// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {AutomationPredicate} from './automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from './automation_util.js';
import {constants} from './constants.js';
import {ParagraphUtils} from './paragraph_utils.js';
import {RectUtil} from './rect_util.js';
import AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
const PositionType = chrome.automation.PositionType;
const RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
// Utilities for automation nodes in Select-to-Speak.
export class NodeUtils {
* Gets the current visibility state for a given node.
* @param node The starting node.
static getNodeState(node: AutomationNode): NodeUtils.NodeState {
if (node === undefined || node.root === null || node.root === undefined) {
// The node has been removed from the tree, perhaps because the
// window was closed.
return NodeUtils.NodeState.NODE_STATE_INVALID;
// This might not be populated correctly on children nodes even if their
// parents or roots are now invisible.
// TODO: Update the C++ bindings to set 'invisible' automatically based
// on parents, rather than going through parents in JS below.
// TODO(b/314203187): Determine if not null assertion is appropriate here.
if (node.state!['invisible']) {
return NodeUtils.NodeState.NODE_STATE_INVISIBLE;
// Walk up the tree to make sure the window it is in is not invisible.
const window = NodeUtils.getNearestContainingWindow(node);
if (window != null &&
// TODO(b/314203187): Determine if not null assertion is appropriate
// here.
window.state![chrome.automation.StateType.INVISIBLE]) {
return NodeUtils.NodeState.NODE_STATE_INVISIBLE;
// TODO: Also need a check for whether the window is minimized,
// which would also return NodeState.NODE_STATE_INVISIBLE.
return NodeUtils.NodeState.NODE_STATE_NORMAL;
* Returns true if a node should be ignored by Select-to-Speak, or if it
* is of interest. This does not deal with whether nodes have children --
* nodes are interesting if they have a name or a value and have an onscreen
* location.
* @param node The node to test
* @param includeOffscreen Whether to include offscreen nodes.
* @return whether this node should be ignored.
static shouldIgnoreNode(node: AutomationNode, includeOffscreen: boolean):
boolean {
if (NodeUtils.isNodeInvisible(node, includeOffscreen)) {
return true;
return ParagraphUtils.isWhitespace(ParagraphUtils.getNodeName(node));
* Returns true if the node should be ignored by Select-to-Speak because
* it was marked with user-select:none. For Inline Text elements, the
* parent is marked with this attribute, hence the check.
* @param node The node to test
* @return whether this node was marked user-select:none
static isNotSelectable(node: AutomationNode): boolean {
return Boolean(
node &&
(node.notUserSelectableStyle ||
(node.parent && node.parent.notUserSelectableStyle)));
* Returns true if a node is invisible for any reason.
* @param node The node to test
* @param includeOffscreen Whether to include offscreen nodes
* as visible type nodes.
* @return whether this node is invisible.
static isNodeInvisible(node: AutomationNode, includeOffscreen: boolean):
boolean {
// TODO(b/314203187): Determine if not null assertion is appropriate here.
return !node.location || node.state!['invisible'] ||
(node.state!['offscreen'] && !includeOffscreen);
* Gets the first window containing this node.
* @param node The node to find a window for.
* @return The node representing the nearest
* containing window.
static getNearestContainingWindow(node: AutomationNode): AutomationNode
|undefined {
// Go upwards to root nodes' parents until we find the first window.
if (node.root && node.root.role === RoleType.ROOT_WEB_AREA) {
let nextRootParent: AutomationNode|undefined = node;
// TODO(b/314204374): Check if nextRootParent is undefiend rather than
// null.
while (nextRootParent != null &&
nextRootParent.role !== RoleType.WINDOW &&
nextRootParent.root != null &&
nextRootParent.root.role === RoleType.ROOT_WEB_AREA) {
nextRootParent = nextRootParent.root.parent;
return nextRootParent;
// If the parent isn't a root web area, just walk up the tree to find the
// nearest window.
let parent: AutomationNode|undefined = node;
// TODO(b/314204374): Check if parent is undefiend rather than null.
while (parent != null &&
parent.role !== chrome.automation.RoleType.WINDOW) {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent;
* Gets the length of a node's name. Returns 0 if the name is
* undefined.
* @param node The node for which to check the name.
* @return The length of the node's name
static nameLength(node: AutomationNode): number {
return node.name ? node.name.length : 0;
* Returns true if a node is a text field type, but not for any other type,
* including contentEditables.
