// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {AsyncUtil} from '/common/async_util.js';
import {EventHandler} from '/common/event_handler.js';
import {FlagName, Flags} from '/common/flags.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
import {Navigator} from './navigator.js';
import {KeyboardRootNode} from './nodes/keyboard_node.js';
import {ErrorType, Mode} from './switch_access_constants.js';
type AutomationEvent = chrome.automation.AutomationEvent;
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
const EventType = chrome.automation.EventType;
type FindParams = chrome.automation.FindParams;
const RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
let readyCallback: VoidFunction;
const readyPromise: Promise<void> =
new Promise(resolve => readyCallback = resolve);
* The top-level class for the Switch Access accessibility feature. Handles
* initialization and small matters that don't fit anywhere else in the
* codebase.
export class SwitchAccess {
static instance?: SwitchAccess;
static mode = Mode.ITEM_SCAN;
private constructor() {}
static async init(desktop: AutomationNode): Promise<void> {
if (SwitchAccess.instance) {
throw new Error('Cannot create two SwitchAccess.instances');
SwitchAccess.instance = new SwitchAccess();
const currentFocus = await AsyncUtil.getFocus();
await SwitchAccess.instance.waitForFocus_(desktop, currentFocus);
/** Starts Switch Access behavior. */
static start(): void {
static async ready(): Promise<void> {
return readyPromise;
* Returns whether or not the feature flag
* for improved text input is enabled.
static improvedTextInputEnabled(): boolean {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
return Flags.isEnabled(FlagName.SWITCH_ACCESS_TEXT)!;
* Helper function to robustly find a node fitting a given FindParams, even if
* that node has not yet been created.
* Used to find the menu and back button.
static findNodeMatching(
findParams: FindParams,
foundCallback: (node: AutomationNode) => void): void {
const desktop = Navigator.byItem.desktopNode;
// First, check if the node is currently in the tree.
let node = desktop.find(findParams);
if (node) {
// If it's not currently in the tree, listen for changes to the desktop
// tree.
const eventHandler = new EventHandler(
desktop, EventType.CHILDREN_CHANGED, (_evt: AutomationEvent) => {});
const onEvent = (event: AutomationEvent): void => {
if (event.target.matches(findParams)) {
// If the event target is the node we're looking for, we've found it.
} else if (event.target.children.length > 0) {
// Otherwise, see if one of its children is the node we're looking for.
node = event.target.find(findParams);
if (node) {
/** Creates and records the specified error. */
static error(
errorType: ErrorType, errorString: string,
shouldRecover = false): Error {
if (shouldRecover) {
setTimeout(Navigator.byItem.moveToValidNode.bind(Navigator.byItem), 0);
const errorTypeCountForUMA = Object.keys(ErrorType).length;
'Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.Error', errorType,
return new Error(errorString);
private async waitForFocus_(
desktop: AutomationNode,
currentFocus: AutomationNode | undefined): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Focus is available. Finish init without waiting for further events.
// Disallow web view nodes, which indicate a root web area is still
// loading and pending focus.
if (currentFocus && currentFocus.role !== RoleType.WEB_VIEW) {
// Wait for the focus to be sent. If |currentFocus| was undefined, this is
// guaranteed. Otherwise, also set a timed callback to ensure we do
// eventually init.
let callbackId = 0;
const listener = (maybeEvent: AutomationEvent | undefined): void => {
if (maybeEvent && maybeEvent.target.role === RoleType.WEB_VIEW) {
desktop.removeEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, listener, false);
desktop.addEventListener(EventType.FOCUS, listener, false);
callbackId = setTimeout(listener, 5000);