
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {RectUtil} from '/common/rect_util.js';

import {SelectToSpeakConstants} from './select_to_speak_constants.js';

 * Callbacks for InputHandler.
 * |canStartSelecting| returns true if the user can start selecting a region
 * with the mouse. |onSelectingStateChanged| is called when the user starts or
 * ends selecting with the mouse. |onSelectionChanged| is called when the
 * region selected with the mouse changes size. |onKeystrokeSelection| is called
 * when a keystroke is completed indicating that highlighted text is selected to
 * be used. |onRequestCancel| is called when the user has indicated that the
 * current selection or speech should be canceled. |onTextReceived| is called
 * when a copy-paste event results in text to be spoken.
interface SelectToSpeakCallbacks {
  canStartSelecting: () => boolean;
      (isSelecting: boolean, mouseX: number, mouseY: number) => void;
           {left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}) => void;
  onKeystrokeSelection: () => void;
  onRequestCancel: () => void;
  onTextReceived: (text: string) => void;

 * Class to handle user-input, from mouse, keyboard, and copy-paste events.
export class InputHandler {
  private callbacks_: SelectToSpeakCallbacks;
  private didTrackMouse_: boolean;
  private isSearchKeyDown_: boolean;
  private isSelectionKeyDown_: boolean;
  private keysCurrentlyDown_: Set<number>;
  private keysPressedTogether_: Set<number>;
  private lastClearClipboardDataTime_: Date;
  private lastReadClipboardDataTime_: Date;
  private mouseStart_: {x: number, y: number};
  private mouseEnd_: {x: number, y: number};
  private trackingMouse_: boolean;
  static kClipboardClearMaxDelayMs: number;
  static kClipboardReadMaxDelayMs: number;

   * Please keep fields in alphabetical order.
  constructor(callbacks: SelectToSpeakCallbacks) {
    this.callbacks_ = callbacks;
    this.didTrackMouse_ = false;
    this.isSearchKeyDown_ = false;
    this.isSelectionKeyDown_ = false;
    this.keysCurrentlyDown_ = new Set();

     * All of the keys pressed since the last time 0 keys were pressed.
    this.keysPressedTogether_ = new Set();

     * The timestamp at which the last clipboard data clear was requested.
     * Used to make sure we don't clear the clipboard on a user's request,
     * but only after the clipboard was used to read selected text.
    this.lastClearClipboardDataTime_ = new Date(0);

     * The timestamp at which clipboard data read was requested by the user
     * doing a "read selection" keystroke on a Google Docs app. If a
     * clipboard change event comes in within kClipboardReadMaxDelayMs,
     * Select-to-Speak will read that text out loud.
    this.lastReadClipboardDataTime_ = new Date(0);

    this.mouseStart_ = {x: 0, y: 0};
    this.mouseEnd_ = {x: 0, y: 0};
    this.trackingMouse_ = false;

  private clearClipboard_(): void {
    this.lastClearClipboardDataTime_ = new Date();

  private onClipboardCopy_(evt: ClipboardEvent): void {
    if (new Date().getTime() - this.lastClearClipboardDataTime_.getTime() <
        InputHandler.kClipboardClearMaxDelayMs) {
      // onClipboardPaste has just completed reading the clipboard for speech.
      // This is used to clear the clipboard.
      // @ts-ignore: TODO(b/270623046): clipboardData can be null.
      evt.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', '');
      this.lastClearClipboardDataTime_ = new Date(0);

  private onClipboardDataChanged_() : void {
    if (new Date().getTime() - this.lastReadClipboardDataTime_.getTime() <
        InputHandler.kClipboardReadMaxDelayMs) {
      // The data has changed, and we are ready to read it.
      // Get it using a paste.

