// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Definitions for chrome.automation API
* Generated from: extensions/common/api/automation.idl
* run `tools/json_schema_compiler/compiler.py
* extensions/common/api/automation.idl -g ts_definitions` to regenerate.
declare namespace chrome {
export namespace automation {
export enum EventType {
ACCESS_KEY_CHANGED = 'accessKeyChanged',
ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED = 'activeDescendantChanged',
ALERT = 'alert',
ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED_DEPRECATED = 'ariaAttributeChangedDeprecated',
ARIA_CURRENT_CHANGED = 'ariaCurrentChanged',
ARIA_NOTIFICATIONS_POSTED = 'ariaNotificationsPosted',
ATOMIC_CHANGED = 'atomicChanged',
AUTO_COMPLETE_CHANGED = 'autoCompleteChanged',
AUTOCORRECTION_OCCURED = 'autocorrectionOccured',
AUTOFILL_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED = 'autofillAvailabilityChanged',
BLUR = 'blur',
BUSY_CHANGED = 'busyChanged',
CARET_BOUNDS_CHANGED = 'caretBoundsChanged',
CHECKED_STATE_CHANGED = 'checkedStateChanged',
CHECKED_STATE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 'checkedStateDescriptionChanged',
CHILDREN_CHANGED = 'childrenChanged',
CLICKED = 'clicked',
COLLAPSED = 'collapsed',
CONTROLS_CHANGED = 'controlsChanged',
DETAILS_CHANGED = 'detailsChanged',
DESCRIBED_BY_CHANGED = 'describedByChanged',
DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 'descriptionChanged',
DOCUMENT_SELECTION_CHANGED = 'documentSelectionChanged',
DOCUMENT_TITLE_CHANGED = 'documentTitleChanged',
DROPEFFECT_CHANGED = 'dropeffectChanged',
EDITABLE_TEXT_CHANGED = 'editableTextChanged',
ENABLED_CHANGED = 'enabledChanged',
END_OF_TEST = 'endOfTest',
EXPANDED = 'expanded',
EXPANDED_CHANGED = 'expandedChanged',
FLOW_FROM_CHANGED = 'flowFromChanged',
FLOW_TO_CHANGED = 'flowToChanged',
FOCUS = 'focus',
FOCUS_AFTER_MENU_CLOSE = 'focusAfterMenuClose',
FOCUS_CHANGED = 'focusChanged',
FOCUS_CONTEXT = 'focusContext',
GRABBED_CHANGED = 'grabbedChanged',
HASPOPUP_CHANGED = 'haspopupChanged',
HIDE = 'hide',
HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_CHANGED = 'hierarchicalLevelChanged',
HIT_TEST_RESULT = 'hitTestResult',
HOVER = 'hover',
IGNORED_CHANGED = 'ignoredChanged',
IMAGE_ANNOTATION_CHANGED = 'imageAnnotationChanged',
IMAGE_FRAME_UPDATED = 'imageFrameUpdated',
INVALID_STATUS_CHANGED = 'invalidStatusChanged',
KEY_SHORTCUTS_CHANGED = 'keyShortcutsChanged',
LABELED_BY_CHANGED = 'labeledByChanged',
LANGUAGE_CHANGED = 'languageChanged',
LAYOUT_COMPLETE = 'layoutComplete',
LAYOUT_INVALIDATED = 'layoutInvalidated',
LIVE_REGION_CHANGED = 'liveRegionChanged',
LIVE_REGION_CREATED = 'liveRegionCreated',
LIVE_REGION_NODE_CHANGED = 'liveRegionNodeChanged',
LIVE_RELEVANT_CHANGED = 'liveRelevantChanged',
LIVE_STATUS_CHANGED = 'liveStatusChanged',
LOAD_COMPLETE = 'loadComplete',
LOAD_START = 'loadStart',
LOCATION_CHANGED = 'locationChanged',
MEDIA_STARTED_PLAYING = 'mediaStartedPlaying',
MEDIA_STOPPED_PLAYING = 'mediaStoppedPlaying',
MENU_END = 'menuEnd',
MENU_ITEM_SELECTED = 'menuItemSelected',
MENU_LIST_VALUE_CHANGED_DEPRECATED = 'menuListValueChangedDeprecated',
MENU_POPUP_END = 'menuPopupEnd',
MENU_POPUP_START = 'menuPopupStart',
MENU_START = 'menuStart',
MOUSE_CANCELED = 'mouseCanceled',
MOUSE_DRAGGED = 'mouseDragged',
MOUSE_MOVED = 'mouseMoved',
MOUSE_PRESSED = 'mousePressed',
MOUSE_RELEASED = 'mouseReleased',
MULTILINE_STATE_CHANGED = 'multilineStateChanged',
MULTISELECTABLE_STATE_CHANGED = 'multiselectableStateChanged',
NAME_CHANGED = 'nameChanged',
