
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
  /** @const */ const BubbleButton = cr.ui.BubbleButton;

   * An indicator that can be placed on a UI element as a hint to the user that
   * the value is controlled by some external entity such as policy or an
   * extension.
   * @constructor
   * @extends {cr.ui.BubbleButton}
  const ControlledIndicator = cr.ui.define('span');

   * Only a single bubble can be shown at a time. |bubble| holds a reference to
   * the bubble, if any.
   * @private
  let bubble;

  ControlledIndicator.prototype = {
    __proto__: cr.ui.BubbleButton.prototype,

     * Decorates the base element to show the proper icon.
    decorate() {;

     * Shows an informational bubble displaying |content|.
     * @param {HTMLDivElement} content The content of the bubble.
    showBubble(content) {

      bubble = new cr.ui.AutoCloseBubble();
      bubble.anchorNode = this.image;
      bubble.domSibling = this;
      bubble.arrowLocation = this.location;
      bubble.content = content;;

     * Hides the currently visible bubble, if any.
    hideBubble() {
      if (bubble) {

     * Returns a dictionary of the form { |controlled-by|: |bubbleText| }, where
     * |controlled-by| is a valid value of the controlled-by property (see
     * below), i.e. 'policy'. |bubbleText| is the default text to be shown for
     * UI items with this controlled-by property value. The default
     * implementation does not set any strings.
     * @return {Object}
    getDefaultStrings() {
      return {};

     * Returns the text shown in the bubble.
     * @return {string}
    getBubbleText() {
      const defaultStrings = this.getDefaultStrings();
      let text = defaultStrings[this.controlledBy];

      if (this.hasAttribute('text' + this.controlledBy)) {
        text = this.getAttribute('text' + this.controlledBy);
      } else if (this.controlledBy === 'extension' && this['extensionName']) {
        text = defaultStrings['extensionWithName'];

      return text || '';

     * Returns the DOM tree for a showing the message |text|.
     * @param {string} text to be shown in the bubble.
    createDomTree(text) {
      const content = document.createElement('div');
      content.textContent = text;
      return content;

     * Open or close a bubble with further information about the pref.
     * @override
    toggleBubble() {
      if (this.showingBubble) {
      } else {

   * The status of the associated preference:
   * - 'policy':            A specific value is enforced by policy.
   * - 'extension':         A specific value is enforced by an extension.
   * - 'recommended':       A value is recommended by policy. The user could
   *                        override this recommendation but has not done so.
   * - 'hasRecommendation': A value is recommended by policy. The user has
   *                        overridden this recommendation.
   * - 'owner':             A value is controlled by the owner of the device
   *                        (Chrome OS only).
   * - 'shared':            A value belongs to the primary user but can be
   *                        modified (Chrome OS only).
   * - unset:               The value is controlled by the user alone.
      ControlledIndicator.prototype, 'controlledBy',
      cr.getPropertyDescriptor('controlledBy', cr.PropertyKind.BOOL_ATTR));

  return {ControlledIndicator: ControlledIndicator};