// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Tests for the liblouis wasm wrapper, as seen from
* the JavaScript interface.
// Include test fixture.
ChromeVoxLibLouisTest = class extends ChromeVoxE2ETest {
/** @override */
async setUpDeferred() {
await super.setUpDeferred();
const path = chrome.extension.getURL(
this.liblouis = await LibLouis.create(path, '');
async backTranslate(tableNames, buffer) {
const translator = await this.liblouis.getTranslator(tableNames);
return new Promise(resolve => translator.backTranslate(buffer, resolve));
async translate(tableNames, text) {
const translator = await this.liblouis.getTranslator(tableNames);
return new Promise(
resolve => translator.translate(text, [], (...args) => resolve(args)));
function assertEqualsUint8Array(expected, actual) {
const asArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(actual));
assertEqualsJSON(expected, asArray);
'ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'TranslateComputerBraille', async function() {
const [cells, textToBraille, brailleToText] =
await this.translate('en-us-comp8.ctb', 'Hello!');
assertEqualsUint8Array([0x53, 0x11, 0x07, 0x07, 0x15, 0x2e], cells);
assertEqualsJSON([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], textToBraille);
assertEqualsJSON([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], brailleToText);
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'MAYBE_CheckAllTables', async function() {
const tables = await new Promise(resolve => BrailleTable.getAll(resolve));
for (const table of tables) {
const translator = await this.liblouis.getTranslator(table.fileNames);
null, translator,
'Table ' + JSON.stringify(table) + ' should be valid');
}, `
#define MAYBE_CheckAllTables DISABLED_CheckAllTables
#define MAYBE_CheckAllTables CheckAllTables
'ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'BackTranslateComputerBraille', async function() {
const cells = new Uint8Array([0x53, 0x11, 0x07, 0x07, 0x15, 0x2e]);
const text = await this.backTranslate('en-us-comp8.ctb', cells.buffer);
assertEquals('Hello!', text);
'ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'TranslateGermanGrade2Braille', async function() {
// This is one of the moderately large tables.
const [cells, textToBraille, brailleToText] =
await this.translate('de-g2.ctb', 'München');
assertEqualsUint8Array([0x0d, 0x33, 0x1d, 0x39, 0x09], cells);
assertEqualsJSON([0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4], textToBraille);
assertEqualsJSON([0, 1, 2, 3, 5], brailleToText);
'ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'TranslateSpaceIsNotDropped', async function() {
const [cells, textToBraille, brailleToText] =
await this.translate('en-ueb-g2.ctb', ' ');
assertEqualsUint8Array([0x0], cells);
'ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'BackTranslateGermanComputerBraille',
async function() {
const cells = new Uint8Array([0xb3]);
const text = await this.backTranslate('de-de-comp8.ctb', cells.buffer);
assertEquals('ü', text);
'BackTranslateUSEnglishGrade2PreservesTrailingSpace', async function() {
// A full braille cell (dots 1-6) is 'for' when backtranslated.
const cells = new Uint8Array([0b111111, 0]);
const text = await this.backTranslate('en-ueb-g2.ctb', cells.buffer);
assertNotEquals(null, text);
assertEquals('for ', text);
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'BackTranslateEmptyCells', async function() {
const text =
await this.backTranslate('de-de-comp8.ctb', new Uint8Array().buffer);
assertNotEquals(null, text);
assertEquals(0, text.length);
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'GetInvalidTranslator', async function() {
console.log('Expecting an error from liblouis');
const translator = await this.liblouis.getTranslator('nonexistant-table');
assertEquals(null, translator);
AX_TEST_F('ChromeVoxLibLouisTest', 'KeyEventStaticData', async function() {
const [cells, textToBraille, brailleToText] = await this.translate(
'en-us-comp8.ctb', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789');
// A-Z.
const view = new Uint8Array(cells);
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
String.fromCharCode(i + 65),
// 0-9.
for (let i = 27; i < 37; i++) {
String.fromCharCode(i + 21),