* @param node The node to check
* @return True if the node is a text field type.
static isTextField(node: AutomationNode): boolean {
return node.role === RoleType.TEXT_FIELD ||
node.role === RoleType.TEXT_FIELD_WITH_COMBO_BOX;
* Gets the first (left-most) leaf node of a node. Returns undefined if
* none is found.
* @param node The node to search for the first leaf.
* @return The leaf node.
static getFirstLeafChild(node: AutomationNode): AutomationNode|undefined {
let result = node.firstChild;
while (result && result.firstChild) {
result = result.firstChild;
return result;
* Gets the first (left-most) leaf node of a node. Returns undefined
* if none is found.
* @param node The node to search for the first leaf.
* @return The leaf node.
static getLastLeafChild(node: AutomationNode): AutomationNode|undefined {
let result = node.lastChild;
while (result && result.lastChild) {
result = result.lastChild;
return result;
* Finds all nodes within the subtree rooted at |node| that overlap
* a given rectangle.
* @param node The starting node.
* @param rect The bounding box to search.
* @param nodes The matching node array to be populated.
* @return True if any matches are found.
static findAllMatching(
node: AutomationNode,
rect: {left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number},
nodes: AutomationNode[]): boolean {
var found = false;
for (var c = node.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
if (NodeUtils.findAllMatching(c, rect, nodes)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
return true;
// Closure needs node.location check here to allow the next few
// lines to compile.
if (NodeUtils.shouldIgnoreNode(node, /* don't include offscreen */ false) ||
node.location === undefined) {
return false;
if (RectUtil.overlaps(node.location, rect)) {
if (!node.children || node.children.length === 0 ||
node.children[0].role !== RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX) {
// Only add a node if it has no inlineTextBox children. If
// it has text children, they will be more precisely bounded
// and specific, so no need to add the parent node.
return true;
return false;
* Finds the deep equivalent node where a selection starts given a node
* object and selection offset. This is meant to be used in conjunction with
* the selectionStartObject/selectionStartOffset and
* selectionEndObject/selectionEndOffset of the automation API.
* @param parent The parent node of the selection,
* similar to chrome.automation.selectionStartObject or selectionEndObject.
* @param offset The integer offset of the selection. This is
* similar to chrome.automation.selectionStartOffset or selectionEndOffset.
* @param isStart whether this is the start or end of a selection.
* @return The node matching the selected offset.
static getDeepEquivalentForSelection(
parent: AutomationNode, offset: number,
isStart: boolean): NodeUtils.Position {
const automationPosition = parent.createPosition(PositionType.TREE, offset);
if (!automationPosition.node) {
// TODO(accessibility): Bugs in AXPosition cause this; for example, a
// selection on a text field.
return this.getDeepEquivalentForSelectionDeprecated(
parent, offset, isStart);
if (!automationPosition.node ||
automationPosition.node.role === RoleType.IMAGE) {
// TODO(accessibility): Bugs in AXPosition cause this; for example, a
// selection on a image has incorrect text offsets.
return this.getDeepEquivalentForSelectionDeprecated(
parent, offset, isStart);
return {
node: automationPosition.node,
offset: automationPosition.textOffset,
* TODO(accessibility): remove once AXPosition bugs are fixed; see above.
* @param parent The parent node of the selection,
* similar to chrome.automation.selectionStartObject or selectionEndObject.
* @param offset The integer offset of the selection. This is
* similar to chrome.automation.selectionStartOffset or selectionEndOffset.
* @param isStart whether this is the start or end of a selection.
* @return The node matching the selected offset.
static getDeepEquivalentForSelectionDeprecated(
parent: AutomationNode, offset: number,
isStart: boolean): NodeUtils.Position {
if (parent.children.length === 0) {
return {node: parent, offset};
// Non-text nodes with children.
if (parent.role !== RoleType.STATIC_TEXT &&
parent.role !== RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX &&
parent.children.length > 0 && !NodeUtils.isTextField(parent)) {
const index = isStart ? offset : offset - 1;
if (parent.children.length > index && index >= 0) {
let child = parent.children[index]!;
if (child.children.length > 0) {
child = isStart ? NodeUtils.getFirstLeafChild(child)! :
return {
node: child!,
offset: isStart ? 0 : NodeUtils.nameLength(child!),
} else if (isStart && !NodeUtils.isTextField(parent)) {
// We are off the edge of this parent. Go to the next leaf node that is
// not an ancestor of the parent.
const lastChild = NodeUtils.getLastLeafChild(parent);
if (lastChild) {
const nextNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
lastChild, constants.Dir.FORWARD, AutomationPredicate.leaf);
if (nextNode) {
return {node: nextNode, offset: 0};
} else if (index < 0) {
// Otherwise we are before the beginning of this parent. Find the
// previous leaf node and use that.
const previousNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
parent, constants.Dir.BACKWARD, AutomationPredicate.leaf);
if (previousNode) {
return {
node: previousNode,
offset: NodeUtils.nameLength(previousNode),
// If this is a node without children or a text node, create a stack of
// nodes to search through.
