// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './setup_cancel_dialog.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {CANCEL_SETUP_EVENT, NEXT_PAGE_EVENT} from './base_setup_page.js';
import {MetricsRecordedSetupPage, UserAction} from './cloud_upload.mojom-webui.js';
import {CloudUploadBrowserProxy} from './cloud_upload_browser_proxy.js';
import {OfficePwaInstallPageElement} from './office_pwa_install_page.js';
import {OfficeSetupCompletePageElement} from './office_setup_complete_page.js';
import type {SetupCancelDialogElement} from './setup_cancel_dialog.js';
import {SignInPageElement} from './sign_in_page.js';
import {WelcomePageElement} from './welcome_page.js';
* The CloudUploadElement is the main dialog controller that aggregates all the
* individual setup pages and determines which one to show.
export class CloudUploadElement extends HTMLElement {
private proxy = CloudUploadBrowserProxy.getInstance();
/** Resolved once the element's shadow DOM has finished initializing. */
initPromise: Promise<void>;
/** List of pages to show. */
pages: HTMLElement[] = [];
/** The current page index into `pages`. */
private currentPageIdx: number = 0;
/** The modal dialog shown to confirm if the user wants to cancel setup. */
private cancelDialog: SetupCancelDialogElement;
// Save reference to listener so it can be removed from the document in
// disconnectedCallback().
private boundKeyDownListener_: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void;
True if the setup flow should end with setting Microsoft 365 as default
handler. Note: This is usually done if no default file handlers have been
set for Office files, which means that the setup flow is being completed for
the first time.
private setOfficeAsDefaultHandler: boolean = true;
/** The names of the files to upload. */
private fileNames: string[] = [];
constructor() {
const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
this.cancelDialog = document.createElement('setup-cancel-dialog');
this.boundKeyDownListener_ = this.onKeyDown.bind(this);
this.initPromise = this.init();
connectedCallback(): void {
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.boundKeyDownListener_);
disconnectedCallback(): void {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.boundKeyDownListener_);
async init(): Promise<void> {
const [, {installed: isOfficeWebAppInstalled}, {mounted: isOdfsMounted}] =
await Promise.all([
// Only skip this page if the setup flow is not run as part of the "file
// upload" flow, and file handlers still need to be set.
if (this.fileNames.length !== 0 || this.setOfficeAsDefaultHandler) {
const welcomePage = new WelcomePageElement();
welcomePage.setInstalled(isOfficeWebAppInstalled, isOdfsMounted);
if (!isOfficeWebAppInstalled) {
this.pages.push(new OfficePwaInstallPageElement());
if (!isOdfsMounted) {
this.pages.push(new SignInPageElement());
const officeSetupCompletePage = new OfficeSetupCompletePageElement();
for (const page of this.pages) {
page.addEventListener(NEXT_PAGE_EVENT, () => this.goNextPage());
page.addEventListener(CANCEL_SETUP_EVENT, () => this.cancelSetup());
$<T extends HTMLElement>(query: string): T {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector(query)!;
* Gets the element corresponding to the currently shown page.
get currentPage(): HTMLElement|undefined {
return this.pages[this.currentPageIdx];
* Switches the currently shown page.
* @param page Page index to show.
private switchPage(page: number): void {
this.currentPageIdx = page;
* Initialises the class members based off the given dialog arguments.
private async processDialogArgs(): Promise<void> {
try {
const dialogArgs = await this.proxy.handler.getDialogArgs();
this.setOfficeAsDefaultHandler =
this.fileNames = dialogArgs.args.fileNames;
} catch (e) {
// TODO(b/243095484) Define expected behavior.
console.error(`Unable to get dialog arguments . Error: ${e}.`);
private onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
if (event.key === 'Escape' && !this.cancelDialog.open) {
// Stop escape from also immediately closing the dialog.
private currentPageToMetricsPage(): MetricsRecordedSetupPage|null {
if (this.currentPage instanceof WelcomePageElement) {
return MetricsRecordedSetupPage.kOneDriveSetupWelcome;
} else if (this.currentPage instanceof OfficePwaInstallPageElement) {
return MetricsRecordedSetupPage.kOneDriveSetupPWAInstall;
} else if (this.currentPage instanceof SignInPageElement) {
return MetricsRecordedSetupPage.kOneDriveSetupODFSMount;
} else if (this.currentPage instanceof OfficeSetupCompletePageElement) {
return MetricsRecordedSetupPage.kOneDriveSetupComplete;
return null;
* Invoked when a page fires a `CANCEL_SETUP_EVENT` event.
private cancelSetup(): void {
if (this.currentPage instanceof OfficeSetupCompletePageElement) {
// No need to show the cancel dialog as setup is finished.
this.cancelDialog.show(() => {
const metricsPage = this.currentPageToMetricsPage();
if (metricsPage != null) {
* Invoked when a page fires a `NEXT_PAGE_EVENT` event.
private goNextPage(): void {
if (this.currentPageIdx < this.pages.length - 1) {
this.switchPage(this.currentPageIdx + 1);
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'cloud-upload': CloudUploadElement;
customElements.define('cloud-upload', CloudUploadElement);