// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handles validation of current permissions before performing an
* action.
import {Command} from './command.js';
import {CommandStore} from './command_store.js';
import SessionType = chrome.chromeosInfoPrivate.SessionType;
export class PermissionChecker {
private isIncognito_: boolean;
private isKioskSession_: boolean;
static instance: PermissionChecker;
private constructor() {
this.isIncognito_ = Boolean(chrome.runtime.getManifest()['incognito']);
this.isKioskSession_ = false;
static async init(): Promise<void> {
PermissionChecker.instance = new PermissionChecker();
await PermissionChecker.instance.fetchState_();
static isAllowed(command: Command): boolean {
return PermissionChecker.instance.isAllowed_(command);
private isAllowed_(command: Command): boolean {
if (!this.isIncognito_ && !this.isKioskSession_) {
return true;
return !CommandStore.denySignedOut(command);
private async fetchState_(): Promise<void> {
const result: {sessionType?: SessionType} = await new Promise(
resolve => chrome.chromeosInfoPrivate.get(['sessionType'], resolve));
this.isKioskSession_ = result['sessionType'] === SessionType.KIOSK;