// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Include test fixture.
* Test fixture for SettingsManager.
ChromeVoxSettingsManagerTest = class extends ChromeVoxE2ETest {
async getStoragePrefs(prefNames) {
const prefs = {};
for (const prefName of prefNames) {
prefs[prefName] = LocalStorage.get(prefName);
return prefs;
async getSettingsPrefs(prefNames) {
const prefs = {};
for (const prefName of prefNames) {
const {value} = await new Promise(
resolve => chrome.settingsPrivate.getPref(
SettingsManager.getPrefName_(prefName), resolve));
prefs[prefName] = value;
return prefs;
async setStoragePrefsAndMigrate(prefs) {
([key, value]) => LocalStorage.set(key, value));
// Reinitialize and Migrate Prefs.
Settings.instance = undefined;
SettingsManager.instance = undefined;
await SettingsManager.init();
async ensureStoragePrefsRemoved(prefs) {
const storagePrefs = await this.getStoragePrefs(Object.keys(prefs));
assertEqualsJSON(storagePrefs, {}, 'Storage Prefs still present.');
async ensureSettingsPrefsIncludes(expectedPrefs) {
const actualPrefs = await this.getSettingsPrefs(Object.keys(expectedPrefs));
expectedPrefs, actualPrefs,
'Settings Prefs don\'t match expected results.');
// Leaves default storage prefs, runs the migration in prefs_manager, verifies
// that prefs are set to their default values, and verifies that there are still
// no storage prefs. This mimics the state of a fresh user profile.
'DefaultSettingsPrefsSetAfterNoStoragePrefsSet', async function() {
const defaultPrefs = {
announceDownloadNotifications: true,
announceRichTextAttributes: true,
audioStrategy: 'audioNormal',
brailleSideBySide: true,
brailleTable: '',
brailleTable6: 'en-ueb-g2',
brailleTable8: 'en-nabcc',
brailleTableType: 'brailleTable8',
brailleWordWrap: true,
capitalStrategy: 'increasePitch',
capitalStrategyBackup: '',
menuBrailleCommands: false,
enableBrailleLogging: false,
enableEarconLogging: false,
enableEventStreamLogging: false,
enableSpeechLogging: false,
languageSwitching: false,
numberReadingStyle: 'asWords',
punctuationEcho: 1,
smartStickyMode: true,
speakTextUnderMouse: false,
usePitchChanges: true,
useVerboseMode: true,
virtualBrailleColumns: 40,
virtualBrailleRows: 1,
voiceName: 'chromeos_system_voice',
// Set no storage prefs.
await this.setStoragePrefsAndMigrate({});
// Check all storage prefs migrated to settings prefs.
await this.ensureSettingsPrefsIncludes(defaultPrefs);
// Ensure all storage prefs deleted.
await this.ensureStoragePrefsRemoved(defaultPrefs);
// Sets some user (non-developer) storage prefs, runs the migration in
// SettingsManager, verifies prefs migrated to settings prefs, and verifies that
// storage prefs are removed.
async function() {
const changedPrefs = {
audioStrategy: 'audioSuspend',
brailleSideBySide: false,
brailleWordWrap: false,
capitalStrategy: 'announceCapitals',
capitalStrategyBackup: 'announceCapitals',
enableEventStreamLogging: true,
enableSpeechLogging: true,
languageSwitching: true,
numberReadingStyle: 'asDigits',
punctuationEcho: 2,
smartStickyMode: false,
speakTextUnderMouse: true,
usePitchChanges: false,
useVerboseMode: false,
virtualBrailleColumns: 29,
virtualBrailleRows: 3,
voiceName: 'eSpeak Danish',
const defaultPrefs = {
announceDownloadNotifications: true,
announceRichTextAttributes: true,
brailleTable: '',
brailleTable6: 'en-ueb-g2',
brailleTable8: 'en-nabcc',
brailleTableType: 'brailleTable8',
enableBrailleLogging: false,
enableEarconLogging: false,
menuBrailleCommands: false,
const allPrefs = {...changedPrefs, ...defaultPrefs};
// Set changed storage prefs.
await this.setStoragePrefsAndMigrate(changedPrefs);
// Check all storage prefs migrated to settings prefs.
await this.ensureSettingsPrefsIncludes(allPrefs);
// Ensure all storage prefs deleted.
await this.ensureStoragePrefsRemoved(allPrefs);
// Sets all user (non-developer) storage prefs, runs the migration in
// SettingsManager, verifies prefs migrated to settings prefs, and verifies that
// storage prefs are removed.
