// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview A composite TTS allows ChromeVox to use multiple TTS engines at
* the same time.
import {QueueMode, TtsSpeechProperties} from '../common/tts_types.js';
import {TtsInterface} from './tts_interface.js';
* A Composite Tts
* @implements {TtsInterface}
export class CompositeTts {
constructor() {
* @type {Array<TtsInterface>}
* @private
this.ttsEngines_ = [];
* Adds a TTS engine to the composite TTS
* @param {TtsInterface} tts The TTS to add.
* @return {!CompositeTts} this.
add(tts) {
return this;
* @param {string} textString
* @param {QueueMode} queueMode
* @param {TtsSpeechProperties=} properties
* @return {TtsInterface}
* @override
speak(textString, queueMode, properties) {
engine => engine.speak(textString, queueMode, properties));
return this;
* Returns true if any of the TTSes are still speaking.
* @override
isSpeaking() {
return this.ttsEngines_.some(engine => engine.isSpeaking());
* @override
stop() {
this.ttsEngines_.forEach(engine => engine.stop());
/** @override */
addCapturingEventListener(listener) {
engine => engine.addCapturingEventListener(listener));
/** @override */
removeCapturingEventListener(listener) {
engine => engine.removeCapturingEventListener(listener));
/** @override */
increaseOrDecreaseProperty(propertyName, increase) {
engine => engine.increaseOrDecreaseProperty(propertyName, increase));
/** @override */
setProperty(propertyName, value) {
this.ttsEngines_.forEach(engine => engine.setProperty(propertyName, value));
/** @override */
propertyToPercentage(property) {
const percentages =
this.ttsEngines_.map(engine => engine.propertyToPercentage(property));
// Return the first non-null percent, or null if all values are null.
return percentages.find(percent => percent !== undefined) ?? null;
/** @override */
getDefaultProperty(property) {
const defaultValues =
this.ttsEngines_.map(engine => engine.getDefaultProperty(property));
// Return the first non-null value, or null if all values are null.
return defaultValues.find(value => value !== null) ?? null;
/** @override */
toggleSpeechOnOrOff() {
let value = false;
engine => value = value || engine.toggleSpeechOnOrOff());
return value;