// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Structures related to cursors that point to and select parts of
* the automation tree.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '../automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from '../automation_util.js';
import {constants} from '../constants.js';
import {StringUtil} from '../string_util.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '../testing/test_import_manager.js';
import {AutomationTreeWalker} from '../tree_walker.js';
import {AncestryRecoveryStrategy, RecoveryStrategy} from './recovery_strategy.js';
import AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
import Dir = constants.Dir;
import RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
import StateType = chrome.automation.StateType;
* The special index that represents a cursor pointing to a node without
* pointing to any part of its accessible text.
export const CURSOR_NODE_INDEX = -1;
/** Represents units of CursorMovement. */
export enum CursorUnit {
/** A single character within accessible name or value. */
CHARACTER = 'character',
/** A range of characters (given by attributes on automation nodes). */
WORD = 'word',
/** A text node. */
TEXT = 'text',
/** A leaf node. */
NODE = 'node',
/** A leaf node for guesture navigation. */
GESTURE_NODE = 'gesture_node',
* A node or in line textbox that immediately precedes or follows a visual
* line break.
LINE = 'line',
/** Represents the ways in which cursors can move given a cursor unit. */
export enum CursorMovement {
/** Move to the beginning or end of the current unit. */
BOUND = 'bound',
/** Move to the next unit in a particular direction. */
DIRECTIONAL = 'directional',
* Move to the beginning or end of the current cursor. Only supports
* Unit.CHARACTER and Unit.WORD
SYNC = 'sync',
* Represents a position within the automation tree.
export class Cursor {
private index_: number;
private recovery_: RecoveryStrategy;
private wrapped_: boolean;
* @param index A 0-based index into this cursor node's primary
* accessible name. An index of |CURSOR_NODE_INDEX| means the node as a
* whole is pointed to and covers the case where the accessible text is
* empty.
* @param args
* wrapped: determines whether this cursor wraps when moved beyond a
* document boundary.
* preferNodeStartEquivalent: When true,moves this cursor to the start of
* the next node when it points to the end of the current node.
constructor(node: AutomationNode, index: number, args: {
wrapped?: boolean,
preferNodeStartEquivalent?: boolean,
} = {}) {
// Compensate for specific issues in Blink.
// TODO(dtseng): Pass through affinity; if upstream, skip below.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check these to make sure this is
// correct.
if (node.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT && node.name!.length === index &&
!args.preferNodeStartEquivalent) {
// Re-interpret this case as the beginning of the next node.
const nextNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
node, Dir.FORWARD, AutomationPredicate.leafOrStaticText,
{root: r => r === node.root});
// The exception is when a user types at the end of a line. In that
// case, staying on the current node is appropriate.
if (node && node.nextOnLine && node.nextOnLine.role && nextNode) {
node = nextNode;
index = 0;
this.index_ = index;
this.recovery_ = new AncestryRecoveryStrategy(node);
this.wrapped_ = args.wrapped || false;
/** Convenience method to construct a Cursor from a node. */
static fromNode(node: AutomationNode): Cursor {
return new Cursor(node, CURSOR_NODE_INDEX);
* Gives a function that returns true for leaf types for |unit| navigations.
static getLeafPredForUnit(unit: CursorUnit): AutomationPredicate.Unary {
switch (unit) {
case CursorUnit.TEXT:
return AutomationPredicate.leaf;
case CursorUnit.GESTURE_NODE:
return AutomationPredicate.gestureObject;
return AutomationPredicate.object;
* Returns true if |rhs| is equal to this cursor.
* Use this for strict equality between cursors.
equals(rhs: Cursor): boolean {
return this.node === rhs.node && this.index === rhs.index;
equalsWithoutRecovery(rhs: Cursor): boolean {
return this.recovery_.equalsWithoutRecovery(rhs.recovery_);
* Returns true if |rhs| is equal to this cursor.
* Use this for loose equality between cursors where specific
* character-based indicies do not matter such as when processing
* node-targeted events.
contentEquals(rhs: Cursor): boolean {
// First, normalize the two nodes so they both point to the first non-text
// node.
let lNode: AutomationNode|undefined = this.node;
let rNode: AutomationNode|undefined = rhs.node;
while (lNode &&
(lNode.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX ||
lNode.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT)) {
lNode = lNode.parent;
while (rNode &&
(rNode.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX ||
rNode.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT)) {
rNode = rNode.parent;
// Ignore indicies for now.
return lNode === rNode && lNode !== undefined;
* Compares this cursor with |rhs|.
