// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TestImportManager} from './testing/test_import_manager.js';
type ScreenRect = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.ScreenRect;
/** A collection of helper functions when dealing with rects. */
export const RectUtil = {
ZERO_RECT: {top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0},
* Return the rect that encloses two points.
* @param x1 The first x coordinate.
* @param y1 The first y coordinate.
* @param x2 The second x coordinate.
* @param y2 The second x coordinate.
rectFromPoints: (x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number):
ScreenRect => {
const left = Math.min(x1, x2);
const right = Math.max(x1, x2);
const top = Math.min(y1, y2);
const bottom = Math.max(y1, y2);
const width = right - left;
const height = bottom - top;
return {left, top, width, height};
adjacent: (rect1: ScreenRect, rect2: ScreenRect): boolean => {
const verticallyStacked = rect1.top === RectUtil.bottom(rect2) ||
RectUtil.bottom(rect1) === rect2.top;
const horizontallyStacked = rect1.left === RectUtil.right(rect2) ||
RectUtil.right(rect1) === rect2.left;
const verticallyOverlap =
(rect1.top >= rect2.top && rect1.top <= RectUtil.bottom(rect2)) ||
(rect2.top >= rect1.top && rect2.top <= RectUtil.bottom(rect1));
const horizontallyOverlap =
(rect1.left >= rect2.left && rect1.left <= RectUtil.right(rect2)) ||
(rect2.left >= rect1.left && rect2.left <= RectUtil.right(rect1));
return (verticallyStacked && horizontallyOverlap) ||
(horizontallyStacked && verticallyOverlap);
area: (rect: ScreenRect|undefined): number =>
(rect ? rect.width * rect.height : 0),
* Finds the bottom of a rect.
bottom: (rect: ScreenRect): number => rect.top + rect.height,
* Returns the point at the center of the rectangle.
* @return an object containing the x and y coordinates of the center.
center: (rect: ScreenRect): {x: number, y: number} => {
const x = rect.left + Math.round(rect.width / 2);
const y = rect.top + Math.round(rect.height / 2);
return {x, y};
* Checks if the two specified rectangles are within at most a specified
* distance of each other both horizontally and vertically.
close: (rect1: ScreenRect, rect2: ScreenRect, tolerance: number): boolean => {
const maxLeft = rect1.left > rect2.left ? rect1.left : rect2.left;
const minRight = RectUtil.right(rect1) < RectUtil.right(rect2) ?
RectUtil.right(rect1) :
const maxTop = rect1.top > rect2.top ? rect1.top : rect2.top;
const minBottom = RectUtil.bottom(rect1) < RectUtil.bottom(rect2) ?
RectUtil.bottom(rect1) :
// Negative values indicate the rectangles overlap in that dimension.
return maxLeft - minRight <= tolerance && maxTop - minBottom <= tolerance;
contains: (outer: ScreenRect, inner: ScreenRect): boolean => {
if (!outer || !inner) {
return false;
return outer.left <= inner.left && outer.top <= inner.top &&
RectUtil.right(outer) >= RectUtil.right(inner) &&
RectUtil.bottom(outer) >= RectUtil.bottom(inner);
deepCopy: (rect: ScreenRect): ScreenRect => Object.assign({}, rect),
* Returns the largest rectangle contained within the `outer` rect that does
* not overlap with the `subtrahend` (what is being subtracted).
difference: (outer: ScreenRect|undefined, subtrahend: ScreenRect|undefined):
ScreenRect | undefined => {
if (!outer || !subtrahend) {
return outer;
if (!RectUtil.overlaps(outer, subtrahend)) {
// If the rectangles do not overlap, return the outer rect.
return outer;
if (RectUtil.contains(subtrahend, outer)) {
// If the subtrahend contains the outer rect, there is no region that does
// not overlap. Return the zero rect.
return RectUtil.ZERO_RECT;
let above;
let below;
let toTheLeft;
let toTheRight;
if (outer.top < subtrahend.top) {
above = {
top: outer.top,
left: outer.left,
width: outer.width,
height: (subtrahend.top - outer.top),
if (RectUtil.bottom(outer) > RectUtil.bottom(subtrahend)) {
below = {
top: RectUtil.bottom(subtrahend),
left: outer.left,
width: outer.width,
height: (RectUtil.bottom(outer) - RectUtil.bottom(subtrahend)),
if (outer.left < subtrahend.left) {
toTheLeft = {
top: outer.top,
left: outer.left,
width: (subtrahend.left - outer.left),
height: outer.height,
if (RectUtil.right(outer) > RectUtil.right(subtrahend)) {
toTheRight = {
top: outer.top,
left: RectUtil.right(subtrahend),
width: (RectUtil.right(outer) - RectUtil.right(subtrahend)),
height: outer.height,
// Of the four rects calculated above, find the one with the greatest area.
