# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
accessibility_common_out_dir =
tsc_out_dir = "$target_gen_dir/tsc"
# Directory where typescript build will occur.
ts_build_staging_dir = "$target_gen_dir/ts_build_staging"
group("build") {
deps = [
js_sources = [
# Add typescript files to compile here.
ts_modules = [
# The relative path in the staging directory of TS modules that need to be copied from another directory.
copied_ts_modules = [ "action_fulfillment/macros/macro_names.ts" ]
ts_definitions = [
# Copy all JS and TS sources to a staging folder. All generated TS/JS files
# will also be copied into this folder, which will allow us to support a TS
# build that uses both checked-in and generated files.
copy("stage_ts_sources") {
sources = js_sources + ts_modules
outputs = [ "$ts_build_staging_dir/{{source_target_relative}}" ]
copy("copy_ash_common_macros") {
sources = [ "//ash/webui/common/resources/accessibility/macro_names.ts" ]
outputs = [ "$ts_build_staging_dir/action_fulfillment/macros/macro_names.ts" ]
ts_library("ts_build") {
root_dir = "$ts_build_staging_dir"
out_dir = tsc_out_dir
definitions = ts_definitions
composite = true
in_files = ts_modules + js_sources + copied_ts_modules
# Targets that need to run before running the TS build.
extra_deps = [
# copied files in staging directory.
tsconfig_base = "../tsconfig.base.json"
run_jsbundler("copied_files") {
mode = "copy"
dest_dir = accessibility_common_out_dir
deps = [ ":ts_build" ]
sources =
js_sources + filter_include(get_target_outputs(":ts_build"), [ "*.js" ])
rewrite_rules = [
rebase_path(tsc_out_dir, root_build_dir) + ":",
rebase_path(".", root_build_dir) + ":",
source_set("browser_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":accessibility_tests" ]
# TODO(jamescook): Figure out which of these are really necessary.
data = [
# The test uses data from the original location.
data += js2gtest_js_libraries
js2gtest("accessibility_tests") {
test_type = "extension"
sources = [
# These are unit tests run under an extension environment to get ES6 module support.
sources += [
gen_include_files = [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
# The test base classes generate C++ code with these deps.
deps = [