// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Sends Text-To-Speech commands to Chrome's native TTS
* extension API.
import {BridgeHelper} from '/common/bridge_helper.js';
import {constants} from '/common/constants.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
import {BridgeConstants} from '../common/bridge_constants.js';
import {Msgs} from '../common/msgs.js';
import {SettingsManager} from '../common/settings_manager.js';
import {Personality, QueueMode, TtsSpeechProperties} from '../common/tts_types.js';
import {ChromeVox} from './chromevox.js';
import {CompositeTts} from './composite_tts.js';
import {ConsoleTts} from './console_tts.js';
import {Output} from './output/output.js';
import {PrimaryTts} from './primary_tts.js';
const Action = BridgeConstants.TtsBackground.Action;
const TARGET = BridgeConstants.TtsBackground.TARGET;
/** This class broadly handles TTS within the background context. */
export class TtsBackground {
static instance: TtsBackground;
private compositeTts_: CompositeTts;
private consoleTts_: ConsoleTts;
private primaryTts_: PrimaryTts;
private constructor() {
this.consoleTts_ = new ConsoleTts();
this.primaryTts_ = new PrimaryTts();
this.compositeTts_ =
new CompositeTts().add(this.primaryTts_).add(this.consoleTts_);
static init(): void {
TtsBackground.instance = new TtsBackground();
ChromeVox.tts = TtsBackground.composite;
(echo: number) => TtsBackground.primary.updatePunctuationEcho(echo));
() => TtsBackground.primary.currentVoice);
static get composite(): CompositeTts {
if (!TtsBackground.instance) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot access composite TTS before TtsBackground has been ' +
return TtsBackground.instance.compositeTts_;
static get console(): ConsoleTts {
if (!TtsBackground.instance) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot access console TTS before TtsBackground has been ' +
return TtsBackground.instance.consoleTts_;
static get primary(): PrimaryTts {
if (!TtsBackground.instance) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot access primary TTS before TtsBackground has been ' +
return TtsBackground.instance.primaryTts_;
static resetTextToSpeechSettings(): void {
const rate = ChromeVox.tts.getDefaultProperty('rate');
const pitch = ChromeVox.tts.getDefaultProperty('pitch');
const volume = ChromeVox.tts.getDefaultProperty('volume');
ChromeVox.tts.setProperty('rate', rate ? rate : 1);
ChromeVox.tts.setProperty('pitch', pitch ? pitch : 1);
ChromeVox.tts.setProperty('volume', volume ? volume : 1);
SettingsManager.set('voiceName', constants.SYSTEM_VOICE);
TtsBackground.primary.updateVoice('', () => {
// Ensure this announcement doesn't get cut off by speech triggered by
// updateFromPrefs_().
const speechProperties = {...Personality.ANNOTATION};
speechProperties.doNotInterrupt = true;
Msgs.getMsg('announce_tts_default_settings'), QueueMode.FLUSH,
new TtsSpeechProperties(speechProperties));
/** Toggles speech on or off and announces the change. */
static toggleSpeechWithAnnouncement(): void {
const state = ChromeVox.tts.toggleSpeechOnOrOff();
new Output().format(state ? '@speech_on' : '@speech_off').go();