// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Defines methods related to retrieving translated messages.
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
export class Msgs {
/** Return the current locale. */
static getLocale(): string {
return chrome.i18n.getMessage('locale');
* Returns the message with the given message id from the ChromeVox namespace.
* If we can't find a message, throw an exception. This allows us to catch
* typos early.
* @param messageId The id.
* @param subs Substitution strings.
* @return The localized message.
static getMsg(messageId: string, subs?: string[]): string {
let message: string = Msgs.Untranslated[messageId.toUpperCase()];
if (message !== undefined) {
return Msgs.applySubstitutions_(message, subs);
message = chrome.i18n.getMessage(Msgs.NAMESPACE_ + messageId, subs);
if ((message === undefined || message === '') &&
messageId.endsWith('_brl')) {
// Braille string entries are optional. If we couldn't find a braille-
// specific string, try again without the '_brl' suffix.
message = chrome.i18n.getMessage(
Msgs.NAMESPACE_ + messageId.replace('_brl', ''), subs);
if (message === undefined || message === '') {
throw new Error('Invalid ChromeVox message id: ' + messageId);
return message;
* Returns the message with the given message ID, formatted for the given
* count.
* @param subs Substitution strings.
* @return The localized and formatted message.
static getMsgWithCount(
messageId: string, count: number, subs?: string[]): string {
return new goog.i18n.MessageFormat(Msgs.getMsg(messageId, subs))
.format({COUNT: count});
* Processes an HTML DOM, replacing text content with translated text messages
* on elements marked up for translation. Elements whose class attributes
* contain the 'i18n' class name are expected to also have an msgid
* attribute. The value of the msgid attributes are looked up as message
* IDs and the resulting text is used as the text content of the elements.
* @param root The root node where the translation should be performed.
static addTranslatedMessagesToDom(root: Element|Document): void {
const elts = root.querySelectorAll('.i18n');
for (let i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) {
const msgid = elts[i].getAttribute('msgid');
if (!msgid) {
throw new Error('Element has no msgid attribute: ' + elts[i]);
const val = Msgs.getMsg(msgid);
if (elts[i].tagName === 'INPUT') {
elts[i].setAttribute('placeholder', val);
} else {
elts[i].textContent = val;
* Returns a number formatted correctly.
* @return The number in the correct locale.
static getNumber(num: number): string {
return '' + num;
* Applies substitutions of the form $N, where N is a number from 1 to 9, to a
* string. The numbers are one-based indices into |opt_subs|.
private static applySubstitutions_(message: string, subs?: string[]): string {
if (subs) {
for (let i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
message = message.replace('$' + (i + 1), subs[i]);
return message;
export namespace Msgs {
/** The namespace for all Chromevox messages. */
export const NAMESPACE_ = 'chromevox_';
* Strings that are displayed in the user interface but don't need
* be translated.
export const Untranslated: Record<string, string> = {
/** The unchecked state for a checkbox in braille. */
/** The checked state for a checkbox in braille. */
/** The unselected state for a radio button in braille. */
/** The selected state for a radio button in braille. */
/** Brailled after a menu if the menu has a submenu. */
/** Describes an element with the ARIA role option. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA role option. */
/** Braille of element that is checked. */
/** Braille of element that is unchecked. */
/** Braille of element where the checked state is mixed or indeterminate. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-disabled=true. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-expanded=true. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-expanded=false. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-invalid=true. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-pressed=true. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-pressed=false. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-pressed=mixed. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-selected=true. */
/** Braille of element with the ARIA attribute aria-selected=false. */
/** Brailled after a menu if it has a submenu. */
/** Brailled to describe a <time> tag. */
/** Spoken when describing an ARIA value. */
/** Brailled when describing an ARIA value. */
/** Spoken when describing an ARIA value text. */
/** Brailled when describing an ARIA value text. */