// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './icons.html.js';
import './emoji_image.js';
import './emoji_gif_nudge_overlay.js';
import './emoji_group.js';
import './emoji_group_button.js';
import './emoji_search.js';
import './emoji_error.js';
import './emoji_category_button.js';
import './text_group_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_auto_img/cr_auto_img.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_icons.css.js';
import {getInstance as getAnnouncerInstance} from '//resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_a11y_announcer/cr_a11y_announcer.js';
import {CrIconButtonElement} from '//resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import {afterNextRender, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {getTemplate} from './app.html.js';
import * as constants from './constants.js';
import {EmojiGroupComponent} from './emoji_group.js';
import {Category, Feature, Status} from './emoji_picker.mojom-webui.js';
import {EmojiPickerApiProxy} from './emoji_picker_api_proxy.js';
import {EmojiSearch} from './emoji_search.js';
import * as events from './events.js';
import {EmojiPreferencesStore, GifNudgeHistoryStore, RecentlyUsedStore} from './store.js';
import {CategoryEnum, Emoji, EmojiGroupData, EmojiGroupElement, EmojiVariants, Gender, GifSubcategoryData, PreferenceMapping, SubcategoryData, Tone} from './types.js';
export interface EmojiPickerApp {
$: {
'left-chevron': CrIconButtonElement,
'list-container': HTMLDivElement,
'right-chevron': CrIconButtonElement,
'search-container': EmojiSearch,
bar: HTMLDivElement,
dummyTab: HTMLDivElement,
groups: HTMLDivElement,
message: HTMLDivElement,
tabs: HTMLDivElement,
export class EmojiPickerApp extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'emoji-picker-app' as const;
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static configs() {
return {
'dataUrls': {
[CategoryEnum.EMOJI]: [
[CategoryEnum.EMOTICON]: ['/emoticon_ordering.json'],
[CategoryEnum.SYMBOL]: ['/symbol_ordering.json'],
// GIFs are not preloaded hence the empty data url.
[CategoryEnum.GIF]: [''],
static get properties() {
return {
category: {type: String, value: 'emoji', observer: 'onCategoryChanged'},
emojiGroupTabs: {type: Array},
dummyTab: {
type: Object,
value: () => ({
name: '',
groupId: '-1',
active: false,
disabled: false,
category: CategoryEnum.GIF,
categoriesData: {type: Array, value: () => ([])},
categoriesGroupElements: {type: Array, value: () => ([])},
activeInfiniteGroupId: {type: String, value: null},
categoriesHistory: {type: Object, value: () => ({})},
globalTone: {type: Number, value: null},
globalGender: {type: Number, value: null},
pagination: {type: Number, value: 1, observer: 'onPaginationChanged'},
searchLazyIndexing: {type: Boolean, value: true},
textSubcategoryBarEnabled: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
computed: 'isTextSubcategoryBarEnabled(category)',
reflectToAttribute: true,
searchExtensionEnabled: {type: Boolean, value: false},
incognito: {type: Boolean, value: true},
gifSupport: {type: Boolean, value: false},
sealSupport: {type: Boolean, value: false},
variantGroupingSupport: {type: Boolean, value: false},
showGifNudgeOverlay: {type: Boolean, value: false},
nextGifPos: {type: Object, value: () => ({})},
status: {type: Status, value: null},
errorMessage: {type: String, value: constants.NO_INTERNET_VIEW_ERROR_MSG},
useMojoSearch: {type: Boolean, value: false},
private category: CategoryEnum;
private emojiGroupTabs: SubcategoryData[] = EMOJI_GROUP_TABS;
private dummyTab: SubcategoryData;
private allCategoryTabs: SubcategoryData[] = SUBCATEGORY_TABS;
categoriesData: EmojiGroupData;
categoriesGroupElements: EmojiGroupElement[];
activeInfiniteGroupId: string|null; // null before Trending GIFs are fetched
private categoriesHistory: {[index in CategoryEnum]: RecentlyUsedStore|null};
private emojiPreferences: EmojiPreferencesStore|null = null;
private globalTone: Tone|null = null;
private globalGender: Gender|null = null;
private pagination: number;
private searchLazyIndexing: boolean;
private textSubcategoryBarEnabled: boolean;
private searchExtensionEnabled: boolean;
private incognito: boolean;
private gifSupport: boolean;
private sealSupport: boolean;
private variantGroupingSupport: boolean;
private showGifNudgeOverlay: boolean;
private activeVariant: EmojiGroupComponent|null = null;
private apiProxy: EmojiPickerApiProxy = EmojiPickerApiProxy.getInstance();
private autoScrollingToGroup: boolean = false;
private highlightBarMoving: boolean = false;
private nextGifPos: {[key: string]: string};
private status: Status|null;
private previousGifValidation: Date;
private fetchAndProcessDataPromise: Promise<void>|null;
private useMojoSearch = false;
constructor() {
// Incognito mode is set based on the default value.
