
// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <stddef.h>

#include "KHR/khrplatform.h"

#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// This is the platform independent interface between an OGL driver
// and the shading language compiler.

// Note: make sure to increment ANGLE_SH_VERSION when changing ShaderVars.h
#include "ShaderVars.h"

// Version number for shader translation API.
// It is incremented every time the API changes.

enum ShShaderSpec

enum ShShaderOutput

struct ShCompileOptionsMetal

// For ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage.
// Instructs the compiler which pixel local storage configuration to generate code for.
enum class ShPixelLocalStorageType : uint8_t

// For ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage_coherent.
// Instructs the compiler which fragment synchronization method to use, if any.
enum class ShFragmentSynchronizationType : uint8_t

struct ShPixelLocalStorageOptions

struct ShCompileOptions

// The 64 bits hash function. The first parameter is the input string; the
// second parameter is the string length.

// Implementation dependent built-in resources (constants and extensions).
// The names for these resources has been obtained by stripping gl_/GL_.
struct ShBuiltInResources

// ShHandle held by but opaque to the driver.  It is allocated,
// managed, and de-allocated by the compiler. Its contents
// are defined by and used by the compiler.
// If handle creation fails, 0 will be returned.

namespace sh

// Driver must call this first, once, before doing any other compiler operations.
// If the function succeeds, the return value is true, else false.
bool Initialize();
// Driver should call this at shutdown.
// If the function succeeds, the return value is true, else false.
bool Finalize();

// Initialize built-in resources with minimum expected values.
// Parameters:
// resources: The object to initialize. Will be comparable with memcmp.
void InitBuiltInResources(ShBuiltInResources *resources);

// Returns a copy of the current ShBuiltInResources stored in the compiler.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the handle of the compiler to be used.
ShBuiltInResources GetBuiltInResources(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns the a concatenated list of the items in ShBuiltInResources as a null-terminated string.
// This function must be updated whenever ShBuiltInResources is changed.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the handle of the compiler to be used.
const std::string &GetBuiltInResourcesString(const ShHandle handle);

// Driver calls these to create and destroy compiler objects.
// Returns the handle of constructed compiler, null if the requested compiler is not supported.
// Parameters:
// type: Specifies the type of shader - GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER or GL_VERTEX_SHADER.
// spec: Specifies the language spec the compiler must conform to - SH_GLES2_SPEC or SH_WEBGL_SPEC.
// output: Specifies the output code type - for example SH_ESSL_OUTPUT, SH_GLSL_OUTPUT,
//         SH_HLSL_3_0_OUTPUT or SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT. Note: Each output type may only
//         be supported in some configurations.
// resources: Specifies the built-in resources.
ShHandle ConstructCompiler(sh::GLenum type,
                           ShShaderSpec spec,
                           ShShaderOutput output,
                           const ShBuiltInResources *resources);
void Destruct(ShHandle handle);

// Compiles the given shader source.
// If the function succeeds, the return value is true, else false.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the handle of compiler to be used.
// shaderStrings: Specifies an array of pointers to null-terminated strings containing the shader
// source code.
// numStrings: Specifies the number of elements in shaderStrings array.
// compileOptions: A mask of compile options defined above.
bool Compile(const ShHandle handle,
             const char *const shaderStrings[],
             size_t numStrings,
             const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions);

// Clears the results from the previous compilation.
void ClearResults(const ShHandle handle);

// Return the version of the shader language.
int GetShaderVersion(const ShHandle handle);

// Return the currently set language output type.
ShShaderOutput GetShaderOutputType(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns null-terminated information log for a compiled shader.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
const std::string &GetInfoLog(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns null-terminated object code for a compiled shader.  Only valid for output types that
// generate human-readable code (GLSL, ESSL or HLSL).
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
const std::string &GetObjectCode(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns object binary blob for a compiled shader.  Only valid for output types that
// generate binary blob (SPIR-V).
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
const BinaryBlob &GetObjectBinaryBlob(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns a full binary for a compiled shader, to be loaded with glShaderBinary during runtime.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
bool GetShaderBinary(const ShHandle handle,
                     const char *const shaderStrings[],
                     size_t numStrings,
                     const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
                     ShaderBinaryBlob *const binaryOut);

