// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {ChromeEvent} from '../../../../../../tools/typescript/definitions/chrome_event.js';
// TODO(crbug.com/40179454): Auto-generate this file.
declare global {
namespace chrome {
export namespace tts {
export enum EventType {
START = 'start',
END = 'end',
WORD = 'word',
SENTENCE = 'sentence',
MARKER = 'marker',
INTERRUPTED = 'interrupted',
CANCELLED = 'cancelled',
ERROR = 'error',
PAUSE = 'pause',
RESUME = 'resume',
export class TtsOptions {
enqueue?: boolean;
voiceName?: string;
extensionId?: string;
lang?: string;
rate?: number;
pitch?: number;
volume?: number;
requiredEventTypes?: string[];
desiredEventTypes?: string[];
onEvent?: (event: TtsEvent) => void;
export interface TtsEvent {
type: EventType;
charIndex?: number;
errorMessage?: string;
srcId?: number;
isFinalEvent?: boolean;
length?: number;
export interface TtsVoice {
voiceName?: string;
lang?: string;
remote?: boolean;
extensionId?: string;
eventTypes?: EventType[];
export function speak(
utterance: string, options: TtsOptions, callback?: () => void): void;
export function stop(): void;
export function pause(): void;
export function resume(): void;
export function isSpeaking(callback?: (param: boolean) => void): void;
export function getVoices(callback?: (param: TtsVoice[]) => void): void;
export const onEvent: ChromeEvent<(event: TtsEvent) => void>;
export const onVoicesChanged: ChromeEvent<() => void>;