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = 'objectAttributeChanged',
ORIENTATION_CHANGED = 'orientationChanged',
PARENT_CHANGED = 'parentChanged',
PLACEHOLDER_CHANGED = 'placeholderChanged',
POSITION_IN_SET_CHANGED = 'positionInSetChanged',
RANGE_VALUE_CHANGED = 'rangeValueChanged',
RANGE_VALUE_MAX_CHANGED = 'rangeValueMaxChanged',
RANGE_VALUE_MIN_CHANGED = 'rangeValueMinChanged',
RANGE_VALUE_STEP_CHANGED = 'rangeValueStepChanged',
READONLY_CHANGED = 'readonlyChanged',
RELATED_NODE_CHANGED = 'relatedNodeChanged',
REQUIRED_STATE_CHANGED = 'requiredStateChanged',
ROLE_CHANGED = 'roleChanged',
ROW_COLLAPSED = 'rowCollapsed',
ROW_COUNT_CHANGED = 'rowCountChanged',
ROW_EXPANDED = 'rowExpanded',
SCROLL_HORIZONTAL_POSITION_CHANGED = 'scrollHorizontalPositionChanged',
SCROLL_POSITION_CHANGED = 'scrollPositionChanged',
SCROLL_VERTICAL_POSITION_CHANGED = 'scrollVerticalPositionChanged',
SCROLLED_TO_ANCHOR = 'scrolledToAnchor',
SELECTED_CHANGED = 'selectedChanged',
SELECTED_CHILDREN_CHANGED = 'selectedChildrenChanged',
SELECTED_VALUE_CHANGED = 'selectedValueChanged',
SELECTION = 'selection',
SELECTION_ADD = 'selectionAdd',
SELECTION_REMOVE = 'selectionRemove',
SET_SIZE_CHANGED = 'setSizeChanged',
SHOW = 'show',
SORT_CHANGED = 'sortChanged',
STATE_CHANGED = 'stateChanged',
SUBTREE_CREATED = 'subtreeCreated',
TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = 'textAttributeChanged',
TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED = 'textSelectionChanged',
TEXT_CHANGED = 'textChanged',
TOOLTIP_CLOSED = 'tooltipClosed',
TOOLTIP_OPENED = 'tooltipOpened',
TREE_CHANGED = 'treeChanged',
VALUE_IN_TEXT_FIELD_CHANGED = 'valueInTextFieldChanged',
VALUE_CHANGED = 'valueChanged',
WINDOW_ACTIVATED = 'windowActivated',
WINDOW_DEACTIVATED = 'windowDeactivated',
WINDOW_VISIBILITY_CHANGED = 'windowVisibilityChanged',
export enum RoleType {
ABBR = 'abbr',
ALERT = 'alert',
ALERT_DIALOG = 'alertDialog',
APPLICATION = 'application',
ARTICLE = 'article',
AUDIO = 'audio',
BANNER = 'banner',
BLOCKQUOTE = 'blockquote',
BUTTON = 'button',
CANVAS = 'canvas',
CAPTION = 'caption',
CARET = 'caret',
CELL = 'cell',
CHECK_BOX = 'checkBox',
CLIENT = 'client',
CODE = 'code',
COLOR_WELL = 'colorWell',
COLUMN = 'column',
COLUMN_HEADER = 'columnHeader',
COMBO_BOX_GROUPING = 'comboBoxGrouping',
COMBO_BOX_MENU_BUTTON = 'comboBoxMenuButton',
COMBO_BOX_SELECT = 'comboBoxSelect',
COMMENT = 'comment',
COMPLEMENTARY = 'complementary',
CONTENT_DELETION = 'contentDeletion',
CONTENT_INSERTION = 'contentInsertion',
CONTENT_INFO = 'contentInfo',
DATE = 'date',
DATE_TIME = 'dateTime',
DEFINITION = 'definition',
DESCRIPTION_LIST = 'descriptionList',
DESCRIPTION_LIST_DETAIL_DEPRECATED = 'descriptionListDetailDeprecated',
DESCRIPTION_LIST_TERM_DEPRECATED = 'descriptionListTermDeprecated',
DESKTOP = 'desktop',
DETAILS = 'details',
DIALOG = 'dialog',
DIRECTORY_DEPRECATED = 'directoryDeprecated',
DISCLOSURE_TRIANGLE = 'disclosureTriangle',
DISCLOSURE_TRIANGLE_GROUPED = 'disclosureTriangleGrouped',
DOC_ABSTRACT = 'docAbstract',
DOC_ACKNOWLEDGMENTS = 'docAcknowledgments',
DOC_AFTERWORD = 'docAfterword',
DOC_APPENDIX = 'docAppendix',
DOC_BACK_LINK = 'docBackLink',
DOC_BIBLIO_ENTRY = 'docBiblioEntry',
DOC_BIBLIOGRAPHY = 'docBibliography',
DOC_BIBLIO_REF = 'docBiblioRef',
DOC_CHAPTER = 'docChapter',
DOC_COLOPHON = 'docColophon',
DOC_CONCLUSION = 'docConclusion',
DOC_COVER = 'docCover',
DOC_CREDIT = 'docCredit',
DOC_CREDITS = 'docCredits',
DOC_DEDICATION = 'docDedication',
DOC_ENDNOTE = 'docEndnote',
DOC_ENDNOTES = 'docEndnotes',
DOC_EPIGRAPH = 'docEpigraph',