// Returns a (original_name, hash) map containing all the user defined names in the shader,
// including variable names, function names, struct names, and struct field names.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
const std::map<std::string, std::string> *GetNameHashingMap(const ShHandle handle);

// Shader variable inspection.
// Returns a pointer to a list of variables of the designated type.
// (See ShaderVars.h for type definitions, included above)
// Returns NULL on failure.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> *GetUniforms(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> *GetVaryings(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> *GetInputVaryings(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> *GetOutputVaryings(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> *GetAttributes(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> *GetOutputVariables(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> *GetInterfaceBlocks(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> *GetUniformBlocks(const ShHandle handle);
const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> *GetShaderStorageBlocks(const ShHandle handle);
sh::WorkGroupSize GetComputeShaderLocalGroupSize(const ShHandle handle);
// Returns the number of views specified through the num_views layout qualifier. If num_views is
// not set, the function returns -1.
int GetVertexShaderNumViews(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns specialization constant usage bits
uint32_t GetShaderSpecConstUsageBits(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns true if the passed in variables pack in maxVectors followingthe packing rules from the
// GLSL 1.017 spec, Appendix A, section 7.
// Returns false otherwise. Also look at the enforcePackingRestrictions flag above.
// Parameters:
// maxVectors: the available rows of registers.
// variables: an array of variables.
bool CheckVariablesWithinPackingLimits(int maxVectors,
                                       const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &variables);

// Gives the compiler-assigned register for a shader storage block.
// The method writes the value to the output variable "indexOut".
// Returns true if it found a valid shader storage block, false otherwise.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
// shaderStorageBlockName: Specifies the shader storage block
// indexOut: output variable that stores the assigned register
bool GetShaderStorageBlockRegister(const ShHandle handle,
                                   const std::string &shaderStorageBlockName,
                                   unsigned int *indexOut);

// Gives the compiler-assigned register for a uniform block.
// The method writes the value to the output variable "indexOut".
// Returns true if it found a valid uniform block, false otherwise.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
// uniformBlockName: Specifies the uniform block
// indexOut: output variable that stores the assigned register
bool GetUniformBlockRegister(const ShHandle handle,
                             const std::string &uniformBlockName,
                             unsigned int *indexOut);

bool ShouldUniformBlockUseStructuredBuffer(const ShHandle handle,
                                           const std::string &uniformBlockName);
const std::set<std::string> *GetSlowCompilingUniformBlockSet(const ShHandle handle);

// Gives a map from uniform names to compiler-assigned registers in the default uniform block.
// Note that the map contains also registers of samplers that have been extracted from structs.
const std::map<std::string, unsigned int> *GetUniformRegisterMap(const ShHandle handle);

// Sampler, image and atomic counters share registers(t type and u type),
// GetReadonlyImage2DRegisterIndex and GetImage2DRegisterIndex return the first index into
// a range of reserved registers for image2D/iimage2D/uimage2D variables.
// Parameters: handle: Specifies the compiler
unsigned int GetReadonlyImage2DRegisterIndex(const ShHandle handle);
unsigned int GetImage2DRegisterIndex(const ShHandle handle);