* @return Dir.BACKWARD if |rhs| comes before this cursor in
* document order. Forward otherwise.
compare(rhs: Cursor): Dir {
if (!this.node || !rhs.node) {
return Dir.FORWARD;
if (rhs.node === this.node) {
return rhs.index < this.index ? Dir.BACKWARD : Dir.FORWARD;
return AutomationUtil.getDirection(this.node, rhs.node);
* Returns the node. If the node is invalid since the last time it
* was accessed, moves the cursor to the nearest valid ancestor first.
get node(): AutomationNode {
if (this.requiresRecovery()) {
// If we need to recover, the index is no longer valid.
this.index_ = CURSOR_NODE_INDEX;
return this.recovery_.node;
get index(): number {
return this.index_;
/** A node appropriate for making selections. */
get selectionNode(): AutomationNode {
// TODO(accessibility): figure out if we still need the above property.
return this.node;
* An index appropriate for making selections. If this cursor has a
* CURSOR_NODE_INDEX index, the selection index is a node offset e.g. the
* index in parent. If not, the index is a character offset.
get selectionIndex(): number {
return this.index_ === CURSOR_NODE_INDEX ? 0 : this.index_;
/** Gets the accessible text of the node associated with this cursor. */
getText(): string {
return AutomationUtil.getText(this.node);
* Makes a Cursor which has been moved from this cursor by the unit in the
* given direction using the given movement type.
* @return The moved cursor.
move(unit: CursorUnit, movement: CursorMovement, dir: constants.Dir): Cursor {
const originalNode = this.node;
if (!originalNode) {
return this;
let newNode: AutomationNode|null = originalNode;
let newIndex = this.index_;
switch (unit) {
case CursorUnit.CHARACTER:
const text = this.getText();
switch (movement) {
case CursorMovement.BOUND:
case CursorMovement.DIRECTIONAL:
if (newIndex === CURSOR_NODE_INDEX) {
newIndex = 0;
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ?
StringUtil.nextCodePointOffset(text, newIndex) :
StringUtil.previousCodePointOffset(text, newIndex);
if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= text.length) {
newNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
newNode, dir, AutomationPredicate.leafWithText);
if (newNode) {
const newText = AutomationUtil.getText(newNode);
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ?
0 :
StringUtil.previousCodePointOffset(newText, newText.length);
newIndex = Math.max(newIndex, 0);
} else {
newIndex = this.index_;
case CursorMovement.SYNC:
if (newIndex === CURSOR_NODE_INDEX) {
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ?
0 :
StringUtil.previousCodePointOffset(text, text.length);
} else {
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ?
StringUtil.nextCodePointOffset(text, newIndex) :
StringUtil.previousCodePointOffset(text, newIndex);
if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= text.length) {
// unfortunate case. Fallback to return the same one as |this|.
newIndex = this.index_;
case CursorUnit.WORD:
// If we're not already on a node with word stops, find the next one.
if (!AutomationPredicate.leafWithWordStop(newNode)) {
newNode =
newNode, Dir.FORWARD, AutomationPredicate.leafWithWordStop,
{skipInitialSubtree: false}) ||
// Ensure start position is on or after first word.
const firstWordStart =
(newNode.wordStarts && newNode.wordStarts.length) ?
newNode.wordStarts[0] :
if (newIndex < firstWordStart && movement !== CursorMovement.SYNC) {
// Also catches CURSOR_NODE_INDEX case.
newIndex = firstWordStart;
switch (movement) {
case CursorMovement.BOUND: {
let wordStarts;
let wordEnds;
if (newNode.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX) {
wordStarts = newNode.wordStarts;
wordEnds = newNode.wordEnds;
} else {
wordStarts = newNode.nonInlineTextWordStarts;
wordEnds = newNode.nonInlineTextWordEnds;
let start;
let end;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// they are correct.
for (let i = 0; i < wordStarts!.length; i++) {
if (newIndex >= wordStarts![i] && newIndex < wordEnds![i]) {
start = wordStarts![i];
end = wordEnds![i];
if (start !== undefined && end !== undefined) {
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ? end : start;
} break;
// @ts-expect-error Fallthrough case in switch
case CursorMovement.SYNC:
if (newIndex === CURSOR_NODE_INDEX) {
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ? firstWordStart - 1 :
// fallthrough
case CursorMovement.DIRECTIONAL: {
let wordStarts;
let wordEnds;
let start;
if (newNode.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX) {
wordStarts = newNode.wordStarts;
wordEnds = newNode.wordEnds;
} else {
wordStarts = newNode.nonInlineTextWordStarts;
wordEnds = newNode.nonInlineTextWordEnds;
// Go to the next word stop in the same piece of text.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// they are correct.