this.previousGifValidation = this.loadPreviousGifValidationTime();
(ev: events.GroupButtonClickEvent) =>
(ev: events.EmojiTextButtonClickEvent) =>
(ev: events.EmojiImgButtonClickEvent) =>
(ev: events.EmojiClearRecentClickEvent) => this.clearRecentEmoji(ev));
// variant popup related handlers
(ev: events.EmojiVariantsShownEvent) => this.onShowEmojiVariants(ev));
this.addEventListener('click', () => this.hideDialogs());
(ev: events.CategoryButtonClickEvent) =>
ev => this.onSearchChanged((ev as CustomEvent<string>).detail));
this.addEventListener(events.GIF_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN, this.onClickTryAgain);
// This function will be passed down to some child element, thus we need
// `bind(this)`.
this.closeGifNudgeOverlay = this.closeGifNudgeOverlay.bind(this);
private filterGroupTabByPagination(pageNumber: number): (tab: {
pagination: number,
groupId: string,
}) => boolean {
return function(tab: {pagination: number, groupId: string}) {
return tab.pagination === pageNumber && !tab.groupId.includes('history');
private async initHistoryUi(incognito: boolean) {
if (incognito !== this.incognito) {
await this.updateIncognitoState(incognito);
// Make highlight bar visible (now we know where it should be) and
// add smooth sliding.
this.$.bar.style.display = 'block';
this.$.bar.style.transition = 'left 200ms';
override ready() {
const METADATA =
// Ensure first category is emoji for compatibility with V1.
if (METADATA[0]?.name !== CategoryEnum.EMOJI) {
throw new Error(
`First category is ${METADATA[0]?.name} but must be 'emoji'.`);
const dataUrls = EmojiPickerApp.configs().dataUrls;
// Create an ordered list of category and urls based on the order that
// categories need to appear in the UIs.
const categoryDataUrls =
METADATA.filter((item) => dataUrls[item.name])
item => ({'category': item.name, 'urls': dataUrls[item.name]}));
// Fetch and process all the data.
this.fetchAndProcessDataPromise = this.fetchAndProcessData(categoryDataUrls);
'--emoji-group-button-size': constants.EMOJI_GROUP_SIZE_PX,
'--emoji-picker-width': constants.EMOJI_PICKER_WIDTH_PX,
'--emoji-picker-height': constants.EMOJI_PICKER_HEIGHT_PX,
'--emoji-size': constants.EMOJI_SIZE_PX,
'--emoji-per-row': constants.EMOJI_PER_ROW,
'--emoji-picker-side-padding': constants.EMOJI_PICKER_SIDE_PADDING_PX,
'--emoji-picker-top-padding': constants.EMOJI_PICKER_TOP_PADDING_PX,
'--emoji-spacing': constants.EMOJI_SPACING_PX,
'--emoji-group-spacing': constants.EMOJI_GROUP_SPACING_PX,
'--visual-content-padding': constants.VISUAL_CONTENT_PADDING_PX,
'--visual-content-width': constants.VISUAL_CONTENT_WIDTH_PX,
'--tab-button-margin': constants.TAB_BUTTON_MARGIN_PX,
'--text-group-button-padding': constants.TEXT_GROUP_BUTTON_PADDING_PX,
private async ensureFetchAndProcessDataFinished(): Promise<void> {
if (this.fetchAndProcessDataPromise !== null) {
await this.fetchAndProcessDataPromise;
* Fetches data and updates all the variables that are required to render
* EmojiPicker UI. This function serves as the main entry for creating and
* managing async calls dealing with fetching data and rendering UI in the
* correct order. These include:
* * Feature list
* * Incognito state
* * Category data (emoji, emoticon, etc.)
private async fetchAndProcessData(
categoryDataUrls: Array<{category: CategoryEnum, urls: string[]}>) {
// Create a flat list of urls (with details) that need to be fetched and
// rendered sequentially.
const dataUrls = categoryDataUrls.flatMap(
item =>
// Create url details of the category.
