// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {constants} from '/common/constants.js';
import {SAChildNode, SANode, SARootNode} from './nodes/switch_access_node.js';
import MenuAction = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SwitchAccessMenuAction;
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
type Point = constants.Point;
export abstract class ItemNavigatorInterface {
abstract currentGroupHasChild(node: SAChildNode): boolean;
/** Enters |this.node_|. */
abstract enterGroup(): void;
* Puts focus on the virtual keyboard, if the current node is a text input.
abstract enterKeyboard(): void;
/** Unconditionally exits the current group. */
abstract exitGroupUnconditionally(): void;
/** Exits the specified node, if it is the currently focused group. */
abstract exitIfInGroup(node: (AutomationNode|SANode|null)): void;
abstract exitKeyboard(): Promise<void>;
* Forces the current node to be |node|.
* Should only be called by subclasses of SARootNode and
* only when they are focused.
abstract forceFocusedNode(node: SAChildNode): void;
* Returns the current Switch Access tree, for debugging purposes.
* @param wholeTree Whether to print the whole tree, or just the
* current focus.
abstract getTreeForDebugging(wholeTree: boolean): SARootNode;
* Jumps to a specific automation node. Maintains the history when
* navigating.
abstract jumpTo(automationNode: AutomationNode): void;
/** Move to the previous interesting node. */
abstract moveBackward(): void;
/** Move to the next interesting node. */
abstract moveForward(): void;
* Tries to move to another node, |node|, but if |node| is a window that's not
* in the foreground it will use |getNext| to find the next node to try.
* Checks against |startingNode| to ensure we don't get stuck in an infinite
* loop.
* @param node The node to try to move into.
* @param getNext gets the next node to
* try if we cannot move to |next|. Takes |next| as a parameter.
* @param startingNode The first node in the sequence. If we
* loop back to this node, stop trying to move, as there are no other
* nodes we can move to.
abstract tryMoving(
_node: SAChildNode, _getNext: (node: SAChildNode) => SAChildNode,
_startingNode: SAChildNode): Promise<void>;
* Moves to the Switch Access focus up the group stack closest to the ancestor
* that hasn't been invalidated.
abstract moveToValidNode(): void;
/** Restarts item scanning from the last point chosen by point scanning. */
abstract restart(): void;
/** Restores the suspended group and focus, if there is one. */
abstract restoreSuspendedGroup(): void;
/** Saves the current focus and group, and then exits the group. */
abstract suspendCurrentGroup(): void;
* Called when everything has been initialized to add the listeners and find
* the initial focus.
abstract start(): void;
// =============== Getter Methods ==============
/** Returns the currently focused node. */
abstract get currentNode(): SAChildNode;
/** Returns the desktop automation node object. */
abstract get desktopNode(): AutomationNode;
export abstract class PointNavigatorInterface {
/** Returns the current point scan point. */
abstract get currentPoint(): Point;
/** Starts point scanning. */
abstract start(): void;
/** Stops point scanning. */
abstract stop(): void;
/** Performs a mouse action at the currentPoint(). */
abstract performMouseAction(action: MenuAction): void;