
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Include test fixture.

 * Test fixture.
ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest = class extends ChromeVoxE2ETest {
  /** @override */
  async setUpDeferred() {
    await super.setUpDeferred();

    /** @const */
    this.NAV_BRAILLE = new NavBraille({text: 'Hello, world!'});
    this.EMPTY_NAV_BRAILLE = new NavBraille({text: ''});
    this.translator = new FakeTranslator();
    BrailleTranslatorManager.instance = new FakeTranslatorManager();
    /** @const */
    this.DISPLAY_ROW_SIZE = 1;
    this.DISPLAY_COLUMN_SIZE = 12;

    chrome.brailleDisplayPrivate.getDisplayState = callback => {
    this.writtenCells = [];
    chrome.brailleDisplayPrivate.writeDots = cells => {
    chrome.brailleDisplayPrivate.onDisplayStateChanged = new FakeChromeEvent();

    this.displayState = {
      available: true,
      textRowCount: this.DISPLAY_ROW_SIZE,
      textColumnCount: this.DISPLAY_COLUMN_SIZE,

   * Asserts display pan position and selection markers on the last written
   * display content and clears it.  There must be exactly one
   * set of cells written.
   * @param {number} start expected pan position in the braille display
   * @param {number=} opt_selStart first cell (relative to buffer start) that
   *                               should have a selection
   * @param {number=} opt_selEnd last cell that should have a selection.
  assertDisplayPositionAndClear(start, opt_selStart, opt_selEnd) {
    if (opt_selStart !== undefined && opt_selEnd === undefined) {
      opt_selEnd = opt_selStart + 1;
    assertEquals(1, this.writtenCells.length);
    const a = new Uint8Array(this.writtenCells[0]);
    this.writtenCells.length = 0;
    const firstCell = a[0] & ~CURSOR_DOTS;
    // We are asserting that start, which is an index, and firstCell,
    // which is a value, are the same because the fakeTranslator generates
    // the values of the braille cells based on indices.
        start, firstCell, ' Start mismatch: ' + start + ' vs. ' + firstCell);
    if (opt_selStart !== undefined) {
      for (let i = opt_selStart; i < opt_selEnd; ++i) {
            CURSOR_DOTS, a[i] & CURSOR_DOTS,
            'Missing cursor marker at position ' + i);

   * Asserts that the last written display content is an empty buffer of
   * of cells and clears the list of written cells.
   * There must be only one buffer in the list.
  assertEmptyDisplayAndClear() {
    assertEquals(1, this.writtenCells.length);
    const content = this.writtenCells[0];
    this.writtenCells.length = 0;
    assertTrue(content instanceof ArrayBuffer);
    assertTrue(content.byteLength === 0);

   * Asserts that the groups passed in actually match what we expect.
  assertGroupsValid(groups, expected) {
    assertEquals(JSON.stringify(groups), JSON.stringify(expected));

   * Simulates an onDisplayStateChanged event.
   * @param {{available: boolean, textRowCount: (number|undefined),
   *     textColumnCount: (number|undefined)}}
  simulateOnDisplayStateChanged(event) {
    const listener =
    assertNotEquals(null, listener);

/** @extends {ExpandingBrailleTranslator} */
function FakeTranslator() {}

FakeTranslator.prototype = {
   * Does a translation where every other character becomes two cells.
   * The translated text does not correspond with the actual content of
   * the original text, but instead uses the indices. Each even index of the
   * original text is mapped to one translated cell, while each odd index is
   * mapped to two translated cells.
   * @override
  translate(spannable, expansionType, callback) {
    text = spannable.toString();
    const buf = new Uint8Array(text.length + text.length / 2);
    const textToBraille = [];
    const brailleToText = [];
    let idx = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {
      buf[idx] = idx;
      if ((i % 2) === 1) {
        buf[idx] = idx;
    callback(buf.buffer, textToBraille, brailleToText);

