// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Calculates the menu items for the node menus in the ChromeVox
* panel.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '/common/automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from '/common/automation_util.js';
import {BridgeCallbackId} from '/common/bridge_callback_manager.js';
import {constants} from '/common/constants.js';
import {CursorRange} from '/common/cursors/range.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
import {AutomationTreeWalker} from '/common/tree_walker.js';
import {BridgeContext} from '../../common/bridge_constants.js';
import {Msgs} from '../../common/msgs.js';
import {PanelBridge} from '../../common/panel_bridge.js';
import {PanelNodeMenuData, PanelNodeMenuId, PanelNodeMenuItemData} from '../../common/panel_menu_data.js';
import {ChromeVoxRange} from '../chromevox_range.js';
import {Output} from '../output/output.js';
import {OutputCustomEvent} from '../output/output_types.js';
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
export class PanelNodeMenuBackground {
private node_: AutomationNode;
private pred_: AutomationPredicate.Unary;
private menuId_: PanelNodeMenuId;
private isActivated_: boolean;
private walker_?: AutomationTreeWalker;
private nodeCount_ = 0;
private isEmpty_ = true;
private onFinish_?: VoidFunction;
private finishPromise_: Promise<void>;
* @param node ChromeVox's current position.
* @param isActivated Whether the menu was explicitly activated.
* If false, the menu is populated asynchronously by posting a task
* after searching each chunk of nodes.
menuData: PanelNodeMenuData, node: AutomationNode, isActivated: boolean) {
this.node_ = node;
this.pred_ = menuData.predicate;
this.menuId_ = menuData.menuId;
this.isActivated_ = isActivated;
this.finishPromise_ = new Promise(resolve => this.onFinish_ = resolve);
waitForFinish(): Promise<void> {
return this.finishPromise_;
* Create the AutomationTreeWalker and kick off the search to find
* nodes that match the predicate for this menu.
populate(): void {
if (!this.node_) {
const root = AutomationUtil.getTopLevelRoot(this.node_);
if (!root) {
this.walker_ = new AutomationTreeWalker(root, constants.Dir.FORWARD, {
visit(node) {
return !AutomationPredicate.shouldIgnoreNode(node);
this.nodeCount_ = 0;
* Iterate over nodes from the tree walker. If a node matches the
* predicate, add an item to the menu.
* Unless |this.isActivated_| is true, then after MAX_NODES_BEFORE_ASYNC nodes
* have been scanned, call setTimeout to defer searching. This frees up the
* main event loop to keep the panel menu responsive, otherwise it basically
* freezes up until all of the nodes have been found.
private findMoreNodes_(): void {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
while (this.walker_!.next().node) {
const node = this.walker_!.node;
if (this.pred_(node!)) {
this.isEmpty_ = false;
const output = new Output();
const range = CursorRange.fromNode(node!);
output.withSpeech(range, range, OutputCustomEvent.NAVIGATE);
const title = output.toString();
const callbackId = new BridgeCallbackId(
() => ChromeVoxRange.navigateTo(CursorRange.fromNode(node!)));
const isActive = node === this.node_ && this.isActivated_;
const menuId = this.menuId_;
this.addMenuItemFromData_({title, callbackId, isActive, menuId});
if (!this.isActivated_) {
if (this.nodeCount_ >= MAX_NODES_BEFORE_ASYNC) {
this.nodeCount_ = 0;
setTimeout(() => this.findMoreNodes_(), 0);
* Called when we've finished searching for nodes. If no matches were
* found, adds an item to the menu indicating none were found.
private finish_(): void {
if (this.isEmpty_) {
title: Msgs.getMsg('panel_menu_item_none'),
callbackId: null,
isActive: false,
menuId: this.menuId_,
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
private async addMenuItemFromData_(
itemData: PanelNodeMenuItemData): Promise<void> {
await PanelBridge.addMenuItem(itemData);
// Local to module.
/** The number of nodes to search before posting a task to finish searching. */