DOC_EPILOGUE = 'docEpilogue',
DOC_ERRATA = 'docErrata',
DOC_EXAMPLE = 'docExample',
DOC_FOOTNOTE = 'docFootnote',
DOC_FOREWORD = 'docForeword',
DOC_GLOSSARY = 'docGlossary',
DOC_GLOSS_REF = 'docGlossRef',
DOC_INDEX = 'docIndex',
DOC_INTRODUCTION = 'docIntroduction',
DOC_NOTE_REF = 'docNoteRef',
DOC_NOTICE = 'docNotice',
DOC_PAGE_BREAK = 'docPageBreak',
DOC_PAGE_FOOTER = 'docPageFooter',
DOC_PAGE_HEADER = 'docPageHeader',
DOC_PAGE_LIST = 'docPageList',
DOC_PART = 'docPart',
DOC_PREFACE = 'docPreface',
DOC_PROLOGUE = 'docPrologue',
DOC_PULLQUOTE = 'docPullquote',
DOC_QNA = 'docQna',
DOC_SUBTITLE = 'docSubtitle',
DOC_TIP = 'docTip',
DOC_TOC = 'docToc',
DOCUMENT = 'document',
EMBEDDED_OBJECT = 'embeddedObject',
EMPHASIS = 'emphasis',
FEED = 'feed',
FIGCAPTION = 'figcaption',
FIGURE = 'figure',
FOOTER = 'footer',
FORM = 'form',
GENERIC_CONTAINER = 'genericContainer',
GRAPHICS_DOCUMENT = 'graphicsDocument',
GRAPHICS_OBJECT = 'graphicsObject',
GRAPHICS_SYMBOL = 'graphicsSymbol',
GRID = 'grid',
GRID_CELL = 'gridCell',
GROUP = 'group',
HEADER = 'header',
HEADING = 'heading',
IFRAME = 'iframe',
IFRAME_PRESENTATIONAL = 'iframePresentational',
IMAGE = 'image',
IME_CANDIDATE = 'imeCandidate',
INLINE_TEXT_BOX = 'inlineTextBox',
INPUT_TIME = 'inputTime',
KEYBOARD = 'keyboard',
LABEL_TEXT = 'labelText',
LAYOUT_TABLE = 'layoutTable',
LAYOUT_TABLE_CELL = 'layoutTableCell',
LAYOUT_TABLE_ROW = 'layoutTableRow',
LEGEND = 'legend',
LINE_BREAK = 'lineBreak',
LINK = 'link',
LIST = 'list',
LIST_BOX = 'listBox',
LIST_BOX_OPTION = 'listBoxOption',
LIST_GRID = 'listGrid',
LIST_ITEM = 'listItem',
LIST_MARKER = 'listMarker',
LOG = 'log',
MAIN = 'main',
MARK = 'mark',
MARQUEE = 'marquee',
MATH = 'math',
MATH_MLFRACTION = 'mathMLFraction',
MATH_MLIDENTIFIER = 'mathMLIdentifier',
MATH_MLMATH = 'mathMLMath',
MATH_MLMULTISCRIPTS = 'mathMLMultiscripts',
MATH_MLNONE_SCRIPT = 'mathMLNoneScript',
MATH_MLNUMBER = 'mathMLNumber',
MATH_MLOPERATOR = 'mathMLOperator',
MATH_MLOVER = 'mathMLOver',
MATH_MLPRESCRIPT_DELIMITER = 'mathMLPrescriptDelimiter',
MATH_MLROOT = 'mathMLRoot',
MATH_MLROW = 'mathMLRow',
MATH_MLSQUARE_ROOT = 'mathMLSquareRoot',
MATH_MLSTRING_LITERAL = 'mathMLStringLiteral',
MATH_MLSUB = 'mathMLSub',
MATH_MLSUB_SUP = 'mathMLSubSup',
MATH_MLSUP = 'mathMLSup',
MATH_MLTABLE = 'mathMLTable',
MATH_MLTABLE_CELL = 'mathMLTableCell',
MATH_MLTABLE_ROW = 'mathMLTableRow',
MATH_MLTEXT = 'mathMLText',
MATH_MLUNDER = 'mathMLUnder',
MATH_MLUNDER_OVER = 'mathMLUnderOver',
MENU = 'menu',
MENU_BAR = 'menuBar',
MENU_ITEM = 'menuItem',
MENU_ITEM_CHECK_BOX = 'menuItemCheckBox',
MENU_ITEM_RADIO = 'menuItemRadio',
MENU_LIST_OPTION = 'menuListOption',
MENU_LIST_POPUP = 'menuListPopup',
METER = 'meter',
NAVIGATION = 'navigation',
NOTE = 'note',
PANE = 'pane',
PARAGRAPH = 'paragraph',
PDF_ACTIONABLE_HIGHLIGHT = 'pdfActionableHighlight',
PDF_ROOT = 'pdfRoot',
PLUGIN_OBJECT = 'pluginObject',
POP_UP_BUTTON = 'popUpButton',
PORTAL_DEPRECATED = 'portalDeprecated',
PRE_DEPRECATED = 'preDeprecated',
PROGRESS_INDICATOR = 'progressIndicator',
RADIO_BUTTON = 'radioButton',
RADIO_GROUP = 'radioGroup',
REGION = 'region',
ROOT_WEB_AREA = 'rootWebArea',
ROW = 'row',
ROW_GROUP = 'rowGroup',
ROW_HEADER = 'rowHeader',
RUBY = 'ruby',
RUBY_ANNOTATION = 'rubyAnnotation',
SCROLL_BAR = 'scrollBar',
SCROLL_VIEW = 'scrollView',
SEARCH = 'search',
SEARCH_BOX = 'searchBox',
SECTION = 'section',
SECTION_FOOTER = 'sectionFooter',
SECTION_HEADER = 'sectionHeader',
SECTION_WITHOUT_NAME = 'sectionWithoutName',
SLIDER = 'slider',
SPIN_BUTTON = 'spinButton',
SPLITTER = 'splitter',