(url, index) => ({
'category': item.category,
'url': url,
'categoryLastPartition': index === item.urls.length - 1,
const firstResult = dataUrls[0];
if (!firstResult) {
// Update feature list, incognito state and fetch data of first url.
const initialData =
await Promise
(response: {featureList: number[]}) =>
(response: {incognito: boolean}) =>
.then(values => values[0]); // Map to the fetched data only.
// After initial data is loaded, if the GIF nudge is not shown before, show
// the GIF nudge.
if (this.gifSupport && !GifNudgeHistoryStore.hasNudgeShown()) {
this.showGifNudgeOverlay = true;
if (this.gifSupport) {
'--emoji-category-size': constants.V2_5_EMOJI_CATEGORY_SIZE_PX,
'--emoji-group-button-size': constants.V2_5_EMOJI_GROUP_SIZE_PX,
'--emoji-spacing': constants.V2_5_EMOJI_SPACING_PX,
'--emoji-group-spacing': constants.V2_5_EMOJI_GROUP_SPACING_PX,
'--visual-content-width': constants.V2_5_VISUAL_CONTENT_WIDTH_PX,
// Update UI and relevant features based on the initial data.
// If we don't have 1 data URL, a crash probably isn't a bad idea
initialData, dataUrls[0]!.category, dataUrls[0]!.categoryLastPartition,
// Show the UI after the initial data is rendered.
afterNextRender(this, () => {
// Filter data, remove the first url as it is
// already added and shown.
const remainingData = dataUrls.slice(1);
let prevFetchPromise: Promise<EmojiGroupData> = Promise.resolve([]);
let prevRenderPromise = Promise.resolve();
// Create a chain of promises for fetching and rendering data of
// different categories in the correct order.
(dataUrl, index) => {
// Fetch the url only after the previous url is fetched.
prevFetchPromise =
prevFetchPromise.then(() => this.fetchOrderingData(dataUrl.url));
// Update category data after the data is fetched and the previous
// category data update/rendering completed successfully.
prevRenderPromise = Promise
[prevRenderPromise, prevFetchPromise],
// Hacky cast below, but should be safe
.then((values) => values[1])
(data) => this.updateCategoryData(
index === remainingData.length - 1,
if (this.gifSupport) {
await this.fetchAndProcessGifData(prevFetchPromise, prevRenderPromise);
private fetchAndProcessGifData(
prevFetchPromise: Promise<EmojiGroupData> = Promise.resolve([]),
prevRenderPromise = Promise.resolve()): Promise<void> {
// Set Recently Used and Trending in the GIF tabs first before fetching
// Tenor API data
const trendingGifData = {name: constants.TRENDING};
const initialCategoryTabs = {
gif: this.setGifGroupsPagination([trendingGifData]),
this.allCategoryTabs = gifCategoryTabs(initialCategoryTabs);
// Fetch Tenor API category groups
const categoriesFetchPromise =
prevFetchPromise.then(() => this.apiProxy.getCategories());
const categoriesRenderPromise =
Promise.all([prevRenderPromise, categoriesFetchPromise])
.then((values) => {
const {gifCategories} = values[1];
const categoryTabs = {
gif: this.setGifGroupsPagination(
[trendingGifData, ...gifCategories]),
category => this.nextGifPos[category.name] = '');
this.allCategoryTabs = gifCategoryTabs(categoryTabs);
// If user is on GIF category, update emojiGroupTabs to
// re-render emoji picker and display newly fetched GIF tabs
if (this.category === CategoryEnum.GIF) {
const gifTabs = this.allCategoryTabs.filter(
tab => tab.category === CategoryEnum.GIF);
this.set('emojiGroupTabs', gifTabs);
const featuredGifFetchPromise =
categoriesFetchPromise.then(() => this.apiProxy.getFeaturedGifs());
return Promise.all([categoriesRenderPromise, featuredGifFetchPromise])
.then((values) => {
const {status, featuredGifs} = values[1];
this.status = status;
const trendingGifsElement: EmojiVariants[] =
const trendingGifs = [{
group: constants.TRENDING,
category: CategoryEnum.GIF,
emoji: trendingGifsElement,
this.nextGifPos[constants.TRENDING] = featuredGifs.next;
this.updateCategoryData(trendingGifs, CategoryEnum.GIF);
this.activeInfiniteGroupId =
this.allCategoryTabs.find(tab => tab.name === constants.TRENDING)
?.groupId as string;
onClickTryAgain() {
// The network error illustration only displays in GIF panel under offline
// mode; in this case, after reloading data, we should switch back to GIF
// panel (if it is successful).
