<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Audio Page</title>
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "audio.css">
<script type="module" src="audio.js"></script>
<section id="devices" hidden>
<div id = "device-table-explainer">
<h>Device Table</h>
<p>Please check if your intended device is displayed on the table.
If your device is not active, select the intended device from the
system tray. Then, select "Test Input Device" or "Test Output Device"
depending on which kind of device you are having issue with.
<div id="warning-banner" hidden>
<p id="warning-msg"></p>
<button id ="banner-feedback" class="feedback-btn">File feedback</button>
<div id = "deviceTable">
<div id="test-buttons">
<p id="device-not-present">Do not see your audio device on the table?</p>
<button id="no-device-feedback" class="feedback-btn">
File feedback
<button id="output-btn">Test Output Device</button>
<button id="input-btn">Test Input Device</button>
<section id="output" hidden>
<div id = "output-explainer">
<h>Test Output Devices</h>
<p>Please play through each audio files,
and then indicate whether you could hear each audio clearly.</p>
<p>playing from: <b id = "active-output"></b></p>
<p class = "advice-label">please select your device from the system
tray if this is not the intended device.</p>
<div id = "audio-player">
<section id="input" hidden>
<div id = "input-explainer">
<h>Test Input Devices</h>
<p>Please click the record button and say something.
Observe if you can see audio frequency from both channels,
and then listen to the playback and indicate if you can hear
the recording clearly.</p>
<p class="advice-label">For example, you could say: "I'm just testing
my audio input device."</p>
<p>Input from: <b id = "active-input"></b></p>
<p class="advice-label">please select your device from the system
tray if this is not the intended device.</p>
<div id = "channels">
Channle 0
<canvas id="channel-l"></canvas>
Channle 1
<canvas id="channel-r"></canvas>
<div id = "recording">
<div id="button-section">
<button id="record-btn">Record</button>
<p id = "counter"></p>
<div id="audio-file">
<div id = "input-qs" hidden>
<p>Can hear audio clearly?</p>
<button id = "input-yes">Yes</button>
<button id = "input-no">No</button>
<section id="feedback" hidden>
<div id = "feedback-explainer">
<p>To help us get to your issue as quickly as possible,
please follow the steps below and submit a feedback report.</p>
<div class="feedback-step">
<p class="feedback-list">1. Copy and download:</p>
<p class="instruction">Copy the below audio information, and then
download the sample recording if you created one.</p>
<button id="copy-btn">copy</button>
<textarea id="audio-info" rows="10" cols="40" disabled=true></textarea>
<div id="input-replay" hidden>
<a id="download-btn">download</a>
<audio id="test-input-audio" src="" controls=true>
This browser does not support the audio element.
<div class="feedback-step">
<p class="feedback-list">2. Reproduce audio issue:</p>
<p class="instruction">Navigate to the page or application
that you are having audio issue with and reproduce the audio issue.
For example, if you cannot hear the audio output from an Android app
installed on your chromebook, navigate to the app, play the intended
audio, then come back to this page.</p>
<p class="instruction"><b>Note: Do not close the page or application.
</b> Keep the audio on and follow the next step of submitting
feedback with the audio playing or recording from the page or
application causing the issue.</p>
<div class="feedback-step">
<p class="feedback-list">3. Submit feedback:</p>
<p class="instruction">Click on "Submit feedback",
paste the copied audio information and attach the
downloaded recording file if one exists. Then, fill
in additional information according to the text you
just pasted.
<button id="submit-btn">Submit feedback</button>
<template id="deviceTable-template">
<th data-field="name">Name</th>
<th data-field="device-type">Device Type</th>
<th data-field="is-active">Is Active?</th>
<th data-field="volume">Volume/Gain</th>
<th data-field="is-muted">Is Muted?</th>
<template id="audioPlayer-template">
<div class = "audio-player">
<p id="audio-name"></p>
<p id="audio-expectation"></p>
<button id="play-btn">Play audio samples</button>
<button id="back" class="back-btn" hidden></button>
<div id ="output-qs" hidden>
<p>Can hear audio clearly?</p>
<button id="output-yes" class="yes-btn">Yes</button>
<button id="output-no" class="no-btn">No</button>