STATIC_TEXT = 'staticText',
STATUS = 'status',
STRONG = 'strong',
SUBSCRIPT = 'subscript',
SUGGESTION = 'suggestion',
SUPERSCRIPT = 'superscript',
SVG_ROOT = 'svgRoot',
SWITCH = 'switch',
TAB = 'tab',
TAB_LIST = 'tabList',
TAB_PANEL = 'tabPanel',
TABLE = 'table',
TABLE_HEADER_CONTAINER = 'tableHeaderContainer',
TERM = 'term',
TEXT_FIELD = 'textField',
TEXT_FIELD_WITH_COMBO_BOX = 'textFieldWithComboBox',
TIME = 'time',
TIMER = 'timer',
TITLE_BAR = 'titleBar',
TOGGLE_BUTTON = 'toggleButton',
TOOLBAR = 'toolbar',
TOOLTIP = 'tooltip',
TREE = 'tree',
TREE_GRID = 'treeGrid',
TREE_ITEM = 'treeItem',
UNKNOWN = 'unknown',
VIDEO = 'video',
WEB_VIEW = 'webView',
WINDOW = 'window',
export enum StateType {
AUTOFILL_AVAILABLE = 'autofillAvailable',
COLLAPSED = 'collapsed',
DEFAULT = 'default',
EDITABLE = 'editable',
EXPANDED = 'expanded',
FOCUSABLE = 'focusable',
FOCUSED = 'focused',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
HOVERED = 'hovered',
IGNORED = 'ignored',
INVISIBLE = 'invisible',
LINKED = 'linked',
MULTILINE = 'multiline',
MULTISELECTABLE = 'multiselectable',
OFFSCREEN = 'offscreen',
PROTECTED = 'protected',
REQUIRED = 'required',
RICHLY_EDITABLE = 'richlyEditable',
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
VISITED = 'visited',
export enum ActionType {
ANNOTATE_PAGE_IMAGES = 'annotatePageImages',
BLUR = 'blur',
CLEAR_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS = 'clearAccessibilityFocus',
COLLAPSE = 'collapse',
CUSTOM_ACTION = 'customAction',
DECREMENT = 'decrement',
DO_DEFAULT = 'doDefault',
EXPAND = 'expand',
FOCUS = 'focus',
GET_IMAGE_DATA = 'getImageData',
GET_TEXT_LOCATION = 'getTextLocation',
HIDE_TOOLTIP = 'hideTooltip',
HIT_TEST = 'hitTest',
INCREMENT = 'increment',
INTERNAL_INVALIDATE_TREE = 'internalInvalidateTree',
LOAD_INLINE_TEXT_BOXES = 'loadInlineTextBoxes',
LONG_CLICK = 'longClick',
REPLACE_SELECTED_TEXT = 'replaceSelectedText',
RESUME_MEDIA = 'resumeMedia',
SCROLL_BACKWARD = 'scrollBackward',
SCROLL_DOWN = 'scrollDown',
SCROLL_FORWARD = 'scrollForward',
SCROLL_LEFT = 'scrollLeft',
SCROLL_RIGHT = 'scrollRight',
SCROLL_UP = 'scrollUp',
SCROLL_TO_MAKE_VISIBLE = 'scrollToMakeVisible',
SCROLL_TO_POINT = 'scrollToPoint',
SCROLL_TO_POSITION_AT_ROW_COLUMN = 'scrollToPositionAtRowColumn',
SET_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS = 'setAccessibilityFocus',
SET_SCROLL_OFFSET = 'setScrollOffset',
SET_SELECTION = 'setSelection',
SET_VALUE = 'setValue',
SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU = 'showContextMenu',
SIGNAL_END_OF_TEST = 'signalEndOfTest',
SHOW_TOOLTIP = 'showTooltip',
STITCH_CHILD_TREE = 'stitchChildTree',
START_DUCKING_MEDIA = 'startDuckingMedia',
STOP_DUCKING_MEDIA = 'stopDuckingMedia',
SUSPEND_MEDIA = 'suspendMedia',
export enum TreeChangeType {
NODE_CREATED = 'nodeCreated',
SUBTREE_CREATED = 'subtreeCreated',
NODE_CHANGED = 'nodeChanged',
TEXT_CHANGED = 'textChanged',
NODE_REMOVED = 'nodeRemoved',
SUBTREE_UPDATE_END = 'subtreeUpdateEnd',
export enum NameFromType {
ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute',
ATTRIBUTE_EXPLICITLY_EMPTY = 'attributeExplicitlyEmpty',
CAPTION = 'caption',
CONTENTS = 'contents',
PLACEHOLDER = 'placeholder',
POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE = 'popoverAttribute',
PROHIBITED = 'prohibited',
RELATED_ELEMENT = 'relatedElement',
TITLE = 'title',
VALUE = 'value',
export enum DescriptionFromType {
ARIA_DESCRIPTION = 'ariaDescription',
ATTRIBUTE_EXPLICITLY_EMPTY = 'attributeExplicitlyEmpty',
BUTTON_LABEL = 'buttonLabel',
POPOVER_ATTRIBUTE = 'popoverAttribute',