this.fetchAndProcessGifData().then(() => {
private canScrollToGroup(category: CategoryEnum, groupId: string): boolean {
if (!this.isInfiniteCategory(category)) {
return true;
// There will always be a trending GIF group (initialised at beginning),
// hence it is safe to cast as SubcategoryData
const trendingGifGroup =
tab =>
(tab.category === CategoryEnum.GIF &&
tab.name === constants.TRENDING)) as SubcategoryData;
const historyGifGroup = this.categoriesGroupElements.find(
group => group.category === CategoryEnum.GIF && group.isHistory);
return [trendingGifGroup.groupId, historyGifGroup?.groupId].includes(
private isInfiniteCategory(category: CategoryEnum) {
return category === CategoryEnum.GIF;
private setActiveFeatures(featureList: Feature[]) {
this.searchExtensionEnabled =
this.gifSupport = featureList.includes(Feature.EMOJI_PICKER_GIF_SUPPORT);
this.useMojoSearch = featureList.includes(Feature.EMOJI_PICKER_MOJO_SEARCH);
this.sealSupport = featureList.includes(Feature.EMOJI_PICKER_SEAL_SUPPORT);
this.variantGroupingSupport =
private fetchOrderingData(url: string): Promise<EmojiGroupData> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onloadend = () => resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText));
xhr.open('GET', url);
* Processes a new category data and updates any needed variables and UIs
* accordingly.
* @param data The category data to be processes.
* Note: category field will be added to the each EmojiGroup in data.
* @param category Category of the data.
* @param categoryLastPartition True if no future data updates are expected
* for the given category.
* @param lastPartition True if no future data updates are expected.
private updateCategoryData(
data: EmojiGroupData, category: CategoryEnum,
categoryLastPartition = false, lastPartition = false) {
// TODO(b/233270589): Add category to the underlying data.
// Add category field to the data.
data.forEach((emojiGroup) => {
emojiGroup.category = category;
// Create recently used emoji group for the category as its first
// group element.
const startIndexes = this.gifSupport ?
const startIndex = startIndexes.get(category);
if (startIndex === this.categoriesGroupElements.length) {
const historyGroupElement = this.createEmojiGroupElement(
this.getHistoryEmojis(category), {}, true, startIndex);
this.push('categoriesGroupElements', historyGroupElement);
// Convert the emoji group data to elements.
const baseIndex = this.categoriesGroupElements.length;
const categoriesGroupElements: EmojiGroupElement[] = [];
data.filter(item => !item.searchOnly).forEach((emojiGroup, index) => {
if (emojiGroup.category === CategoryEnum.GIF &&
emojiGroup.emoji.length === 0) {
// EmojiGroup.emoji will be empty if and only if it is a gif category
// and there's an error when trying to fetch gifs.
if (this.variantGroupingSupport && category === CategoryEnum.EMOJI) {
emojiGroup.emoji.forEach((emoji) => {
const tabIndex = baseIndex + index;
const tabCategory = this.allCategoryTabs[tabIndex]?.category;
emojiGroup.emoji, this.getEmojiGroupPreference(category), false,
// TODO(b/233271528): Remove assert after removing metadata.
// Ensure category of emoji groups match tab entries.
tabCategory === category,
`Tab category at index ${tabIndex} is ${tabCategory} ` +
`but corresponding group category in data is ${category}.`);
// Update emoji data for other features such as search.
if (category !== CategoryEnum.GIF) {
this.push('categoriesData', ...data);
// Update group elements for the emoji picker.
this.push('categoriesGroupElements', ...categoriesGroupElements);
if (categoryLastPartition) {
events.CATEGORY_DATA_LOADED, {'category': category}));
if (lastPartition) {
// If all data is fetched, trigger search index.
this.searchLazyIndexing = false;
// TODO(b/233271528): Remove the following after removing metadata.