  private onClipboardPaste_(evt: ClipboardEvent): void {
    if (new Date().getTime() - this.lastReadClipboardDataTime_.getTime() <
        InputHandler.kClipboardReadMaxDelayMs) {
      // Read the current clipboard data.
      // @ts-ignore: TODO(b/270623046): clipboardData can be null.
      this.lastReadClipboardDataTime_ = new Date(0);
      // Clear the clipboard data by copying nothing (the current document).
      // Do this in a timeout to avoid a recursive warning per
      setTimeout(() => this.clearClipboard_(), 0);

   * Set up event listeners for mouse and keyboard events. These are
   * forwarded to us from the SelectToSpeakEventHandler so they should
   * be interpreted as global events on the whole screen, not local to
   * any particular window.
  setUpEventListeners(): void {
        () => this.onClipboardDataChanged_());
    document.addEventListener('paste', evt => this.onClipboardPaste_(evt));
    document.addEventListener('copy', evt => this.onClipboardCopy_(evt));
        (keysPressed) => {
          this.onKeysPressedChanged(new Set(keysPressed));
        (eventType, mouseX, mouseY) => {
          this.onMouseEvent(eventType, mouseX, mouseY);

   * Change whether or not we are tracking the mouse.
   * @param tracking True if we should start tracking the mouse, false
   *     otherwise.
  setTrackingMouse(tracking: boolean): void {
    this.trackingMouse_ = tracking;

   * Gets the rect that has been drawn by clicking and dragging the mouse.
  getMouseRect(): {top: number, left: number, width: number, height: number} {
    return RectUtil.rectFromPoints(
        this.mouseStart_.x, this.mouseStart_.y, this.mouseEnd_.x,

   * Sets the date at which we last wanted the clipboard data to be read.
  onRequestReadClipboardData(): void {
    this.lastReadClipboardDataTime_ = new Date();

   * Called when the mouse is pressed, released or moved and the user is
   * in a mode where select-to-speak is capturing mouse events (for example
   * holding down Search).
   * Visible for testing.
   * @param type The event type.
   * @param mouseX The mouse x coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
   * @param mouseY The mouse y coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
   * Visible for testing.
      type: chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SyntheticMouseEventType, mouseX: number,
      mouseY: number): void {
    if (type === chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SyntheticMouseEventType.PRESS) {
      this.onMouseDown_(mouseX, mouseY);
    } else if (
        type === chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SyntheticMouseEventType.RELEASE) {
      this.onMouseUp_(mouseX, mouseY);
    } else {
      this.onMouseMove_(mouseX, mouseY);

   * Called when the mouse is pressed and the user is in a
   * mode where select-to-speak is capturing mouse events (for example
   * holding down Search).
   * @param mouseX The mouse x coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
   * @param mouseY The mouse y coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
  private onMouseDown_(mouseX: number, mouseY: number): boolean {
    // If the user hasn't clicked 'search', or if they are currently
    // trying to highlight a selection, don't track the mouse.
    if (this.callbacks_.canStartSelecting() &&
        (!this.isSearchKeyDown_ || this.isSelectionKeyDown_)) {
      return false;

        true /* is selecting */, mouseX, mouseY);

    this.trackingMouse_ = true;
    this.didTrackMouse_ = true;
    this.mouseStart_ = {x: mouseX, y: mouseY};
    this.onMouseMove_(mouseX, mouseY);

    return false;

   * Called when the mouse is moved or dragged and the user is in a
   * mode where select-to-speak is capturing mouse events (for example
   * holding down Search).
   * @param mouseX The mouse x coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
   * @param mouseY The mouse y coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
  private onMouseMove_(mouseX: number, mouseY: number): void {
    if (!this.trackingMouse_) {

    const rect = RectUtil.rectFromPoints(
        this.mouseStart_.x, this.mouseStart_.y, mouseX, mouseY);