PROHIBITED_NAME_REPAIR = 'prohibitedNameRepair',
RELATED_ELEMENT = 'relatedElement',
RUBY_ANNOTATION = 'rubyAnnotation',
SUMMARY = 'summary',
SVG_DESC_ELEMENT = 'svgDescElement',
TABLE_CAPTION = 'tableCaption',
TITLE = 'title',
export enum Restriction {
DISABLED = 'disabled',
READ_ONLY = 'readOnly',
export enum HasPopup {
FALSE = 'false',
TRUE = 'true',
MENU = 'menu',
LISTBOX = 'listbox',
TREE = 'tree',
GRID = 'grid',
DIALOG = 'dialog',
export enum AriaCurrentState {
FALSE = 'false',
TRUE = 'true',
PAGE = 'page',
STEP = 'step',
LOCATION = 'location',
DATE = 'date',
TIME = 'time',
export enum InvalidState {
FALSE = 'false',
TRUE = 'true',
export enum DefaultActionVerb {
ACTIVATE = 'activate',
CHECK = 'check',
CLICK = 'click',
CLICK_ANCESTOR = 'clickAncestor',
JUMP = 'jump',
OPEN = 'open',
PRESS = 'press',
SELECT = 'select',
UNCHECK = 'uncheck',
export enum MarkerType {
SPELLING = 'spelling',
GRAMMAR = 'grammar',
TEXT_MATCH = 'textMatch',
ACTIVE_SUGGESTION = 'activeSuggestion',
SUGGESTION = 'suggestion',
HIGHLIGHT = 'highlight',
export enum IntentCommandType {
CLEAR_SELECTION = 'clearSelection',
DELETE = 'delete',
DICTATE = 'dictate',
EXTEND_SELECTION = 'extendSelection',
FORMAT = 'format',
HISTORY = 'history',
INSERT = 'insert',
MARKER = 'marker',
MOVE_SELECTION = 'moveSelection',
SET_SELECTION = 'setSelection',
export enum IntentInputEventType {
INSERT_TEXT = 'insertText',
INSERT_LINE_BREAK = 'insertLineBreak',
INSERT_PARAGRAPH = 'insertParagraph',
INSERT_ORDERED_LIST = 'insertOrderedList',
INSERT_UNORDERED_LIST = 'insertUnorderedList',
INSERT_HORIZONTAL_RULE = 'insertHorizontalRule',
INSERT_FROM_PASTE = 'insertFromPaste',
INSERT_FROM_DROP = 'insertFromDrop',
INSERT_FROM_YANK = 'insertFromYank',
INSERT_TRANSPOSE = 'insertTranspose',
INSERT_REPLACEMENT_TEXT = 'insertReplacementText',
INSERT_COMPOSITION_TEXT = 'insertCompositionText',
INSERT_LINK = 'insertLink',
DELETE_WORD_BACKWARD = 'deleteWordBackward',
DELETE_WORD_FORWARD = 'deleteWordForward',
DELETE_SOFT_LINE_BACKWARD = 'deleteSoftLineBackward',
DELETE_SOFT_LINE_FORWARD = 'deleteSoftLineForward',
DELETE_HARD_LINE_BACKWARD = 'deleteHardLineBackward',
DELETE_HARD_LINE_FORWARD = 'deleteHardLineForward',
DELETE_CONTENT_BACKWARD = 'deleteContentBackward',
DELETE_CONTENT_FORWARD = 'deleteContentForward',
DELETE_BY_CUT = 'deleteByCut',
DELETE_BY_DRAG = 'deleteByDrag',
HISTORY_UNDO = 'historyUndo',
HISTORY_REDO = 'historyRedo',
FORMAT_BOLD = 'formatBold',
FORMAT_ITALIC = 'formatItalic',
FORMAT_UNDERLINE = 'formatUnderline',
FORMAT_STRIKE_THROUGH = 'formatStrikeThrough',
FORMAT_SUPERSCRIPT = 'formatSuperscript',
FORMAT_SUBSCRIPT = 'formatSubscript',
FORMAT_JUSTIFY_CENTER = 'formatJustifyCenter',
FORMAT_JUSTIFY_FULL = 'formatJustifyFull',
FORMAT_JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 'formatJustifyRight',
FORMAT_JUSTIFY_LEFT = 'formatJustifyLeft',
FORMAT_INDENT = 'formatIndent',
FORMAT_OUTDENT = 'formatOutdent',
FORMAT_REMOVE = 'formatRemove',
FORMAT_SET_BLOCK_TEXT_DIRECTION = 'formatSetBlockTextDirection',
export enum IntentTextBoundaryType {
CHARACTER = 'character',
FORMAT_END = 'formatEnd',
FORMAT_START = 'formatStart',
FORMAT_START_OR_END = 'formatStartOrEnd',
LINE_END = 'lineEnd',
LINE_START = 'lineStart',
LINE_START_OR_END = 'lineStartOrEnd',
OBJECT = 'object',
PAGE_END = 'pageEnd',
PAGE_START = 'pageStart',
PAGE_START_OR_END = 'pageStartOrEnd',
PARAGRAPH_END = 'paragraphEnd',
PARAGRAPH_START = 'paragraphStart',
PARAGRAPH_START_OR_END = 'paragraphStartOrEnd',
SENTENCE_END = 'sentenceEnd',
SENTENCE_START = 'sentenceStart',