const numEmojiGroups = this.categoriesGroupElements.length;
const dataMatchSubcategoryTabs =
numEmojiGroups === this.allCategoryTabs.length;
// Ensure hard-coded tabs match the loaded data.
if (!this.gifSupport) {
`The Number of tabs "${
this.allCategoryTabs.length}" does not match ` +
` the number of loaded groups "${numEmojiGroups}".`,
async () => {
switch ((await this.apiProxy.getInitialCategory()).category) {
// by default, do nothing.
case Category.kEmojis:
case Category.kSymbols:
await this.onCategoryButtonClick(CategoryEnum.SYMBOL);
case Category.kEmoticons:
await this.onCategoryButtonClick(CategoryEnum.EMOTICON);
case Category.kGifs:
await this.onCategoryButtonClick(CategoryEnum.GIF);
const initialQuery = (await this.apiProxy.getInitialQuery()).query;
if (initialQuery !== '') {
events.createCustomEvent(events.EMOJI_PICKER_READY, {}));
* Fills any gaps in the tone and gender information for variants of the
* emoji; the build script omits this information in some cases to reduce
* build size. Variant and grouping information is also copied to the
* corresponding history emoji, if it exists, because existing store data
* may not have the information.
private fillEmojiVariantAttributes(emoji: EmojiVariants) {
const {base, alternates, groupedTone, groupedGender} = emoji;
if (!base.name || !alternates || !(groupedTone || groupedGender)) {
alternates.forEach((variant) => {
if (groupedTone) {
variant.tone ??= Tone.DEFAULT;
if (groupedGender) {
variant.gender ??= Gender.DEFAULT;
base.name, alternates, groupedTone, groupedGender);
private onSearchChanged(newValue: string) {
this.$['list-container'].style.display = newValue ? 'none' : '';
private onBarTransitionStart() {
this.highlightBarMoving = true;
private onBarTransitionEnd() {
this.highlightBarMoving = false;
private onEmojiTextButtonClick(ev: events.EmojiTextButtonClickEvent) {
const category = ev.detail.category;
this.insertText(category, ev.detail);
private onEmojiImgButtonClick(ev: events.EmojiImgButtonClickEvent) {
const category = ev.detail.category;
this.insertVisualContent(category, ev.detail);
private async insertText(category: CategoryEnum, item: events.TextItem) {
const {text, isVariant} = item;
this.$.message.textContent = text + ' inserted.';
this.insertHistoryTextItem(category, item);
const searchLength = this.$['search-container']
?.value?.length ??
// TODO(b/217276960): change to a more generic name
this.apiProxy.insertEmoji(text, isVariant, searchLength);
private insertVisualContent(category: CategoryEnum, item: events.VisualItem) {
this.insertHistoryVisualContentItem(category, item);
isGifInErrorState(status: Status): boolean {
return this.gifSupport && status !== Status.kHttpOk;
private clearRecentEmoji(event: events.EmojiClearRecentClickEvent) {
const category = event.detail.category;
const item = event.detail.item;
this.clearHistoryData(category, item);
afterNextRender(this, () => {
private async setGifGroupElements(activeGroupId: string) {
// Check if GIFs have already been previously fetched and cached
let gifGroupElements = this.categoriesGroupElements.find(
group => group.groupId === activeGroupId);
const isCached = !!gifGroupElements;
// Call API only if the GIF elements for this search query has not been
// cached
if (!gifGroupElements) {
// searchQuery will never be undefined
const searchQuery =
.find(element => element.groupId === activeGroupId)
?.name as string;
const {searchGifs} = await this.apiProxy.searchGifs(searchQuery);
const gifElements = this.apiProxy.convertTenorGifsToEmoji(searchGifs);
this.nextGifPos[searchQuery] = searchGifs.next;
const activeCategoryIndex =
this.allCategoryTabs.findIndex(tab => tab.groupId === activeGroupId);
gifGroupElements = this.createEmojiGroupElement(
gifElements, {}, false, activeCategoryIndex);
if (!isCached) {
this.categoriesGroupElements =
[...this.categoriesGroupElements, gifGroupElements];
private setActiveInfiniteGroup(activeGroupId: string) {
this.activeInfiniteGroupId = activeGroupId;
private async selectGroup(newGroup: string) {
await this.ensureFetchAndProcessDataFinished();
if (this.category === CategoryEnum.GIF) {
await this.setGifGroupElements(newGroup);
// focus and scroll to selected group's first emoji.
const group =
if (group) {
const target = (group.querySelector('.group')?.shadowRoot?.querySelector(
'#fake-focus-target')) as HTMLElement |
private onEmojiScroll() {
// The scroll event is fired very frequently while scrolling.
