// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '/common/automation_predicate.js';
import {EventGenerator} from '/common/event_generator.js';
import {KeyCode} from '/common/key_code.js';
import {RepeatedEventHandler} from '/common/repeated_event_handler.js';
import {Navigator} from '../navigator.js';
import {ActionResponse} from '../switch_access_constants.js';
import {BasicNode} from './basic_node.js';
import {SARootNode} from './switch_access_node.js';
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
const EventType = chrome.automation.EventType;
import MenuAction = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SwitchAccessMenuAction;
* This class handles interactions with combo boxes.
* TODO(anastasi): Add a test for this class.
class ComboBoxNode extends BasicNode {
private expandedChangedHandler_?: RepeatedEventHandler | null;
constructor(baseNode: AutomationNode, parent: SARootNode | null) {
super(baseNode, parent);
override get actions(): MenuAction[] {
const actions = super.actions;
if (!actions.includes(MenuAction.INCREMENT) &&
!actions.includes(MenuAction.DECREMENT)) {
actions.push(MenuAction.INCREMENT, MenuAction.DECREMENT);
return actions;
override onFocus(): void {
this.expandedChangedHandler_ = new RepeatedEventHandler(
this.automationNode, EventType.EXPANDED,
() => this.onExpandedChanged(), {exactMatch: true});
override onUnfocus(): void {
if (this.expandedChangedHandler_) {
this.expandedChangedHandler_ = null;
override performAction(action: MenuAction): ActionResponse {
// The box of options that typically pops up with combo boxes is not
// currently given a location in the automation tree, so we work around that
// by selecting a value without opening the pop-up, using the up and down
// arrows.
switch (action) {
case MenuAction.DECREMENT:
return ActionResponse.REMAIN_OPEN;
case MenuAction.INCREMENT:
return ActionResponse.REMAIN_OPEN;
return super.performAction(action);
onExpandedChanged(): void {
// TODO: figure out why a short timeout is needed here.
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.isGroup()) {
}, 250);
predicate: AutomationPredicate.comboBox,
creator: (node, parent) => new ComboBoxNode(node, parent),