// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// require: event_tracker.js
cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
* The arrow location specifies how the arrow and bubble are positioned in
* relation to the anchor node.
* @enum {string}
const ArrowLocation = {
// The arrow is positioned at the top and the start of the bubble. In left
// to right mode this is the top left. The entire bubble is positioned below
// the anchor node.
TOP_START: 'top-start',
// The arrow is positioned at the top and the end of the bubble. In left to
// right mode this is the top right. The entire bubble is positioned below
// the anchor node.
TOP_END: 'top-end',
// The arrow is positioned at the bottom and the start of the bubble. In
// left to right mode this is the bottom left. The entire bubble is
// positioned above the anchor node.
BOTTOM_START: 'bottom-start',
// The arrow is positioned at the bottom and the end of the bubble. In
// left to right mode this is the bottom right. The entire bubble is
// positioned above the anchor node.
BOTTOM_END: 'bottom-end',
* The bubble alignment specifies the position of the bubble in relation to
* the anchor node.
* @enum {string}
const BubbleAlignment = {
// The bubble is positioned just above or below the anchor node (as
// specified by the arrow location) so that the arrow points at the midpoint
// of the anchor.
ARROW_TO_MID_ANCHOR: 'arrow-to-mid-anchor',
// The bubble is positioned just above or below the anchor node (as
// specified by the arrow location) so that its reference edge lines up with
// the edge of the anchor.
BUBBLE_EDGE_TO_ANCHOR_EDGE: 'bubble-edge-anchor-edge',
// The bubble is positioned so that it is entirely within view and does not
// obstruct the anchor element, if possible. The specified arrow location is
// taken into account as the preferred alignment but may be overruled if
// there is insufficient space (see BubbleBase.reposition for the exact
// placement algorithm).
ENTIRELY_VISIBLE: 'entirely-visible',
* Abstract base class that provides common functionality for implementing
* free-floating informational bubbles with a triangular arrow pointing at an
* anchor node.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLDivElement}
* @implements {EventListener}
const BubbleBase = cr.ui.define('div');
* The horizontal distance between the tip of the arrow and the reference edge
* of the bubble (as specified by the arrow location). In pixels.
* @type {number}
* @const
BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET = 30;
* Minimum horizontal spacing between edge of bubble and edge of viewport
* (when using the ENTIRELY_VISIBLE alignment). In pixels.
* @type {number}
* @const
* This is used to create TrustedHTML.
* @type {!TrustedTypePolicy}
const staticHtmlPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('cr-ui-bubble-js-static', {
createHTML: () => {
return '<div class="bubble-content"></div>' +
'<div class="bubble-shadow"></div>' +
'<div class="bubble-arrow"></div>';
BubbleBase.prototype = {
// Set up the prototype chain.
__proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
* @type {Node}
* @private
anchorNode_: null,
* Initialization function for the cr.ui framework.
decorate() {
this.className = 'bubble';
// TODO([email protected]): remove an empty string argument
// once supported.
// https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-trusted-types/issues/278
this.innerHTML = staticHtmlPolicy.createHTML('');
this.hidden = true;
this.bubbleAlignment = cr.ui.BubbleAlignment.ENTIRELY_VISIBLE;
* Set the anchor node, i.e. the node that this bubble points at. Only
* available when the bubble is not being shown.
* @param {HTMLElement} node The new anchor node.
set anchorNode(node) {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.anchorNode_ = node;
* Set the conent of the bubble. Only available when the bubble is not being
* shown.
* @param {HTMLElement} node The root node of the new content.
set content(node) {
if (!this.hidden) {
const bubbleContent = this.querySelector('.bubble-content');
bubbleContent.innerHTML = trustedTypes.emptyHTML;
* Set the arrow location. Only available when the bubble is not being
* shown.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrowLocation} location The new arrow location.
set arrowLocation(location) {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.arrowAtRight_ = location === cr.ui.ArrowLocation.TOP_END ||
location === cr.ui.ArrowLocation.BOTTOM_END;
if (document.documentElement.dir === 'rtl') {
this.arrowAtRight_ = !this.arrowAtRight_;
this.arrowAtTop_ = location === cr.ui.ArrowLocation.TOP_START ||
location === cr.ui.ArrowLocation.TOP_END;
* Set the bubble alignment. Only available when the bubble is not being
* shown.