for (let i = 0; i < wordStarts!.length; i++) {
if ((dir === Dir.FORWARD && newIndex < wordStarts![i]) ||
(dir === Dir.BACKWARD && newIndex >= wordEnds![i])) {
start = wordStarts![i];
if (dir === Dir.FORWARD) {
if (start !== undefined) {
// Successfully found the next word stop within the same text
// node.
newIndex = start;
} else if (movement === CursorMovement.DIRECTIONAL) {
// Use adjacent word in adjacent next node in direction |dir|.
if (dir === Dir.BACKWARD && newIndex > firstWordStart) {
// The backward case is special at the beginning of nodes.
newIndex = firstWordStart;
} else {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check these to make
// sure this is correct.
newNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
newNode, dir, AutomationPredicate.leafWithWordStop,
{root: r => r === newNode!.root});
if (newNode) {
let starts;
if (newNode.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX) {
starts = newNode.wordStarts;
} else {
starts = newNode.nonInlineTextWordStarts;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make
// sure they are correct.
if (starts!.length) {
newIndex = dir === Dir.BACKWARD ?
starts![starts!.length - 1] :
case CursorUnit.TEXT:
case CursorUnit.NODE:
case CursorUnit.GESTURE_NODE:
switch (movement) {
case CursorMovement.BOUND:
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ? this.getText().length - 1 : 0;
case CursorMovement.DIRECTIONAL:
const pred = Cursor.getLeafPredForUnit(unit);
newNode =
AutomationUtil.findNextNode(newNode, dir, pred) || originalNode;
case CursorUnit.LINE:
switch (movement) {
case CursorMovement.BOUND:
newNode = AutomationUtil.findNodeUntil(
newNode, dir, AutomationPredicate.linebreak, true);
newNode = newNode || originalNode;
newIndex = dir === Dir.FORWARD ?
AutomationUtil.getText(newNode).length :
case CursorMovement.DIRECTIONAL:
newNode = AutomationUtil.findNodeUntil(
newNode, dir, AutomationPredicate.linebreak);
if (newNode) {
newIndex = 0;
throw Error('Unrecognized unit: ' + unit);
newNode = newNode || originalNode;
newIndex = (newIndex !== undefined) ? newIndex : this.index_;
return new Cursor(newNode, newIndex);
* Returns the deepest equivalent cursor.
get deepEquivalent(): Cursor {
let newNode = this.node;
let newIndex = this.index_;
let isTextIndex = false;
while (newNode.firstChild) {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure this is
// correct.
if (AutomationPredicate.editText(newNode) &&
!newNode.state![StateType.MULTILINE]) {
// Do not reinterpret nodes and indices on this node.
} else if (newNode.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT) {
// Text offset.
// Re-interpret the index as an offset into an inlineTextBox.
isTextIndex = true;
let target: AutomationNode|undefined = newNode.firstChild;
let length = 0;
while (target && length < newIndex) {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// this is correct.
const newLength = length + target.name!.length;
// Either |newIndex| falls between target's text or |newIndex| is
// the total length of all sibling text content.
if ((length <= newIndex && newIndex < newLength) ||
(newIndex === newLength && !target.nextSibling)) {
length = newLength;
target = target.nextSibling;
if (target) {
newNode = target;
newIndex = newIndex - length;
} else if (
newNode.role !== RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX &&
// An index inside a content editable or a descendant of a content
// editable should be treated as a child offset.
// However, an index inside a simple editable, such as an input
// element, should be treated as a character offset.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// they are correct.
(!newNode.state![StateType.EDITABLE] ||
newNode.state![StateType.RICHLY_EDITABLE]) &&
newIndex <= newNode.children.length) {
// Valid child node offset. Note that there is a special case where
// |newIndex === node.children.length|. In these cases, we actually
// want to position the cursor at the end of the text of
// |node.children[newIndex - 1]|.
