// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {AuthCompletedCredentials, Authenticator, AuthParams} from 'chrome://chrome-signin/gaia_auth_host/authenticator.js';
import {PostMessageApiServer} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/post_message_api/post_message_api_server.js';
import {EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy, EduCoexistenceBrowserProxyImpl} from './edu_coexistence_browser_proxy.js';
export interface EduCoexistenceParams {
hl: string;
url: string;
clientId: string;
sourceUi: string;
clientVersion: string;
eduCoexistenceAccessToken: string;
eduCoexistenceId: string;
platformVersion: string;
releaseChannel: string;
deviceId: string;
email?: string;
readOnlyEmail?: string;
signinTime: number;
function constructEduCoexistenceUrl(params: EduCoexistenceParams): URL {
const url = new URL(params.url);
url.searchParams.set('hl', params.hl);
url.searchParams.set('source_ui', params.sourceUi);
url.searchParams.set('client_id', params.clientId);
url.searchParams.set('client_version', params.clientVersion);
url.searchParams.set('edu_coexistence_id', params.eduCoexistenceId);
url.searchParams.set('platform_version', params.platformVersion);
url.searchParams.set('release_channel', params.releaseChannel);
url.searchParams.set('device_id', params.deviceId);
if (params.email) {
url.searchParams.set('email', params.email);
if (params.readOnlyEmail) {
url.searchParams.set('read_only_email', params.readOnlyEmail);
return url;
* Class that orchestrates the EDU Coexistence signin flow.
export class EduCoexistenceController extends PostMessageApiServer {
authenticator: Authenticator;
private ui: Element;
private isOobe: boolean;
private flowUrl: URL;
private originUrlPrefix: string;
private webview: chrome.webviewTag.WebView;
private authCompletedReceived: boolean;
private browserProxy: EduCoexistenceBrowserProxy;
private eduCoexistenceAccessToken: string;
private signinTime: number;
private isDomLoaded: boolean;
private guestFlowState: number|null;
private userInfo: any;
constructor(ui: Element, webview: Element, params: EduCoexistenceParams) {
const flowUrl = constructEduCoexistenceUrl(params);
const protocol = flowUrl.hostname === 'localhost' ? 'http://' : 'https://';
const originUrlPrefix = protocol + flowUrl.host;
super(webview, originUrlPrefix, originUrlPrefix);
this.ui = ui;
this.isOobe = params.sourceUi === 'oobe';
this.flowUrl = flowUrl;
this.originUrlPrefix = originUrlPrefix;
this.webview = webview as chrome.webviewTag.WebView;
this.userInfo = null;
this.authCompletedReceived = false;
this.browserProxy = EduCoexistenceBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
this.eduCoexistenceAccessToken = params.eduCoexistenceAccessToken;
this.signinTime = params.signinTime;
(details) => {
if (this.originMatchesFilter(details.url)) {
name: 'Authorization',
value: 'Bearer ' + this.eduCoexistenceAccessToken,
return {requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders};
{urls: ['<all_urls>']}, ['blocking', 'requestHeaders']);
* The state of the guest content, saved as requested by
* the guest content to ensure that its state outlives content
* reload events, which destroy the state of the guest content.
* The value itself is opaque encoded binary data.
this.guestFlowState = null;
this.authenticator = new Authenticator(this.webview);
this.isDomLoaded = document.readyState !== 'loading';
if (this.isDomLoaded) {
} else {
'DOMContentLoaded', this.initializeAfterDomLoaded.bind(this));
override onInitializationError(origin: string) {
['Error initializing communication channel with origin:' + origin]);
getIsOobe(): boolean {
return this.isOobe;
* Returns the hostname of the origin of the flow's URL (the one it was
* initialized with, not its current URL).
getFlowOriginHostname(): string {
return this.flowUrl.hostname;
private initializeAfterDomLoaded() {
this.isDomLoaded = true;
// Register methods with PostMessageAPI.
this.registerMethod('consentValid', this.consentValid.bind(this));
this.registerMethod('consentLogged', this.consentLogged.bind(this));
this.registerMethod('requestClose', this.requestClose.bind(this));
this.registerMethod('reportError', this.reportError.bind(this));
'saveGuestFlowState', this.saveGuestFlowState.bind(this));
'fetchGuestFlowState', this.fetchGuestFlowState.bind(this));
'getEduAccountEmail', this.getEduAccountEmail.bind(this));
// Add listeners for Authenticator.
* Loads the flow into the controller.
loadAuthenticator(data: AuthParams) {
// We use the Authenticator to set the web flow URL instead
// of setting it ourselves, so that the content isn't loaded twice.
// This is why this class doesn't directly set webview.src_ (except in
// onAuthCompleted below to handle the corner case of loading
// accounts.google.com for running against webserver running on localhost).
// The EDU Coexistence web flow will be responsible for constructing
// and forwarding to the accounts.google.com URL that Authenticator
// interacts with.
data.frameUrl = this.flowUrl;
this.authenticator.load(data.authMode, data);
* Resets the internal state of the controller.
reset() {
this.userInfo = null;
this.authCompletedReceived = false;
private addAuthenticatorListeners() {
this.authenticator.addEventListener('ready', () => this.onAuthReady());
'getAccounts', () => this.onGetAccounts());
'getDeviceId', () => this.onGetDeviceId());
e => this.onAuthCompleted(e as CustomEvent<AuthCompletedCredentials>));
private onAuthReady() {
private onGetAccounts() {
this.browserProxy.getAccounts().then(result => {
private onGetDeviceId() {
this.browserProxy.getDeviceId().then(deviceId => {
private onAuthCompleted(e: CustomEvent<AuthCompletedCredentials>) {
this.authCompletedReceived = true;
this.userInfo = e.detail;
// The EDU Signin page doesn't forward to the next page on success, so we
// have to manually update the src to continue to the last page of the flow.
const finishUrl = this.flowUrl;
finishUrl.pathname = '/supervision/coexistence/finish';
this.webview.src = finishUrl.toString();
/** Informs API that the parent consent is now valid. */
private consentValid() {
private consentLogged(eduCoexistenceToSVersion: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
// The first argument of eduCoexistenceToSVersion contains the ToS version.
return this.browserProxy.consentLogged(
this.userInfo.email, eduCoexistenceToSVersion[0]);
/** Attempts to close the widget hosting the flow. */
private requestClose() {
private saveGuestFlowState(guestFlowState: number[]) {
// The first argument of guestFlowState contains the guest flow state.
this.guestFlowState = guestFlowState[0];
* Returns the guest flow state previously saved using saveGuestFlowState().
private fetchGuestFlowState(): {'state': number|null} {
return {'state': this.guestFlowState};
private getEduAccountEmail(): string {
return this.userInfo.email;
* Notifies the API that there was an unrecoverable error during the flow.
* Takes an array that contains the error message at index 0.
private reportError(error: string[]) {
// Notify the app to switch to error screen.
this.ui.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('go-error'));
// Send the error strings to C++ handler so they are logged.
* Made public for testing purposes.
* Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the user's initial
* signin.
getTimeDeltaSinceSigninSeconds(): number {
return (Date.now() - this.signinTime) / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;