const areaAbove = RectUtil.area(above);
const areaBelow = RectUtil.area(below);
const areaToTheLeft = RectUtil.area(toTheLeft);
const areaToTheRight = RectUtil.area(toTheRight);
if (areaAbove > areaBelow && areaAbove > areaToTheLeft &&
areaAbove > areaToTheRight) {
return above;
if (areaBelow > areaToTheLeft && areaBelow > areaToTheRight) {
return below;
return areaToTheLeft > areaToTheRight ? toTheLeft : toTheRight;
* Returns true if the two rects are equal.
equal: (rect1: ScreenRect|undefined, rect2: ScreenRect|undefined):
boolean => {
if (!rect1 && !rect2) {
return true;
if (!rect1 || !rect2) {
return false;
return rect1.left === rect2.left && rect1.top === rect2.top &&
rect1.width === rect2.width && rect1.height === rect2.height;
* Increases the size of |outer| to entirely enclose |inner|, with |padding|
* buffer on each side.
expandToFitWithPadding: (padding: number, outer: ScreenRect|undefined,
inner: ScreenRect|undefined): ScreenRect |
undefined => {
if (!outer || !inner) {
return outer;
const newOuter = RectUtil.deepCopy(outer);
if (newOuter.top > inner.top - padding) {
newOuter.top = inner.top - padding;
// The height should be the original bottom point less the new top point.
newOuter.height = RectUtil.bottom(outer) - newOuter.top;
if (newOuter.left > inner.left - padding) {
newOuter.left = inner.left - padding;
// The new width should be the original right point less the new left.
newOuter.width = RectUtil.right(outer) - newOuter.left;
if (RectUtil.bottom(newOuter) < RectUtil.bottom(inner) + padding) {
newOuter.height = RectUtil.bottom(inner) + padding - newOuter.top;
if (RectUtil.right(newOuter) < RectUtil.right(inner) + padding) {
newOuter.width = RectUtil.right(inner) + padding - newOuter.left;
return newOuter;
intersection: (rect1: ScreenRect|undefined, rect2: ScreenRect|undefined):
ScreenRect => {
if (!rect1 || !rect2) {
return RectUtil.ZERO_RECT;
const left = Math.max(rect1.left, rect2.left);
const top = Math.max(rect1.top, rect2.top);
const right = Math.min(RectUtil.right(rect1), RectUtil.right(rect2));
const bottom = Math.min(RectUtil.bottom(rect1), RectUtil.bottom(rect2));
if (right <= left || bottom <= top) {
return RectUtil.ZERO_RECT;
const width = right - left;
const height = bottom - top;
return {left, top, width, height};
* Returns true if |rect1| and |rect2| overlap.
overlaps: (rect1: ScreenRect, rect2: ScreenRect): boolean => {
return rect1.left < RectUtil.right(rect2) &&
rect2.left < RectUtil.right(rect1) &&
rect1.top < RectUtil.bottom(rect2) &&
rect2.top < RectUtil.bottom(rect1);
* Finds the right edge of a rect.
right: (rect: ScreenRect): number => rect.left + rect.width,
sameRow: (rect1: ScreenRect|undefined, rect2: ScreenRect|undefined):
boolean => {
if (!rect1 || !rect2) {
return false;
const bottom1 = RectUtil.bottom(rect1);
const middle2 = RectUtil.center(rect2).y;
return rect1.top < middle2 && bottom1 > middle2;
* Returns a string representing the given rectangle.
toString: (rect: ScreenRect|undefined): string => {
let str = '';
if (rect) {
str = rect.left + ',' + rect.top + ' ';
str += rect.width + 'x' + rect.height;
return str;
* Returns the union of the specified rectangles.
union: (rect1: ScreenRect, rect2: ScreenRect): ScreenRect => {
const top = rect1.top < rect2.top ? rect1.top : rect2.top;
const left = rect1.left < rect2.left ? rect1.left : rect2.left;
const r1Bottom = RectUtil.bottom(rect1);
const r2Bottom = RectUtil.bottom(rect2);
const bottom = r1Bottom > r2Bottom ? r1Bottom : r2Bottom;
const r1Right = RectUtil.right(rect1);
const r2Right = RectUtil.right(rect2);
const right = r1Right > r2Right ? r1Right : r2Right;
const height = bottom - top;
const width = right - left;
return {top, left, width, height};
* Returns the union of all the rectangles specified.
unionAll: (rects: ScreenRect[]): ScreenRect => {
if (rects.length < 1) {
return RectUtil.ZERO_RECT;
let result = rects[0];
for (let i = 1; i < rects.length; i++) {
result = RectUtil.union(result, rects[i]);
return result;
TestImportManager.exportForTesting(['RectUtil', RectUtil]);