// Thus we wrap it with `requestAnimationFrame`
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Using ! here as this.status will always exist when GIF support is on.
if (this.category === CategoryEnum.GIF &&
!this.isGifInErrorState(this.status!)) {
private onRightChevronClick() {
if (!this.textSubcategoryBarEnabled) {
// ! safe due to &&
this.$.tabs.scrollLeft = constants.EMOJI_PICKER_TOTAL_EMOJI_WIDTH *
EMOJI_GROUP_TABS[constants.GROUP_PER_ROW - 1]?.groupId);
this.$.bar.style.left = constants.EMOJI_PICKER_TOTAL_EMOJI_WIDTH_PX;
} else {
const maxPagination =
this.getPaginationArray(this.emojiGroupTabs).pop() ?? 0;
this.pagination = Math.min(this.pagination + 1, maxPagination);
private onRightChevronKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
// Moves focus to the first button under the group of current category if
// user tries to move to the next element from right chevron button in a11y
// mode.
if (event.code === 'Tab' && !event.shiftKey) {
const currentGroups = this.shadowRoot!
// The first group might be a history group. If the user has no history
// item, we should continue to check the second group.
for (const group of currentGroups) {
const button = group.firstEmojiButton();
if (button) {
// Announcement for a11y.
getAnnouncerInstance().announce('New sections available');
private onLeftChevronClick() {
this.pagination = Math.max(this.pagination - 1, 1);
// Announcement for a11y.
getAnnouncerInstance().announce('New sections available');
private updateCurrentGroupTabs() {
const nextTab =
this.emojiGroupTabs.find((tab) => tab.pagination === this.pagination);
if (this.category === CategoryEnum.GIF && nextTab) {
scrollToGroup(newGroup?: string) {
// TODO(crbug/1152237): This should use behaviour:'smooth', but when you do
// that it doesn't scroll.
if (newGroup) {
private onGroupsScroll() {
// This stops the GIF group tabs bar from bouncing back
// when clicking on left/right chevron.
if (this.category === CategoryEnum.GIF) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.updateActiveGroup());
private updateChevrons() {
const leftChevron = this.$['left-chevron'];
const rightChevron = this.$['right-chevron'];
// bail early if required elements don't exist
if (!leftChevron || !rightChevron) {
if (!this.textSubcategoryBarEnabled) {
leftChevron.style.display = 'none';
rightChevron.style.display = 'none';
} else {
leftChevron.style.display = this.pagination >= 2 ? 'flex' : 'none';
rightChevron.style.display = this.pagination <
(this.getPaginationArray(this.emojiGroupTabs).pop() ?? 0) ?
'flex' :
* @returns the id of the emoji or emoticon group currently in view.
* This does not apply to GIFs, since each infinite set of GIF elements for
* the GIF categories are displayed on a separate page, and cannot be
* accessible from other categories via scrolling.
private getActiveGroupIdFromScrollPosition(): string {
// get bounding rect of scrollable emoji region.
const thisRect = this.$.groups.getBoundingClientRect();
return this.getActiveGroupAndId(thisRect).id;
getActiveGroupAndId(thisRect: DOMRect):
{group: HTMLElement|undefined, id: string} {
const groupElements = Array.from(
this.$['groups']?.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>('[data-group]') ?? []);
// activate the first group which is visible for at least 20 pixels,
// i.e. whose bottom edge is at least 20px below the top edge of the
// scrollable region.
const activeGroup = groupElements.find(
el => el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - thisRect.top >= 20);
let activeGroupId;
if (activeGroup === undefined) {
if (this.status && this.isGifInErrorState(this.status)) {
// If there's an error Trending gifs will be empty, so activeGroup
// cannot be found from scroll position, have to set it manually.
activeGroupId = constants.TRENDING_GROUP_ID;
} else {
activeGroupId = 'emoji-history';
} else {
activeGroupId = activeGroup.dataset['group'] ?? '';
return {group: activeGroup, id: activeGroupId};
private async checkScrollPosition(): Promise<void> {
if (this.activeInfiniteGroupId === null) {
// get bounding rect of scrollable emoji region.
