// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Type declarations for Desk API
* Operands for removing desks.
export interface RemoveDeskOperands {
deskId: string;
options: RemoveDeskOptions;
skipConfirmation?: boolean;
confirmationSetting?: ConfirmationSetting;
* Operands for switching desks.
export interface SwitchDeskOperands {
deskId: string;
* Options for removing desks.
export interface RemoveDeskOptions {
combineDesks?: boolean;
allowUndo?: boolean;
* Operands for retrieve desk information.
export interface GetDeskByIdOperands {
deskId: string;
* Confirmation window setting for desk removal.
export interface ConfirmationSetting {
title: string;
message: string;
iconUrl: string;
acceptMessage: string;
rejectMessage: string;
* Virtual desk.
export interface Desk {
deskUuid: string;
deskName?: string;
* Launch new desk options.
export interface LaunchOptions {
templateUuid: string;
deskName: string;
* Window Properties.
export interface WindowProperties {
allDesks: boolean;
* Notification window options.
export interface NotificationOptions {
title: string;
message: string;
iconUrl: string;
buttons: Button[];
* Notification button.
export interface Button {
title: string;
* This interface provides the function signatures that will be provided
* by both the mock and the Desk API. We can pass an implementation for this
* interface to the service worker for our dependency injection.
export interface DeskApi {
launchDesk(options: LaunchOptions, callback: DeskIdCallback): void;
deskUuId: string, options: RemoveDeskOptions,
callback: VoidCallback): void;
windowId: number, windowProperties: WindowProperties,
callback: VoidCallback): void;
getActiveDesk(callback: DeskIdCallback): void;
switchDesk(deskId: string, callback: VoidCallback): void;
getDeskById(deskId: string, callback: DeskCallback): void;
addDeskAddedListener(callback: DeskAddCallback): void;
addDeskRemovedListener(callback: DeskIdCallback): void;
addDeskSwitchedListener(callback: DeskSwitchCallback): void;
* Interface for emitting notifications.
export interface NotificationApi {
notificationId: string, options: NotificationOptions,
callback: VoidCallback): void;
addClickEventListener(callback: ClickEventListener): void;
clear(notificationId: string): void;
* Callback that takes empty params and return void.
export type VoidCallback = () => void;
* Callback for desk Id output.
export type DeskIdCallback = (deskId: string) => void;
* Callback for notification event listener.
export type ClickEventListener =
(notificationId: string, buttonIndex: number) => void;
* Callback for desk output.
export type DeskCallback = (desk: Desk) => void;
* Callback for desk switch.
export type DeskSwitchCallback = (activated: string, deactivated: string) =>
* Callback for desk add.
export type DeskAddCallback = (deskId: string, fromUndo: boolean) => void;