// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Provides braille output for ChromeVox.
* Currently a stub; logic is being moved incrementally from Output to
* BrailleOutput over a series of small changes.
import {CursorRange} from '/common/cursors/range.js';
import {LogType} from '../../common/log_types.js';
import {Spannable} from '../../common/spannable.js';
import {OutputFormatLogger} from './output_logger.js';
import {AppendOptions, OutputNodeSpan, OutputSelectionSpan, SPACE} from './output_types.js';
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
import RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
export class BrailleOutput {
readonly buffer: Spannable[] = [];
readonly formatLog =
new OutputFormatLogger('enableBrailleLogging', LogType.BRAILLE_RULE);
equals(rhs: BrailleOutput): boolean {
if (this.buffer.length !== rhs.buffer.length) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.buffer.length; i++) {
if (this.buffer[i].toString() !== rhs.buffer[i].toString()) {
return false;
return true;
subNode(range: CursorRange, options: AppendOptions): AppendOptions {
const node = range.start.node;
const rangeStart = range.start.index;
const rangeEnd = range.end.index;
options.annotation.push(new OutputNodeSpan(node));
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
const selStart = node.textSelStart!;
const selEnd = node.textSelEnd!;
if (selStart !== undefined && selEnd >= rangeStart &&
selStart <= rangeEnd) {
// Editable text selection.
// |rangeStart| and |rangeEnd| are indices set by the caller and are
// assumed to be inside of the range. In braille, we only ever expect
// to get ranges surrounding a line as anything smaller doesn't make
// sense.
// |selStart| and |selEnd| reflect the editable selection. The
// relative selStart and relative selEnd for the current line are then
// just the difference between |selStart|, |selEnd| with |rangeStart|.
// See editing_test.js for examples.
new OutputSelectionSpan(selStart - rangeStart, selEnd - rangeStart));
} else if (rangeStart !== 0 || rangeEnd !== range.start.getText().length) {
// Non-editable text selection over less than the full contents
// covered by the range. We exclude full content underlines because it
// is distracting to read braille with all cells underlined with a
// cursor.
options.annotation.push(new OutputSelectionSpan(rangeStart, rangeEnd));
return options;
/** Converts the braille |spans| buffer to a single spannable. */
static mergeSpans(spans: Spannable[]): Spannable {
let separator = ''; // Changes to space as appropriate.
let prevHasInlineNode = false;
let prevIsName = false;
return spans.reduce((result, cur) => {
// Ignore empty spans except when they contain a selection.
const hasSelection = cur.getSpanInstanceOf(OutputSelectionSpan);
if (cur.length === 0 && !hasSelection) {
return result;
// For empty selections, we just add the space separator to account for
// showing the braille cursor.
if (cur.length === 0 && hasSelection) {
separator = '';
return result;
// Keep track of if there's an inline node associated with
// |cur|.
const hasInlineNode =
.some((spannableObj: Object) => {
const spannable: {node: AutomationNode} =
spannableObj as {node: AutomationNode};
if (!spannable.node) {
return false;
return spannable.node.display === 'inline' ||
spannable.node.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX;
const isName = cur.hasSpan('name');
// Now, decide whether we should include separators between the previous
// span and |cur|.
// Never separate chunks without something already there at this point.
// The only case where we know for certain that a separator is not
// needed is when the previous and current values are in-lined and part
// of the node's name. In all other cases, use the surrounding
// whitespace to ensure we only have one separator between the node
// text.
if (result.length === 0 ||
(hasInlineNode && prevHasInlineNode && isName && prevIsName)) {
separator = '';
} else if (
result.toString()[result.length - 1] === SPACE ||
cur.toString()[0] === SPACE) {
separator = '';
} else {
separator = SPACE;
prevHasInlineNode = hasInlineNode;
prevIsName = isName;
return result;
}, new Spannable());