const thisRect = this.$.groups.getBoundingClientRect();
const activeGroupInfo = this.getActiveGroupAndId(thisRect);
if (!activeGroupInfo.group) {
// Don't append new GIFs if the initial set is still rendering.
if (activeGroupInfo.group.getBoundingClientRect().height <=
thisRect.height) {
// If there's less than 300px until the end of the GIF category, load more
// GIFs.
if (activeGroupInfo.group.getBoundingClientRect().bottom -
thisRect.bottom <=
300) {
// Using ! here as you can only scroll on a GIF category after the first
// set of fetched GIFs have been pushed to this.categoriesGroupElements,
// i.e. There will always be an element group that matches with the
// current activeInfiniteGroupId.
const searchQuery =
group => group.groupId === this.activeInfiniteGroupId)!.name;
// No need to append to history group.
if (searchQuery === constants.RECENTLY_USED) {
let gifElements;
if (searchQuery === constants.TRENDING) {
const {featuredGifs} =
await this.apiProxy.getFeaturedGifs(this.nextGifPos[searchQuery]);
gifElements = featuredGifs;
} else {
const {searchGifs} = await this.apiProxy.searchGifs(
searchQuery, this.nextGifPos[searchQuery]);
gifElements = searchGifs;
this.nextGifPos[searchQuery] = gifElements.next;
const gifs = this.apiProxy.convertTenorGifsToEmoji(gifElements);
this.appendGifElements(searchQuery, gifs);
private appendGifElements(subcategory: string, gifs: EmojiVariants[]) {
const categoryIndex =
this.categoriesGroupElements.findIndex(tab => tab.name === subcategory);
if (categoryIndex === -1) {
this.push(['categoriesGroupElements', categoryIndex, 'emoji'], ...gifs);
* Active group is updated with scroll position for emoji types with finite
* elements (emojis, emoticons, symbols). However, active groups for emoji
* types with infinite will be passed through a groupId because they cannot be
* determined with scroll position.
private updateActiveGroup(groupId?: string) {
let activeGroupId = groupId;
if (groupId == null) {
activeGroupId = this.getActiveGroupIdFromScrollPosition();
if (this.category === CategoryEnum.GIF) {
this.set('activeInfiniteGroupId', activeGroupId);
'pagination', this.getPaginationFromGroupId(activeGroupId as string));
const bar = this.$.bar;
let index = 0;
// set active to true for selected group and false for others.
this.emojiGroupTabs.forEach((g, i) => {
const isActive = g.groupId === activeGroupId;
if (isActive) {
index = i;
this.set(['emojiGroupTabs', i, 'active'], isActive);
// Ensure that the history tab is not set as active if it is empty.
if (index === 0 && this.isCategoryHistoryEmpty(this.category)) {
this.set(['emojiGroupTabs', 0, 'active'], false);
this.set(['emojiGroupTabs', 1, 'active'], true);
index = 1;
// Once tab scroll is updated, update the position of the highlight bar.
if (!this.highlightBarMoving) {
// Update the scroll position of the emoji groups so that active group is
// visible.
if (!this.textSubcategoryBarEnabled) {
// The value here means the width of an emoji tab button + extra right
// side spacing. It's different between the versions before GIF support
// and after.
const totalWidth = this.gifSupport ?
bar.style.width = constants.EMOJI_HIGHLIGHTER_WIDTH_PX;
bar.style.left = `${index * totalWidth}px`;
} else {
// Cast below should be safe as worst case array is empty.
const subcategoryTabs =
// for text group button, the highlight bar only spans its inner width,
// which excludes both padding and margin.
if (index < subcategoryTabs.length) {
const padding = this.gifSupport ?
const barInlineGap =
const currentTab = subcategoryTabs[index];
bar.style.left = `${
(currentTab?.offsetLeft ?? 0) - padding -
bar.style.width = `${
(subcategoryTabs[index]?.clientWidth ?? 0) - barInlineGap * 2}px`;
} else {
bar.style.left = '0px';
bar.style.width = '0px';
* Update active category by using vertical scroll position.