* @param {cr.ui.BubbleAlignment} alignment The new bubble alignment.
set bubbleAlignment(alignment) {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.bubbleAlignment_ = alignment;
* Update the position of the bubble. Whenever the layout may have changed,
* the bubble should either be repositioned by calling this function or
* hidden so that it does not point to a nonsensical location on the page.
reposition() {
const documentWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
const documentHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
const anchor = this.anchorNode_.getBoundingClientRect();
const anchorMid = (anchor.left + anchor.right) / 2;
const bubble = this.getBoundingClientRect();
const arrow = this.querySelector('.bubble-arrow').getBoundingClientRect();
let left;
let top;
if (this.bubbleAlignment_ === cr.ui.BubbleAlignment.ENTIRELY_VISIBLE) {
// Work out horizontal placement. The bubble is initially positioned so
// that the arrow tip points toward the midpoint of the anchor and is
// BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET pixels from the reference edge and (as
// specified by the arrow location). If the bubble is not entirely
// within view, it is then shifted, preserving the arrow tip position.
left = this.arrowAtRight_ ?
anchorMid + BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET - bubble.width :
anchorMid - BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET;
const maxLeftPos =
documentWidth - bubble.width - BubbleBase.MIN_VIEWPORT_EDGE_MARGIN;
const minLeftPos = BubbleBase.MIN_VIEWPORT_EDGE_MARGIN;
if (document.documentElement.dir === 'rtl') {
left = Math.min(Math.max(left, minLeftPos), maxLeftPos);
} else {
left = Math.max(Math.min(left, maxLeftPos), minLeftPos);
const arrowTip = Math.min(
arrow.width / 2,
this.arrowAtRight_ ? left + bubble.width - anchorMid :
anchorMid - left),
bubble.width - arrow.width / 2);
// Work out the vertical placement, attempting to fit the bubble
// entirely into view. The following placements are considered in
// decreasing order of preference:
// * Outside the anchor, arrow tip touching the anchor (arrow at
// top/bottom as specified by the arrow location).
// * Outside the anchor, arrow tip touching the anchor (arrow at
// bottom/top, opposite the specified arrow location).
// * Outside the anchor, arrow tip overlapping the anchor (arrow at
// top/bottom as specified by the arrow location).
// * Outside the anchor, arrow tip overlapping the anchor (arrow at
// bottom/top, opposite the specified arrow location).
// * Overlapping the anchor.
const offsetTop = Math.min(
documentHeight - anchor.bottom - bubble.height, arrow.height / 2);
const offsetBottom =
Math.min(anchor.top - bubble.height, arrow.height / 2);
if (offsetTop < 0 && offsetBottom < 0) {
top = 0;
this.updateArrowPosition_(false, false, arrowTip);
} else if (
offsetTop > offsetBottom ||
offsetTop === offsetBottom && this.arrowAtTop_) {
top = anchor.bottom + offsetTop;
this.updateArrowPosition_(true, true, arrowTip);
} else {
top = anchor.top - bubble.height - offsetBottom;
this.updateArrowPosition_(true, false, arrowTip);
} else {
if (this.bubbleAlignment_ ===
cr.ui.BubbleAlignment.BUBBLE_EDGE_TO_ANCHOR_EDGE) {
left = this.arrowAtRight_ ? anchor.right - bubble.width : anchor.left;
} else {
left = this.arrowAtRight_ ?
anchorMid - this.clientWidth + BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET :
anchorMid - BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET;
top = this.arrowAtTop_ ?
anchor.bottom + arrow.height / 2 :
anchor.top - this.clientHeight - arrow.height / 2;
true, this.arrowAtTop_, BubbleBase.ARROW_OFFSET);
this.style.left = left + 'px';
this.style.top = top + 'px';
* Show the bubble.
show() {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.hidden = false;
const doc = assert(this.ownerDocument);
this.eventTracker_ = new EventTracker();
this.eventTracker_.add(doc, 'keydown', this, true);
this.eventTracker_.add(doc, 'mousedown', this, true);
* Hide the bubble.
hide() {
if (this.hidden) {
this.hidden = true;
* Handle keyboard events, dismissing the bubble if necessary.
* @param {Event} event The event.
handleEvent(event) {
// Close the bubble when the user presses <Esc>.
if (event.type === 'keydown' && event.keyCode === 27) {
* Attach the bubble to the document's DOM.
* @private
attachToDOM_() {
* Update the arrow so that it appears at the correct position.
* @param {boolean} visible Whether the arrow should be visible.
* @param {boolean} atTop Whether the arrow should be at the top of the
* bubble.
* @param {number} tipOffset The horizontal distance between the tip of the
* arrow and the reference edge of the bubble (as specified by the arrow
* location).
* @private
updateArrowPosition_(visible, atTop, tipOffset) {
const bubbleArrow = this.querySelector('.bubble-arrow');
bubbleArrow.hidden = !visible;
if (!visible) {
let edgeOffset = (-bubbleArrow.clientHeight / 2) + 'px';
bubbleArrow.style.top = atTop ? edgeOffset : 'auto';
bubbleArrow.style.bottom = atTop ? 'auto' : edgeOffset;
edgeOffset = (tipOffset - bubbleArrow.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px';
bubbleArrow.style.left = this.arrowAtRight_ ? 'auto' : edgeOffset;
bubbleArrow.style.right = this.arrowAtRight_ ? edgeOffset : 'auto';
* A bubble that remains open until the user explicitly dismisses it or clicks
* outside the bubble after it has been shown for at least the specified
* amount of time (making it less likely that the user will unintentionally
* dismiss the bubble). The bubble repositions itself on layout changes.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.ui.BubbleBase}
const Bubble = cr.ui.define('div');
Bubble.prototype = {
// Set up the prototype chain.