SENTENCE_START_OR_END = 'sentenceStartOrEnd',
WEB_PAGE = 'webPage',
WORD_END = 'wordEnd',
WORD_START = 'wordStart',
WORD_START_OR_END = 'wordStartOrEnd',
export enum IntentMoveDirectionType {
BACKWARD = 'backward',
FORWARD = 'forward',
export enum SortDirectionType {
UNSORTED = 'unsorted',
ASCENDING = 'ascending',
DESCENDING = 'descending',
OTHER = 'other',
export enum PositionType {
NULL = 'null',
TEXT = 'text',
TREE = 'tree',
export interface Rect {
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export interface FindParams {
role?: RoleType;
state?: {
[key: string]: any,
attributes?: {
[key: string]: any,
export interface SetDocumentSelectionParams {
anchorObject: AutomationNode;
anchorOffset: number;
focusObject: AutomationNode;
focusOffset: number;
export interface AutomationIntent {
command: IntentCommandType;
textBoundary: IntentTextBoundaryType;
moveDirection: IntentMoveDirectionType;
export interface AutomationEvent {
target: AutomationNode;
type: EventType;
eventFrom: string;
mouseX: number;
mouseY: number;
intents: AutomationIntent[];
stopPropagation: () => void;
export interface TreeChange {
target: AutomationNode;
type: TreeChangeType;
export enum TreeChangeObserverFilter {
NO_TREE_CHANGES = 'noTreeChanges',
LIVE_REGION_TREE_CHANGES = 'liveRegionTreeChanges',
TEXT_MARKER_CHANGES = 'textMarkerChanges',
ALL_TREE_CHANGES = 'allTreeChanges',
export interface CustomAction {
id: number;
description: string;
export interface Marker {
startOffset: number;
endOffset: number;
flags: {
[key: string]: any,
export interface AutomationPosition {
node?: AutomationNode;
childIndex: number;
textOffset: number;
affinity: string;
isNullPosition: () => boolean;
isTreePosition: () => boolean;
isTextPosition: () => boolean;
isLeafTextPosition: () => boolean;
atStartOfAnchor: () => boolean;
atEndOfAnchor: () => boolean;
atStartOfWord: () => boolean;
atEndOfWord: () => boolean;
atStartOfLine: () => boolean;
atEndOfLine: () => boolean;
atStartOfParagraph: () => boolean;
atEndOfParagraph: () => boolean;
atStartOfPage: () => boolean;
atEndOfPage: () => boolean;
atStartOfFormat: () => boolean;
atEndOfFormat: () => boolean;
atStartOfDocument: () => boolean;
atEndOfDocument: () => boolean;
asTreePosition: () => void;
asTextPosition: () => void;
asLeafTextPosition: () => void;
moveToPositionAtStartOfAnchor: () => void;
moveToPositionAtEndOfAnchor: () => void;
moveToPositionAtStartOfDocument: () => void;
moveToPositionAtEndOfDocument: () => void;
moveToParentPosition: () => void;
moveToNextLeafTreePosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousLeafTreePosition: () => void;
moveToNextLeafTextPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousLeafTextPosition: () => void;
moveToNextCharacterPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousCharacterPosition: () => void;
moveToNextWordStartPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousWordStartPosition: () => void;
moveToNextWordEndPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousWordEndPosition: () => void;
moveToNextLineStartPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousLineStartPosition: () => void;
moveToNextLineEndPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousLineEndPosition: () => void;
moveToNextFormatStartPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousFormatStartPosition: () => void;
moveToNextFormatEndPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousFormatEndPosition: () => void;
moveToNextParagraphStartPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousParagraphStartPosition: () => void;
moveToNextParagraphEndPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousParagraphEndPosition: () => void;
moveToNextPageStartPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousPageStartPosition: () => void;
moveToNextPageEndPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousPageEndPosition: () => void;
moveToNextAnchorPosition: () => void;
moveToPreviousAnchorPosition: () => void;
maxTextOffset: () => number;
isInLineBreak: () => boolean;
isInTextObject: () => boolean;
isInWhiteSpace: () => boolean;
isValid: () => boolean;
getText: () => string;
export interface AutomationNode {
root?: AutomationNode;
isRootNode: boolean;
role?: RoleType;
state?: {
[key: string]: any,
location: Rect;
(startIndex: number, endIndex: number,
callback: (bounds: Rect) => void) => void;
(startIndex: number, endIndex: number,
callback: (bounds: Rect) => void) => void;
unclippedLocation?: Rect;
description?: string;
checkedStateDescription?: string;
placeholder?: string;
roleDescription?: string;
name?: string;
doDefaultLabel?: string;
longClickLabel?: string;
tooltip?: string;
nameFrom?: NameFromType;
imageAnnotation?: string;
value?: string;
htmlId?: string;
htmlTag?: string;
hierarchicalLevel?: number;
caretBounds?: Rect;
wordStarts?: number[];
wordEnds?: number[];
sentenceStarts?: number[];
sentenceEnds?: number[];
nonInlineTextWordStarts?: number[];
nonInlineTextWordEnds?: number[];
controls?: AutomationNode[];
describedBy?: AutomationNode[];
flowTo?: AutomationNode[];
labelledBy?: AutomationNode[];
activeDescendant?: AutomationNode;
activeDescendantFor?: AutomationNode[];
inPageLinkTarget?: AutomationNode;
details?: AutomationNode[];
errorMessages?: AutomationNode[];
detailsFor?: AutomationNode[];
errorMessageFor?: AutomationNode[];
controlledBy?: AutomationNode[];
descriptionFor?: AutomationNode[];
flowFrom?: AutomationNode[];
labelFor?: AutomationNode[];
tableCellColumnHeaders?: AutomationNode[];
tableCellRowHeaders?: AutomationNode[];
standardActions?: ActionType[];
customActions?: CustomAction[];
defaultActionVerb?: DefaultActionVerb;
url?: string;
docUrl?: string;
docTitle?: string;
docLoaded?: boolean;
docLoadingProgress?: number;
scrollX?: number;
scrollXMin?: number;
scrollXMax?: number;
scrollY?: number;
scrollYMin?: number;
scrollYMax?: number;
scrollable?: boolean;
textSelStart?: number;
textSelEnd?: number;
markers?: Marker[];
isSelectionBackward?: boolean;
anchorObject?: AutomationNode;
anchorOffset?: number;
anchorAffinity?: string;
focusObject?: AutomationNode;
focusOffset?: number;
focusAffinity?: string;
selectionStartObject?: AutomationNode;
selectionStartOffset?: number;
selectionStartAffinity?: string;
selectionEndObject?: AutomationNode;
selectionEndOffset?: number;
selectionEndAffinity?: string;
notUserSelectableStyle?: boolean;
valueForRange?: number;
minValueForRange?: number;
maxValueForRange?: number;
posInSet?: number;
setSize?: number;
tableRowCount?: number;
ariaRowCount?: number;
tableColumnCount?: number;
ariaColumnCount?: number;
tableCellColumnIndex?: number;
tableCellAriaColumnIndex?: number;
tableCellColumnSpan?: number;
tableCellRowIndex?: number;
tableCellAriaRowIndex?: number;
tableCellRowSpan?: number;
tableColumnHeader?: AutomationNode;
tableRowHeader?: AutomationNode;
tableColumnIndex?: number;
tableRowIndex?: number;
liveStatus?: string;
liveRelevant?: string;
liveAtomic?: boolean;
busy?: boolean;
containerLiveStatus?: string;
containerLiveRelevant?: string;
containerLiveAtomic?: boolean;
containerLiveBusy?: boolean;
