pred = AutomationPredicate.makeTableCellPredicate(bound, {
col: true,
return this.onCommandNavigation(
target, dir, pred, null, null, AutomationPredicate.root,
return true;
/** @param target The range that is going to be navigated before scrolling. */
private findScrollableAncestor_(target: CursorRange): AutomationNode | null {
let ancestors;
if (ChromeVoxRange.current && target.equals(ChromeVoxRange.current)) {
ancestors = AutomationUtil.getAncestors(target.start.node);
} else {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
ancestors = AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(
target.start.node, ChromeVoxRange.current!.start.node);
// Check if we are in ARC++. Scrolling behavior should only happen there,
// where additional nodes are not loaded until the user scrolls.
if (!this.allowWebContentsForTesting_ &&
node => node.role === RoleType.APPLICATION)) {
return null;
const scrollable =
ancestors.find(node => AutomationPredicate.autoScrollable(node));
return scrollable ?? null;
private tryFindingContainingScrollableIfAtEdge_(
target: CursorRange, dir: Dir, scrollable: AutomationNode | undefined):
AutomationNode | undefined {
let current = target.start.node;
let parent = current.parent;
while (parent?.root === current.root) {
if (!(dir === Dir.BACKWARD && parent?.firstChild === current) &&
!(dir === Dir.FORWARD && parent?.lastChild === current)) {
// Currently on non-edge node. Don't try scrolling.
return undefined;
if (AutomationPredicate.autoScrollable(current)) {
scrollable = current;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
current = parent!;
parent = current.parent;
return scrollable;
* @param target The range that is going to be navigated before scrolling.
* @param dir The direction to navigate.
* @param pred The predicate to match.
* @param unit The unit to navigate by.
* @param speechProps The optional speech properties given to |navigateTo| to
* provide feedback for the current command.
* @param rootPred The predicate that expresses the current navigation root.
* @param retryCommandFunc The callback used to retry the command with
* refreshed tree after scrolling.
private async scrollForCommandNavigation_(
target: CursorRange, dir: Dir, pred: Unary | null,
unit: CursorUnit | null, speechProps: TtsSpeechProperties | undefined,
rootPred: Unary, retryCommandFunc: Function): Promise<void> {
const scrollResult =
await this.scrollInDirection_(this.scrollingNode_ ?? undefined, dir);
if (!scrollResult) {
this.isScrolling_ = false;
ChromeVoxRange.navigateTo(target, false, speechProps);
// Wait for a scrolled event or timeout.
await this.waitForScrollEvent_(this.scrollingNode_ ?? undefined);
// When a scrolling animation happens, SCROLL_POSITION_CHANGED event can
// be dispatched multiple times, and there is a chance that the ui tree is
// in an intermediate state. Just wait for a while so that the UI gets
// stabilized.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, DELAY_HANDLE_SCROLLED_MS));
this.isScrolling_ = false;
if (!this.scrollingNode_) {
throw Error('Illegal state in AutoScrollHandler.');
if (!this.scrollingNode_.root) {
// Maybe scrollable node has disappeared. Do nothing.
if (this.relatedFocusEventHappened_) {
const nextRange = this.handleScrollingInAndroidRecyclerView_(
pred, unit, dir, rootPred, this.scrollingNode_);
ChromeVoxRange.navigateTo(nextRange ?? target, false, speechProps);
// If the focus has been changed for some reason, do nothing to
// prevent disturbing the latest navigation.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if (!ChromeVoxRange.current ||
!ChromeVoxRange.current.equals(this.rangeBeforeScroll_!)) {
// Usual case. Retry navigation with a refreshed tree.
private async scrollInDirection_(
scrollable: AutomationNode | undefined, dir: Dir): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!scrollable) {
reject('Scrollable cannot be null or undefined when scrolling');
if (dir === Dir.FORWARD) {
} else {
private async waitForScrollEvent_(
scrollable: AutomationNode | undefined): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!scrollable) {
reject('Scrollable cannot be null when waiting for scroll event');
let cleanUp: VoidFunction;
let listener: EventHandler;
let timeoutId: number;
const onTimeout = (): void => {
reject('timeout to wait for scrolled event.');
const onScrolled = (): void => {
cleanUp = () => {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
listener = new EventHandler(
scrollable!, RELATED_SCROLL_EVENT_TYPES, onScrolled, {capture: true});
timeoutId = setTimeout(onTimeout, TIMEOUT_SCROLLED_EVENT_MS);
* This block handles scrolling on Android RecyclerView.