/** @extends {BrailleTranslatorManager} */
function FakeTranslatorManager() {}

FakeTranslatorManager.prototype = {
  changeListener: null,
  translator: null,

  setTranslator(translator) {
    this.translator = translator;
    if (this.changeListener) {

  addChangeListener(listener) {
    assertEquals(null, this.changeListener);
    this.changeListener = listener;

  getExpandingTranslator() {
    return this.translator;

  refresh() {},

AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'NoApi', function() {
  const manager = new BrailleDisplayManager();

 * Test that we don't write to the display when the API is available, but
 * the display is not.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'NoDisplay', function() {
  this.displayState = {available: false};

  const manager = new BrailleDisplayManager();
  assertEquals(0, this.writtenCells.length);

 * Tests the typical sequence: setContent, setTranslator, setContent.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'BasicSetContent', function() {
  const manager = new BrailleDisplayManager();

 * Tests that setting empty content clears the display.
    'ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'SetEmptyContentWithTranslator',
    function() {
      const manager = new BrailleDisplayManager();

    'ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'CursorAndPanning', function() {
      const text = 'This is a test string';
      function createNavBrailleWithCursor(start, end) {
        return new NavBraille({text, startIndex: start, endIndex: end});

      const translatedSize = Math.floor(text.length + text.length / 2);

      const manager = new BrailleDisplayManager();

      // Cursor at beginning of line.
      manager.setContent(createNavBrailleWithCursor(0, 0));
      this.assertDisplayPositionAndClear(0, 0);
      // When cursor at end of line.
      manager.setContent(createNavBrailleWithCursor(text.length, text.length));
      // The first braille cell should be the result of the equation below.
          Math.floor(translatedSize / this.DISPLAY_COLUMN_SIZE) *
          translatedSize % this.DISPLAY_COLUMN_SIZE);
      // Selection from the end of what fits on the first display to the end of
      // the line.
      manager.setContent(createNavBrailleWithCursor(7, text.length));
      this.assertDisplayPositionAndClear(0, 10, this.DISPLAY_COLUMN_SIZE);
      // Selection on all of the line.
      manager.setContent(createNavBrailleWithCursor(0, text.length));
      this.assertDisplayPositionAndClear(0, 0, this.DISPLAY_COLUMN_SIZE);

 * Tests that the grouping algorithm works with one text character that maps
 * to one braille cell.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'BasicGroup', function() {
  const text = 'a';
  const translated = '1';
  const mapping = [0];
  const expected = [['a', '1']];
  const offsets = {brailleOffset: 0, textOffset: 0};

  const groups = BrailleCaptionsBackground.groupBrailleAndText(
      translated, text, mapping, offsets);
  this.assertGroupsValid(groups, expected);

 * Tests that the grouping algorithm works with one text character that maps
 * to multiple braille cells.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'OneRtoManyB', function() {
  const text = 'A';
  const translated = '11';
  const mapping = [0, 0];
  const expected = [['A', '11']];
  const offsets = {brailleOffset: 0, textOffset: 0};

  const groups = BrailleCaptionsBackground.groupBrailleAndText(
      translated, text, mapping, offsets);
  this.assertGroupsValid(groups, expected);

 * Tests that the grouping algorithm works with one braille cell that maps
 * to multiple text characters.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'OneBtoManyR', function() {
  const text = 'knowledge';
  const translated = '1';
  const mapping = [0];
  const expected = [['knowledge', '1']];
  const offsets = {brailleOffset: 0, textOffset: 0};

  const groups = BrailleCaptionsBackground.groupBrailleAndText(
      translated, text, mapping, offsets);
  this.assertGroupsValid(groups, expected);

 * Tests that the grouping algorithm works with one string that on both ends,
 * have text characters that map to multiple braille cells.
    'ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'OneRtoManyB_BothEnds', function() {
      const text = 'AbbC';
      const translated = 'X122X3';
      const mapping = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3];
      const expected = [['A', 'X1'], ['b', '2'], ['b', '2'], ['C', 'X3']];
      const offsets = {brailleOffset: 0, textOffset: 0};

      const groups = BrailleCaptionsBackground.groupBrailleAndText(
          translated, text, mapping, offsets);
      this.assertGroupsValid(groups, expected);