__proto__: BubbleBase.prototype,
* Initialization function for the cr.ui framework.
decorate() {
const close = document.createElement('div');
close.className = 'bubble-close';
this.insertBefore(close, this.querySelector('.bubble-content'));
this.handleCloseEvent = this.hide;
this.deactivateToDismissDelay_ = 0;
this.bubbleAlignment = cr.ui.BubbleAlignment.ARROW_TO_MID_ANCHOR;
* Handler for close events triggered when the close button is clicked. By
* default, set to this.hide. Only available when the bubble is not being
* shown.
* @param {function(): *} handler The new handler, a function with no
* parameters.
set handleCloseEvent(handler) {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.handleCloseEvent_ = handler;
* Set the delay before the user is allowed to click outside the bubble to
* dismiss it. Using a delay makes it less likely that the user will
* unintentionally dismiss the bubble.
* @param {number} delay The delay in milliseconds.
set deactivateToDismissDelay(delay) {
this.deactivateToDismissDelay_ = delay;
* Hide or show the close button.
* @param {boolean} isVisible True if the close button should be visible.
set closeButtonVisible(isVisible) {
this.querySelector('.bubble-close').hidden = !isVisible;
* Show the bubble.
show() {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.showTime_ = Date.now();
this.eventTracker_.add(window, 'resize', this.reposition.bind(this));
* Handle keyboard and mouse events, dismissing the bubble if necessary.
* @param {Event} event The event.
* @suppress {checkTypes}
* TODO(vitalyp): remove suppression when the extern
* Node.prototype.contains() will be fixed.
handleEvent(event) {
BubbleBase.prototype.handleEvent.call(this, event);
if (event.type === 'mousedown') {
// Dismiss the bubble when the user clicks on the close button.
if (event.target === this.querySelector('.bubble-close')) {
// Dismiss the bubble when the user clicks outside it after the
// specified delay has passed.
} else if (
!this.contains(event.target) &&
Date.now() - this.showTime_ >= this.deactivateToDismissDelay_) {
* A bubble that closes automatically when the user clicks or moves the focus
* outside the bubble and its target element, scrolls the underlying document
* or resizes the window.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.ui.BubbleBase}
const AutoCloseBubble = cr.ui.define('div');
AutoCloseBubble.prototype = {
// Set up the prototype chain.
__proto__: BubbleBase.prototype,
* Initialization function for the cr.ui framework.
decorate() {
* Set the DOM sibling node, i.e. the node as whose sibling the bubble
* should join the DOM to ensure that focusable elements inside the bubble
* follow the target element in the document's tab order. Only available
* when the bubble is not being shown.
* @param {HTMLElement} node The new DOM sibling node.
set domSibling(node) {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.domSibling_ = node;
* Show the bubble.
show() {
if (!this.hidden) {
this.domSibling_.showingBubble = true;
const doc = this.ownerDocument;
this.eventTracker_.add(doc, 'click', this, true);
this.eventTracker_.add(doc, 'mousewheel', this, true);
this.eventTracker_.add(doc, 'scroll', this, true);
this.eventTracker_.add(doc, 'elementFocused', this, true);
this.eventTracker_.add(window, 'resize', this);
* Hide the bubble.
hide() {
this.domSibling_.showingBubble = false;
* Handle events, closing the bubble when the user clicks or moves the focus
* outside the bubble and its target element, scrolls the underlying
* document or resizes the window.
* @param {Event} event The event.
* @suppress {checkTypes}
* TODO(vitalyp): remove suppression when the extern
* Node.prototype.contains() will be fixed.
handleEvent(event) {
BubbleBase.prototype.handleEvent.call(this, event);
let target;
switch (event.type) {
// Close the bubble when the user clicks outside it, except if it is a
// left-click on the bubble's target element (allowing the target to
// handle the event and close the bubble itself).
case 'mousedown':
case 'click':
target = assertInstanceof(event.target, Node);
if (event.button === 0 && this.anchorNode_.contains(target)) {
// Close the bubble when the underlying document is scrolled.
case 'mousewheel':
case 'scroll':
target = assertInstanceof(event.target, Node);
if (this.contains(target)) {
// Close the bubble when the window is resized.
case 'resize':
// Close the bubble when the focus moves to an element that is not the
// bubble target and is not inside the bubble.
case 'elementFocused':
target = assertInstanceof(event.target, Node);
if (!this.anchorNode_.contains(target) && !this.contains(target)) {
* Attach the bubble to the document's DOM, making it a sibling of the
* |domSibling_| so that focusable elements inside the bubble follow the
* target element in the document's tab order.
* @private
attachToDOM_() {
const parent = this.domSibling_.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(this, this.domSibling_.nextSibling);
return {
ArrowLocation: ArrowLocation,
AutoCloseBubble: AutoCloseBubble,
BubbleAlignment: BubbleAlignment,
BubbleBase: BubbleBase,
Bubble: Bubble,