'AllPrefsMigratedToSettingsAfterStoragePrefsSet', async function() {
const prefs = {
announceDownloadNotifications: false,
announceRichTextAttributes: false,
audioStrategy: 'audioSuspend',
brailleSideBySide: false,
brailleTable: 'hy',
brailleTable6: 'hy',
brailleTable8: 'fi-fi-8dot',
brailleTableType: 'brailleTable6',
brailleWordWrap: false,
capitalStrategy: 'announceCapitals',
capitalStrategyBackup: 'announceCapitals',
enableBrailleLogging: true,
enableEarconLogging: false,
enableEventStreamLogging: false,
enableSpeechLogging: true,
languageSwitching: true,
menuBrailleCommands: false,
numberReadingStyle: 'asDigits',
punctuationEcho: 2,
smartStickyMode: false,
speakTextUnderMouse: true,
usePitchChanges: false,
useVerboseMode: false,
virtualBrailleColumns: 29,
virtualBrailleRows: 3,
voiceName: 'eSpeak Danish',
// Set all storage prefs.
await this.setStoragePrefsAndMigrate(prefs);
// Check all storage prefs migrated to settings prefs.
await this.ensureSettingsPrefsIncludes(prefs);
// Ensure all storage prefs deleted.
await this.ensureStoragePrefsRemoved(prefs);
// Sets all developer storage prefs, runs the migration in
// SettingsManager, verifies prefs migrated to settings prefs, and verifies that
// storage prefs are removed.
async function() {
const loggingPrefs = {
enableBrailleLogging: true,
enableEarconLogging: false,
enableEventStreamLogging: true,
enableSpeechLogging: false,
const eventStreamFilters = {
activedescendantchanged: true,
alert: true,
// TODO(crbug.com/1464633) Fully remove ariaAttributeChangedDeprecated
// starting in 122, because although it was removed in 118, it is still
// present in earlier versions of LaCros.
ariaAttributeChangedDeprecated: true,
autocorrectionOccured: false,
blur: true,
checkedStateChanged: false,
childrenChanged: false,
clicked: true,
documentSelectionChanged: true,
documentTitleChanged: false,
expandedChanged: false,
focus: true,
focusContext: true,
hide: false,
hitTestResult: true,
hover: true,
imageFrameUpdated: false,
invalidStatusChanged: true,
layoutComplete: false,
liveRegionChanged: false,
liveRegionCreated: false,
loadComplete: false,
locationChanged: true,
mediaStartedPlaying: true,
mediaStoppedPlaying: true,
menuEnd: true,
menuItemSelected: false,
menuPopupEnd: false,
menuPopupStart: true,
menuStart: true,
mouseCanceled: true,
mouseDragged: true,
mouseMoved: true,
mousePressed: false,
mouseReleased: false,
rowCollapsed: true,
rowCountChanged: true,
rowExpanded: false,
scrollPositionChanged: true,
scrolledToAnchor: true,
selectedChildrenChanged: true,
selection: true,
selectionAdd: false,
selectionRemove: false,
show: true,
stateChanged: false,
textChanged: true,
textSelectionChanged: true,
treeChanged: true,
valueInTextFieldChanged: true,
const storagePrefs = {...loggingPrefs, ...eventStreamFilters};
const expectedSettingsPrefs = {...loggingPrefs, eventStreamFilters};
// Set storage prefs.
await this.setStoragePrefsAndMigrate(storagePrefs);
// Check storage prefs migrated to settings prefs.
await this.ensureSettingsPrefsIncludes(expectedSettingsPrefs);
// Ensure all storage prefs deleted.
await this.ensureStoragePrefsRemoved(storagePrefs);