// TODO(katie): Since we only have non-text nodes or nodes without children,
// can this be simplified?
let nodesToCheck: AutomationNode[];
if (NodeUtils.isTextField(parent) && parent.firstChild &&
parent.firstChild.firstChild) {
// Skip ahead.
nodesToCheck = parent.firstChild.children.slice().reverse();
} else {
nodesToCheck = parent.children.slice().reverse();
let index = 0;
var node = parent;
// Delve down into the children recursively to find the
// one at this offset.
while (nodesToCheck.length > 0) {
node = nodesToCheck.pop()!;
// TODO(b/314203187): Determine if not null assertion is appropriate here.
if (node.state!['invisible']) {
if (node.children.length > 0) {
if (node.role !== RoleType.STATIC_TEXT) {
index += 1;
} else {
nodesToCheck = nodesToCheck.concat(node.children.slice().reverse());
} else {
if (node.parent!.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT ||
node.parent!.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX) {
// How many characters are in the name.
index += NodeUtils.nameLength(node);
} else {
// Add one for itself only.
index += 1;
// Check if we've indexed far enough into the nodes of this parent to be
// past the offset if |isStart|, or at the offset if !|isStart|.
if (((isStart && index > offset) || (!isStart && index >= offset))) {
// If the node is a text field type with children, return its first
// (or last if !|isStart|) leaf child. Otherwise, just return the node
// and its offset. textField nodes are indexed differently in selection
// from others -- it seems as though the whole node counts only once in
// the selection index if the textField is entirely selected, whereas a
// normal staticText will count for itself plus one. This is probably
// because textFields cannot be partially selected if other elements
// outside of themselves are selected.
if (NodeUtils.isTextField(node)) {
const leafNode = isStart ? NodeUtils.getFirstLeafChild(node) :
if (leafNode) {
return {
node: leafNode,
offset: isStart ? 0 : NodeUtils.nameLength(leafNode),
const result = offset - index + NodeUtils.nameLength(node);
return {node, offset: result > 0 ? result : 0};
// We are at the end of the last node.
// If it's a textField we skipped, go ahead and find the first (or last, if
// !|isStart|) child, otherwise just return this node itself.
if (NodeUtils.isTextField(node)) {
const leafNode = isStart ? NodeUtils.getFirstLeafChild(node) :
if (leafNode) {
return {
node: leafNode,
offset: isStart ? 0 : NodeUtils.nameLength(leafNode),
return {node, offset: NodeUtils.nameLength(node)};
* Sorts given nodes by visual reading order. Expects nodes to be leaf nodes
* with text.
static sortNodesByReadingOrder(nodes: AutomationNode[]): void {
// Pre-compute ancestors for each node.
const nodeAncestorMap = new Map();
for (const node of nodes) {
nodeAncestorMap.set(node, AutomationUtil.getAncestors(node));
// Sort nodes by bounds of their divergent ancestors. This will ensure all
// nodes with the same parent are grouped together.
nodes.sort((a, b) => {
const ancestorsA = nodeAncestorMap.get(a);
const ancestorsB = nodeAncestorMap.get(b);
const divergence = AutomationUtil.getDivergence(ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
if (divergence === -1 || divergence >= ancestorsA.length ||
divergence >= ancestorsB.length) {
// Nodes do not have any ancestors in common (different trees) or one
// node is the ancestor of another.
'Nodes are directly related or have no common ancestors', a, b);
return 0;
const divA = ancestorsA[divergence];
const divB = ancestorsB[divergence];
if (RectUtil.sameRow(divA.unclippedLocation, divB.unclippedLocation)) {
// Nodes are on the same line, sort by LTR reading order.
// TODO([email protected]): Handle RTL.
if (divA.unclippedLocation.left < divB.unclippedLocation.left) {
return -1;
if (divB.unclippedLocation.left < divA.unclippedLocation.left) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Nodes are on different lines, sort top-to-bottom.
if (divA.unclippedLocation.top < divB.unclippedLocation.top) {
return -1;
if (divB.unclippedLocation.top < divA.unclippedLocation.top) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Sorts a specific range of a given array of nodes by visual reading order.