// |newIndex| is assumed to be > 0.
if (newIndex === newNode.children.length) {
// Take the last child.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// this is correct.
newNode = newNode.lastChild!;
// The |newIndex| is either a text offset or a child offset.
if (newNode.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT) {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// this is correct.
newIndex = newNode.name!.length;
isTextIndex = true;
// The last valid child index.
newIndex = newNode.children.length;
} else {
newNode = newNode.children[newIndex];
newIndex = 0;
} else {
// This offset is a text offset into the descendant visible
// text. Approximate this by indexing into the inline text boxes.
isTextIndex = true;
const walker = new AutomationTreeWalker(newNode, Dir.FORWARD, {
visit: n => !n.firstChild,
root: n => n === newNode,
let targetLine;
let targetIndex = 0;
let cur = 0;
while (walker.next().node) {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// this is correct.
const line = walker.node!;
const lineLength = line.name ? line.name.length : 1;
cur += lineLength;
if (cur > newIndex) {
targetLine = line;
if (!line.name) {
targetIndex = CURSOR_NODE_INDEX;
} else {
targetIndex = newIndex - (cur - lineLength);
if (!targetLine) {
// If we got here, that means the index is actually beyond the total
// length of text. Just get the last line.
targetLine = newNode.lastChild;
while (targetLine && targetLine.lastChild) {
targetLine = targetLine.lastChild;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure
// this is correct.
targetIndex =
targetLine ? targetLine.name!.length : CURSOR_NODE_INDEX;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not nulls asserted, check these to make sure this
// is correct.
newNode = targetLine!;
newIndex = targetIndex;
if (!isTextIndex) {
return new Cursor(newNode, newIndex);
/** Returns whether this cursor points to a valid position. */
isValid(): boolean {
return this.node != null;
/** Returns true if this cursor requires recovery. */
requiresRecovery(): boolean {
return this.recovery_.requiresRecovery();
* Returns true if this cursor was created after wrapping. For example, moving
* from a cursor at the end of a web contents to [this] range at the beginning
* of the document.
get wrapped(): boolean {
return this.wrapped_;
* A Cursor that wraps from beginning to end and vice versa when moved.
export class WrappingCursor extends Cursor {
* @param index A 0-based index into this cursor node's primary accessible
* name. An index of |CURSOR_NODE_INDEX| means the node as a whole is pointed
* to and covers the case where the accessible text is empty.
constructor(node: AutomationNode, index: number, args: {
wrapped?: boolean,
} = {}) {
super(node, index, args);
/** Convenience method to construct a Cursor from a node. */
static override fromNode(node: AutomationNode): WrappingCursor {
return new WrappingCursor(node, CURSOR_NODE_INDEX);
override move(unit: CursorUnit, movement: CursorMovement, dir: constants.Dir):
Cursor {
let result: Cursor = this;
if (!result.node) {
return this;
// Regular movement.
if (!AutomationPredicate.root(this.node) || dir === Dir.FORWARD ||
movement === CursorMovement.BOUND) {
result = Cursor.prototype.move.call(this, unit, movement, dir);
// Moving to the bounds of a unit never wraps.
if (movement === CursorMovement.BOUND || movement === CursorMovement.SYNC) {
return new WrappingCursor(result.node, result.index);
// There are two cases for wrapping:
// 1. moving forwards from the last element.
// 2. moving backwards from the first element.
// Both result in |move| returning the same cursor.
// For 1, simply place the new cursor on the document node.
// For 2, place range on the root (if not already there). If at root,
// try to descend to the first leaf-like object.
if (movement === CursorMovement.DIRECTIONAL && result.equals(this)) {
const pred = Cursor.getLeafPredForUnit(unit);
let endpoint = this.node;
if (!endpoint) {
return this;
// Finds any explicitly provided focus.
const getDirectedFocus = function(node: AutomationNode): AutomationNode|
undefined {
return dir === Dir.FORWARD ? node.nextWindowFocus :
// Case 1: forwards (find the root-like node).
let directedFocus;
while (endpoint.parent) {
if (directedFocus = getDirectedFocus(endpoint)) {
if (AutomationPredicate.root(endpoint)) {
endpoint = endpoint.parent;
if (directedFocus) {
directedFocus =
(dir === Dir.FORWARD ?
directedFocus, dir, AutomationPredicate.object) :
AutomationUtil.findLastNode(directedFocus, pred)) ||
return new WrappingCursor(directedFocus, CURSOR_NODE_INDEX);
// Always consider this cursor wrapped when moving forward.
let wrapped = dir === Dir.FORWARD;
// Case 2: backward (sync downwards to a leaf), if already on the root.
if (dir === Dir.BACKWARD && endpoint === this.node) {
wrapped = true;
endpoint = AutomationUtil.findLastNode(endpoint, pred) || endpoint;
return new WrappingCursor(endpoint, CURSOR_NODE_INDEX, {wrapped});
return new WrappingCursor(result.node, result.index);