// The method records these used function names related with image2D/iimage2D/uimage2D, these
// functions will be dynamically generated.
// Parameters:
// handle: Specifies the compiler
const std::set<std::string> *GetUsedImage2DFunctionNames(const ShHandle handle);

uint8_t GetClipDistanceArraySize(const ShHandle handle);
uint8_t GetCullDistanceArraySize(const ShHandle handle);
GLenum GetGeometryShaderInputPrimitiveType(const ShHandle handle);
GLenum GetGeometryShaderOutputPrimitiveType(const ShHandle handle);
int GetGeometryShaderInvocations(const ShHandle handle);
int GetGeometryShaderMaxVertices(const ShHandle handle);
unsigned int GetShaderSharedMemorySize(const ShHandle handle);
int GetTessControlShaderVertices(const ShHandle handle);
GLenum GetTessGenMode(const ShHandle handle);
GLenum GetTessGenSpacing(const ShHandle handle);
GLenum GetTessGenVertexOrder(const ShHandle handle);
GLenum GetTessGenPointMode(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns a bitset of sh::MetadataFlags.  This bundles various bits purely for convenience.
uint32_t GetMetadataFlags(const ShHandle handle);

// Returns the blend equation list supported in the fragment shader.  This is a bitset of
// gl::BlendEquationType, and can only include bits from KHR_blend_equation_advanced.
uint32_t GetAdvancedBlendEquations(const ShHandle handle);

// Helper function to identify specs that are based on the WebGL spec.
inline bool IsWebGLBasedSpec(ShShaderSpec spec)

// Helper function to identify DesktopGL specs
inline bool IsDesktopGLSpec(ShShaderSpec spec)

// Can't prefix with just _ because then we might introduce a double underscore, which is not safe
// in GLSL (ESSL 3.00.6 section 3.8: All identifiers containing a double underscore are reserved for
// use by the underlying implementation). u is short for user-defined.
extern const char kUserDefinedNamePrefix[];

enum class MetadataFlags

namespace vk

// Specialization constant ids
enum class SpecializationConstantId : uint32_t

enum class SpecConstUsage : uint32_t

enum ColorAttachmentDitherControl

namespace spirv
enum NonSemanticInstruction

// The non-semantic instruction id has many bits available.  With kNonSemanticOverview, they are
// used to provide additional overview details.  Providing this information in the instruction's
// payload require OpConstants and recovering those, which is unnecessary complexity.
constexpr uint32_t kNonSemanticInstructionBits       =;
constexpr uint32_t kNonSemanticInstructionMask       =;
constexpr uint32_t kOverviewHasSampleRateShadingMask =;
constexpr uint32_t kOverviewHasSampleIDMask          =;
constexpr uint32_t kOverviewHasOutputPerVertexMask   =;

enum ReservedIds
}  // namespace spirv

// Packing information for driver uniform's misc field:
// - 1 bit for whether surface rotation results in swapped axes
// - 5 bits for advanced blend equation
// - 6 bits for sample count
// - 8 bits for enabled clip planes
// - 1 bit for whether depth should be transformed to Vulkan clip space
// - 1 bit for whether alpha to coverage is enabled
// - 10 bits unused
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscSwapXYMask                  =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscAdvancedBlendEquationOffset =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscAdvancedBlendEquationMask   =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscSampleCountOffset           =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscSampleCountMask             =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscEnabledClipPlanesOffset     =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscEnabledClipPlanesMask       =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscTransformDepthOffset        =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscTransformDepthMask          =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscAlphaToCoverageOffset       =;
constexpr uint32_t kDriverUniformsMiscAlphaToCoverageMask         =;
}  // namespace vk

namespace mtl
// Specialization constant to enable multisampled rendering behavior.
extern const char kMultisampledRenderingConstName[];

// Specialization constant to emulate rasterizer discard.
extern const char kRasterizerDiscardEnabledConstName[];

// Specialization constant to enable depth write in fragment shaders.
extern const char kDepthWriteEnabledConstName[];

// Specialization constant to enable alpha to coverage.
extern const char kEmulateAlphaToCoverageConstName[];

// Specialization constant to write helper sample mask output.
extern const char kWriteHelperSampleMaskConstName[];

// Specialization constant to enable sample mask output.
extern const char kSampleMaskWriteEnabledConstName[];
}  // namespace mtl

}  // namespace sh