 * Tests that the grouping algorithm works with one string that on both ends,
 * have braille cells that map to multiple text characters.
    'ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'OneBtoManyR_BothEnds', function() {
      const text = 'knowledgehappych';
      const translated = '1234456';
      const mapping = [0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14];
      const expected = [
        ['knowledge', '1'],
        ['h', '2'],
        ['a', '3'],
        ['p', '4'],
        ['p', '4'],
        ['y', '5'],
        ['ch', '6'],
      const offsets = {brailleOffset: 0, textOffset: 0};

      const groups = BrailleCaptionsBackground.groupBrailleAndText(
          translated, text, mapping, offsets);
      this.assertGroupsValid(groups, expected);

 * Tests that the grouping algorithm works with one  string that has both types
 * of mapping.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'RandB_Random', function() {
  const text = 'knowledgeIsPower';
  const translated = '1X23X45678';
  const mapping = [0, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
  const expected = [
    ['knowledge', '1'],
    ['I', 'X2'],
    ['s', '3'],
    ['P', 'X4'],
    ['o', '5'],
    ['w', '6'],
    ['e', '7'],
    ['r', '8'],
  const offsets = {brailleOffset: 0, textOffset: 0};

  const groups = BrailleCaptionsBackground.groupBrailleAndText(
      translated, text, mapping, offsets);
  this.assertGroupsValid(groups, expected);

 * Tests that braille-related preferences are updated upon connecting and
 * disconnecting a braille display.
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'UpdatePrefs', function() {
  this.displayState = {available: false};
  const manager = new BrailleDisplayManager();
  assertEquals(false, SettingsManager.get('menuBrailleCommands'));
  this.simulateOnDisplayStateChanged({available: true});
  assertEquals(true, SettingsManager.get('menuBrailleCommands'));
  this.simulateOnDisplayStateChanged({available: false});
  assertEquals(false, SettingsManager.get('menuBrailleCommands'));

    'ChromeVoxBrailleDisplayManagerTest', 'ConvertImageToBraille',
    async function() {
      // TODO(accessibility): images drawn on canvases (e.g. within
      // BrailleDisplayManager.convertImageDataUrlToBraille) do not work within
      // a test environment. Figure out why and test that method as well.

      // A simple 1x1 display.
      const state =
          {rows: 1, columns: 1, cellWidth: 2, cellHeight: 3, maxCellHeight: 3};

      // An image containing red pixels. Given the above display state, the
      // image will contain
      // cellWidth * columns * cellHeight * rows = 2 * 1 * 3 * 1 = 6.
      // This happens to be 1-1 with braille.
      // The array encoding for the image will contain 6 * 4 values (RGBA per
      // pixel).

      // For easier formatting, break the image into rows.
      let rawData = [];
      rawData = rawData.concat([255, 0, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255]);
      rawData = rawData.concat([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      rawData = rawData.concat([255, 0, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255]);

      const imageData = new Uint8ClampedArray(24);
      assertEquals(24, imageData.byteLength);
      const buf = await BrailleDisplayManager.convertImageDataToBraille(
          imageData, state);
      assertEquals(1, buf.byteLength);

      // The following converts the braille byte-based encoding to a binary grid
      // for easy visualization. The grid will have a slot per braille dot.
      const {rows, columns, cellWidth, cellHeight} = state;
      const binaryGrid = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < (rows * cellHeight); i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < columns * cellWidth; j++) {

      // Fill the binaryGrid from the buf.
      const view = new Uint8Array(buf);
      for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
        // First, convert to the cell grid row, col.
        const cellRow = Math.floor(i / columns);
        const cellCol = i % columns;

        let value = view[i];

        // Now, offset into the cell itself and map to the overall grid. The
        // bits are encoded from top left to bottom right, so ensure we're
        // looping in that order.
        for (let c = 0; c < cellWidth; c++) {
          for (let r = 0; r < cellHeight; r++) {
            binaryGrid[cellRow + r][cellCol + c] = value & 1;
            value = value >> 1;

      const expected = [[1, 1], [0, 0], [1, 1]];
      assertArraysEquals(expected, binaryGrid);