* Expects nodes to be leaf nodes with text.
* @param startIndex Index specifying start of range.
* @param endIndex Index specifying end of range, non-inclusive.
static sortNodeRangeByReadingOrder(
nodes: AutomationNode[], startIndex: number, endIndex: number): void {
const nodesToSort = nodes.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
nodes.splice(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex, ...nodesToSort);
* Sorts SVG nodes with the same SVG root parent by visual reading order.
static sortSvgNodesByReadingOrder(nodes: AutomationNode[]): void {
let lastSvgRoot = null;
let startIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
const svgRoot =
AutomationUtil.getFirstAncestorWithRole(node, RoleType.SVG_ROOT);
if (svgRoot !== lastSvgRoot) {
if (lastSvgRoot !== null) {
NodeUtils.sortNodeRangeByReadingOrder(nodes, startIndex, i);
} else if (svgRoot !== null) {
startIndex = i;
lastSvgRoot = svgRoot;
if (lastSvgRoot !== null) {
NodeUtils.sortNodeRangeByReadingOrder(nodes, startIndex, nodes.length);
* @param node Leaf node.
* @return All selectable leaf nodes in the paragraph that the given
* leaf node belongs to. If the node does not belong to a paragraph,
* then just the node itself is returned.
static getAllNodesInParagraph(node: AutomationNode): AutomationNode[] {
const blockParent = ParagraphUtils.getFirstBlockAncestor(node);
if (blockParent === null || blockParent === node.root) {
return [node];
return AutomationUtil.findAllNodes(
blockParent, constants.Dir.FORWARD,
/* pred= */ NodeUtils.isValidLeafNode, /* opt_restrictions= */ {
root: node => node === blockParent, // Only traverse within the block
* Gets the |NodeUtils.Position| identified by the |charIndex| to the text of
* |nodeGroup|. If |fallbackToEnd| is true, when the |charIndex| is undefined
* or out of the text of |nodeGroup|, we will return the end of the
* |nodeGroup|. Otherwise, we fallback to the start of the |nodeGroup|.
static getPositionFromNodeGroup(
nodeGroup: ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup, charIndex: number|undefined,
fallbackToEnd: boolean): NodeUtils.Position {
let node;
let offset;
if (charIndex !== undefined) {
({node, offset} = ParagraphUtils.findNodeFromNodeGroupByCharIndex(
nodeGroup, charIndex));
if (node && offset !== undefined) {
return {node, offset};
// |charIndex| is undefined or out of the text of |nodeGroup|, fallback to
// the end or the start of the |nodeGroup|.
if (fallbackToEnd) {
const lastNode = nodeGroup.nodes[nodeGroup.nodes.length - 1].node;
const lastChildOfLastNode = NodeUtils.getLastLeafChild(lastNode);
node = lastChildOfLastNode || lastNode;
offset = ParagraphUtils.getNodeName(node).length;
} else {
const firstNode = nodeGroup.nodes[0].node;
const firstChildOfFirstNode = NodeUtils.getFirstLeafChild(firstNode);
node = firstChildOfFirstNode || firstNode;
offset = 0;
return {node, offset};
* @param node
* @return Whether the given node is a valid leaf node that is can
* be ingested by Select-to-speak.
static isValidLeafNode(node: AutomationNode): boolean {
return AutomationPredicate.leafWithText(node) &&
!NodeUtils.shouldIgnoreNode(node, /* includeOffscreen= */ true) &&
* @return The direction from the |startPosition| to the
* |endPosition|. If the input positions are equal, we view the
* |endPosition| is to the |constants.Dir.BACKWARD| of the
* |startPosition|.
static getDirectionBetweenPositions(
startPosition: NodeUtils.Position,
endPosition: NodeUtils.Position): constants.Dir {
const startNode = startPosition.node;
const startOffset = startPosition.offset;
const endNode = endPosition.node;
const endOffset = endPosition.offset;
if (startNode !== endNode) {
return AutomationUtil.getDirection(startNode, endNode);
if (startOffset < endOffset) {
return constants.Dir.FORWARD;
return constants.Dir.BACKWARD;
export namespace NodeUtils {
* Node state. Nodes can be on-screen like normal, or they may
* be invisible if they are in a tab that is not in the foreground
* or similar, or they may be invalid if they were removed from their
* root, i.e. if they were in a window that was closed.
export enum NodeState {
* Class representing a position on the accessibility, made of a
* selected node and the offset of that selection.
export interface Position {
node: AutomationNode;
offset: number;