   * Called when the mouse is released and the user is in a
   * mode where select-to-speak is capturing mouse events (for example
   * holding down Search).
   * @param mouseX The mouse x coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
   * @param mouseY The mouse y coordinate in global screen
   *     coordinates.
  private onMouseUp_(mouseX: number, mouseY: number): void {
    if (!this.trackingMouse_) {
    this.onMouseMove_(mouseX, mouseY);
    this.trackingMouse_ = false;
    if (!this.keysCurrentlyDown_.has(SelectToSpeakConstants.SEARCH_KEY_CODE)) {
      // This is only needed to cancel something started with the search key.
      this.didTrackMouse_ = false;

    this.mouseEnd_ = {x: mouseX, y: mouseY};
    var ctrX = Math.floor((this.mouseStart_.x + this.mouseEnd_.x) / 2);
    var ctrY = Math.floor((this.mouseStart_.y + this.mouseEnd_.y) / 2);

        false /* is no longer selecting */, ctrX, ctrY);

   * Visible for testing.
  onKeysPressedChanged(keysCurrentlyPressed: Set<number>): void {
    if (keysCurrentlyPressed.size > this.keysCurrentlyDown_.size) {
      // If a key was pressed.
      for (const key of keysCurrentlyPressed) {
        // Union with keysPressedTogether_ to track all the keys that have been
        // pressed.
      if (this.keysPressedTogether_.size === 1 &&
          keysCurrentlyPressed.has(SelectToSpeakConstants.SEARCH_KEY_CODE)) {
        this.isSearchKeyDown_ = true;
      } else if (
          this.isSearchKeyDown_ && keysCurrentlyPressed.size === 2 &&
              SelectToSpeakConstants.READ_SELECTION_KEY_CODE) &&
          !this.trackingMouse_) {
        // Only go into selection mode if we aren't already tracking the mouse.
        this.isSelectionKeyDown_ = true;
      } else if (!this.trackingMouse_) {
        // Some other key was pressed.
        this.isSearchKeyDown_ = false;
    } else {
      // If a key was released.
      const searchKeyReleased =
          this.keysCurrentlyDown_.has(SelectToSpeakConstants.SEARCH_KEY_CODE) &&
      const ctrlKeyReleased = this.keysCurrentlyDown_.has(
                                  SelectToSpeakConstants.CONTROL_KEY_CODE) &&
      const speakSelectionKeyReleased =
              SelectToSpeakConstants.READ_SELECTION_KEY_CODE) &&
      if (speakSelectionKeyReleased) {
        if (this.isSelectionKeyDown_ && this.keysPressedTogether_.size === 2 &&
                SelectToSpeakConstants.SEARCH_KEY_CODE)) {
        this.isSelectionKeyDown_ = false;
      } else if (searchKeyReleased) {
        // Search key released.
        this.isSearchKeyDown_ = false;
        // If we were in the middle of tracking the mouse, cancel it.
        if (this.trackingMouse_) {
          this.trackingMouse_ = false;
      // Stop speech when the user taps and releases Control or Search
      // without using the mouse or pressing any other keys along the way.
      if (!this.didTrackMouse_ && (ctrlKeyReleased || searchKeyReleased) &&
          this.keysPressedTogether_.size === 1) {
        this.trackingMouse_ = false;
      // We don't remove from keysPressedTogether_ because it tracks all the
      // keys which were pressed since pressing started.

    // Reset our state with the Chrome OS key state. This ensures that even if
    // we miss a key event (may happen during login/logout/screensaver?) we
    // quickly get back to the correct state.
    this.keysCurrentlyDown_ = keysCurrentlyPressed;
    if (this.keysCurrentlyDown_.size === 0) {
      this.didTrackMouse_ = false;

// Number of milliseconds to wait after requesting a clipboard read
// before clipboard change and paste events are ignored.
InputHandler.kClipboardReadMaxDelayMs = 1000;

// Number of milliseconds to wait after requesting a clipboard copy
// before clipboard copy events are ignored, used to clear the clipboard
// after reading data in a paste event.
InputHandler.kClipboardClearMaxDelayMs = 500;