// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {AuthCompletedCredentials} from 'chrome://chrome-signin/gaia_auth_host/authenticator.js';
import {sendWithPromise} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr.m.js';
import {EduCoexistenceParams} from './edu_coexistence_controller.js';
export interface EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy {
/** Sends 'initialize' message to prepare for starting auth. */
initializeLogin(): void;
* Sends 'initializeEduArgs' message to provide the parameters.
initializeEduArgs(): Promise<EduCoexistenceParams>;
* Sends 'authenticatorReady' message to handle tasks after authenticator
* loads.
authenticatorReady(): void;
* Sends 'completeLogin' message to complete login.
completeLogin(credentials: AuthCompletedCredentials): void;
* Sends 'getAccounts' message to the handler. The promise will be resolved
* with the list of emails of accounts in session.
getAccounts(): Promise<string[]>;
* Sends 'getDeviceId' message to the handler. The promise will be resolved
* with the device identifier for this user.
getDeviceId(): Promise<string>;
* Sends 'consentValid' message to the handler to notify the handler that
* the parental consent is valid.
consentValid(): void;
* Sends 'consentLogged' message to the handler to notify the handler that
* the parental consent is valid. Returns a promise which will resolve to true
* when the account has successfully been added. The promise will be used
* by the server flow to show "Account added" page.
consentLogged(account: string, eduCoexistenceToSVersion: string):
/** Sends 'dialogClose' message to close the login dialog. */
dialogClose(): void;
* Sends 'error' message to handler.
onError(msg: string[]): void;
* Returns JSON-encoded dialog arguments.
getDialogArguments(): string;
export class EduCoexistenceBrowserProxyImpl implements
EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy {
initializeLogin() {
initializeEduArgs() {
return sendWithPromise('initializeEduArgs');
authenticatorReady() {
completeLogin(credentials: AuthCompletedCredentials) {
chrome.send('completeLogin', [credentials]);
getAccounts() {
return sendWithPromise('getAccounts');
getDeviceId() {
return sendWithPromise('getDeviceId');
consentValid() {
consentLogged(account: string, eduCoexistenceToSVersion: string) {
return sendWithPromise(
'consentLogged', [account, eduCoexistenceToSVersion]);
dialogClose() {
onError(msg: string[]) {
chrome.send('error', msg);
getDialogArguments() {
return chrome.getVariableValue('dialogArguments');
static getInstance(): EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy {
return instance || (instance = new EduCoexistenceBrowserProxyImpl());
static setInstance(obj: EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy) {
instance = obj;
let instance: EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy|null = null;