* When scrolling happens, RecyclerView can delete an invisible item, which
* might be the focused node before scrolling, or can re-use the focused node
* for a newly added node. When one of these happens, the focused node first
* disappears from the ARC tree and the focus is moved up to the View that has
* the ARC tree. In this case, navigate to the first or the last matching
* range in the scrollable.
* @param pred The predicate to match.
* @param unit The unit to navigate by.
* @param dir The direction to navigate.
* @param rootPred The predicate that expresses the current navigation root.
private handleScrollingInAndroidRecyclerView_(
pred: Unary | null, unit: CursorUnit | null, dir: Dir, rootPred: Unary,
scrollable: AutomationNode): CursorRange | null {
let nextRange = null;
if (!pred && unit) {
nextRange = CursorRange.fromNode(scrollable).sync(unit, dir);
if (unit === CursorUnit.NODE) {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
nextRange = CommandHandlerInterface.instance.skipLabelOrDescriptionFor(
nextRange!, dir);
} else if (pred) {
let node;
if (dir === Dir.FORWARD) {
node = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
scrollable, dir, pred, {root: rootPred, skipInitialSubtree: false});
} else {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
node = AutomationUtil.findNodePost(this.scrollingNode_!, dir, pred);
if (node) {
nextRange = CursorRange.fromNode(node);
return nextRange;
* This should be called before the focus event triggers the navigation.
* On scrolling, sometimes previously focused node disappears.
* There are two common problematic patterns in ARC tree here:
* 1. No node has focus. The root ash window now get focus.
* 2. Another node in the window gets focus.
* Above two cases interrupt the auto scrolling. So when any of these are
* happening, this returns false.
* @param node the node that is the focus event target.
* @return True if others can handle the event. False if the event shouldn't
* be propagated.
onFocusEventNavigation(node: AutomationNode | undefined): boolean {
if (!this.scrollingNode_ || !node) {
return true;
const elapsedTime = new Date().valueOf() - this.lastScrolledTime_.valueOf();
if (elapsedTime > TIMEOUT_FOCUS_EVENT_DROP_MS) {
return true;
const isUnrelatedEvent = this.scrollingNode_.root !== node.root &&
!AutomationUtil.isDescendantOf(this.scrollingNode_, node);
if (isUnrelatedEvent) {
return true;
this.relatedFocusEventHappened_ = true;
return false;
// Variables local to the module.
* An array of Automation event types that AutoScrollHandler observes when
* performing a scroll action.
// This is sent by ARC++.
// These two events are sent by Web and Views via AXEventGenerator.
* The timeout that we wait for scroll event since scrolling action's callback
* is executed.
* TODO(hirokisato): Find an appropriate timeout in our case. TalkBack uses 500
* milliseconds. See
* https://github.com/google/talkback/blob/acd0bc7631a3dfbcf183789c7557596a45319e1f/talkback/src/main/java/ScrollEventInterpreter.java#L169
* The timeout that the focused event should be dropped. This is longer than
* |TIMEOUT_CALLBACK_MS| because a focus event can happen after the scrolling.
* The delay in milliseconds to wait to handle a scrolled event after the event
* is first dispatched in order to wait for UI stabilized. See also
* https://github.com/google/talkback/blob/6c0b475b7f52469e309e51bfcc13de58f18176ff/talkback/src/main/java/com/google/android/accessibility/talkback/interpreters/AutoScrollInterpreter.java#L42