isButton: boolean;
isCheckBox: boolean;
isComboBox: boolean;
isImage: boolean;
hasHiddenOffscreenNodes: boolean;
autoComplete?: string;
className?: string;
modal?: boolean;
htmlAttributes?: {
[key: string]: any,
inputType?: string;
accessKey?: string;
ariaInvalidValue?: string;
display?: string;
imageDataUrl?: string;
language?: string;
detectedLanguage?: string;
hasPopup?: HasPopup;
restriction?: string;
checked?: string;
innerHtml?: string;
color?: number;
backgroundColor?: number;
colorValue?: number;
subscript: boolean;
superscript: boolean;
bold: boolean;
italic: boolean;
underline: boolean;
lineThrough: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
fontSize?: number;
fontFamily: string;
nonAtomicTextFieldRoot: boolean;
ariaCurrentState?: AriaCurrentState;
invalidState?: InvalidState;
appId?: string;
children: AutomationNode[];
parent?: AutomationNode;
firstChild?: AutomationNode;
lastChild?: AutomationNode;
previousSibling?: AutomationNode;
nextSibling?: AutomationNode;
previousOnLine?: AutomationNode;
nextOnLine?: AutomationNode;
previousFocus?: AutomationNode;
nextFocus?: AutomationNode;
previousWindowFocus?: AutomationNode;
nextWindowFocus?: AutomationNode;
indexInParent?: number;
sortDirection: SortDirectionType;
clickable: boolean;
doDefault: () => void;
focus: () => void;
getImageData: (maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number) => void;
hitTest: (x: number, y: number, eventToFire: EventType) => void;
(x: number, y: number,
callback: (node: AutomationNode) => void) => void;
makeVisible: () => void;
performCustomAction: (customActionId: number) => void;
performStandardAction: (actionType: ActionType) => void;
replaceSelectedText: (value: string) => void;
setAccessibilityFocus: () => void;
setSelection: (startIndex: number, endIndex: number) => void;
setSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint: () => void;
setValue: (value: string) => void;
showContextMenu: () => void;
resumeMedia: () => void;
startDuckingMedia: () => void;
stopDuckingMedia: () => void;
suspendMedia: () => void;
longClick: () => void;
scrollBackward: (callback?: (result: boolean) => void) => void;
scrollForward: (callback?: (result: boolean) => void) => void;
scrollUp: (callback?: (result: boolean) => void) => void;
scrollDown: (callback?: (result: boolean) => void) => void;
scrollLeft: (callback?: (result: boolean) => void) => void;
scrollRight: (callback?: (result: boolean) => void) => void;
scrollToPoint: (x: number, y: number) => void;
setScrollOffset: (x: number, y: number) => void;
(eventType: EventType, listener: (event: AutomationEvent) => void,
capture: boolean) => void;
(eventType: EventType, listener: (event: AutomationEvent) => void,
capture: boolean) => void;
find: (params: FindParams) => AutomationNode;
findAll: (params: FindParams) => AutomationNode[];
matches: (params: FindParams) => boolean;
(searchStr: string, backward: boolean) => AutomationNode;
(type: PositionType, offset: number,
isUpstream?: boolean) => AutomationPosition;
[key: string]: any;
export function getDesktop(callback: (node: AutomationNode) => void): void;
export function getFocus(callback: (node: AutomationNode) => void): void;
export function getAccessibilityFocus(
callback: (node: AutomationNode) => void): void;
export function addTreeChangeObserver(
filter: TreeChangeObserverFilter,
observer: (treeChange: TreeChange) => void): void;
export function removeTreeChangeObserver(
observer: (treeChange: TreeChange) => void): void;
export function setDocumentSelection(params: SetDocumentSelectionParams):