# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
reporting_proto_js_dir =
# JS library that includes all protos used by the extension for reporting
# purposes
js_library("reporting_protos") {
extra_deps = [
deps = [ "//third_party/protobuf:js_proto" ]
sources = [
# Include all generated proto files
# Generate a bundle that contains all external dependencies and protos used by
# the extension for reporting purposes.
js_binary("generate_ccaas_deps") {
deps = [ ":reporting_protos" ]
sources = [ "$externs_path/chrome_extensions.js" ]
outputs = [ "${target_gen_dir}/ccaas_deps.js" ]
closure_flags = default_closure_args + [
# Compile extension sources. Typechecking only on ChromeOS Ash as it is not
# supported on Desktop platforms.
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
# JS library that includes all extension sources
js_library("extension_sources") {
extra_deps = [ ":generate_ccaas_deps" ]
deps = [ ":reporting_protos" ]
sources = [
# Include all external dependencies so we can refrain ourselves from using
# the optimized bundle for type checks against the closure compiler
js_type_check("closure_compile") {
deps = [ ":extension_sources" ]
closure_flags = default_closure_args + [