private updateActiveCategory() {
const activeGroupId = this.getActiveGroupIdFromScrollPosition();
const currentCategory =
this.allCategoryTabs.find((tab) => tab.groupId === activeGroupId)
this.set('category', currentCategory);
private preventV2TabScrolling() {
this.$.tabs.scrollLeft =
private hideDialogs() {
for (const category of Object.values(CategoryEnum)) {
if (!this.isCategoryHistoryEmpty(category)) {
const historyButton =
if (historyButton) {
historyButton.showClearRecents = false;
private hideEmojiVariants() {
if (this.activeVariant) {
this.activeVariant = null;
* Disables the history tab when there is no usage history for the
* selected category and enables it otherwise.
private updateHistoryTabDisabledProperty() {
['emojiGroupTabs', 0, 'disabled'],
* Gets recently used emojis for a category. It gets the history items
* and convert them to emojis.
private getHistoryEmojis(category: CategoryEnum): EmojiVariants[] {
if (this.incognito) {
return [];
return this.categoriesHistory[category]?.getHistory().map(
emoji => ({
base: {
string: emoji.base.string,
name: emoji.base.name,
visualContent: emoji.base.visualContent,
keywords: [],
tone: emoji.base.tone,
gender: emoji.base.gender,
alternates: emoji.alternates?.map(
(alternate: Emoji):
Emoji => {
return {
string: alternate.string,
name: alternate.name,
[...(alternate.keywords ?? [])],
tone: alternate.tone,
gender: alternate.gender,
}) ??
groupedTone: emoji.groupedTone,
groupedGender: emoji.groupedGender,
})) ??
* Handles the event where history or preferences are modified for a
* category.
private categoryHistoryUpdated(
category: CategoryEnum, historyUpdated = true,
_preferenceUpdated = true) {
// History item is assumed to be the first item of each category.
const historyIndexes = this.gifSupport ?
const historyIndex = historyIndexes.get(category);
// If history group is already added, then update it.
if (historyUpdated && (historyIndex !== undefined) &&
historyIndex < this.categoriesGroupElements.length) {
['categoriesGroupElements', historyIndex, 'emoji'],
// Note: preference update is not handled because it is an expensive
// operation and adds no value to the current version.
// If needed in the future, its addition requires iterating over all
// categoriesGroupElement of the category and setting their preferences
// here.
* Updates incognito state and variables that needs to be updated by the
* change of incognito state.
async updateIncognitoState(incognito: boolean) {
this.incognito = incognito;
// Load the history item for each category.
// Initialise all objects before async for extra safety.
for (const category of Object.values(CategoryEnum)) {
this.categoriesHistory[category] =
incognito ? null : new RecentlyUsedStore(category);
for (const category of Object.values(CategoryEnum)) {
await this.categoriesHistory[category]?.mergeWithPrefsHistory();
* Updates the emoji preferences store, global tone, and global gender.
updateEmojiPreferencesStore() {
this.emojiPreferences = this.incognito || !this.variantGroupingSupport ?
null :
new EmojiPreferencesStore();
this.globalTone = this.emojiPreferences?.getTone() ?? null;
this.globalGender = this.emojiPreferences?.getGender() ?? null;
* Inserts a new item to the history of a category. It will do nothing during
* incognito state.
private insertHistoryTextItem(category: CategoryEnum, item: events.TextItem) {
if (this.incognito) {
const {
} = item;
this.categoriesHistory[category]?.bumpItem(category, {
base: {string: text, name, tone, gender},
let preferenceUpdated = false;
if (!this.variantGroupingSupport || !(groupedTone || groupedGender)) {
preferenceUpdated =
text, baseEmoji);
this.categoryHistoryUpdated(category, true, preferenceUpdated);
if (!this.variantGroupingSupport) {
if (tone !== undefined) {
if (gender !== undefined) {
* Inserts a new item to the history of a visual content category. It will do
* nothing during incognito state.
private insertHistoryVisualContentItem(
category: CategoryEnum, item: events.VisualItem) {
if (this.incognito) {
const {name, visualContent} = item;
{base: {visualContent: visualContent, name: name}, alternates: []});
this.categoryHistoryUpdated(category, true, undefined);
* Clears history item(s) for a category.
private clearHistoryData(category: CategoryEnum, item?: EmojiVariants) {
if (this.incognito) {
if (item === undefined) {
} else {
this.categoriesHistory[category]?.clearItem(category, item);
this.categoryHistoryUpdated(category, true, false);
* Check if the history items of a category is empty.
* @returns {boolean} True for empty history.
private isCategoryHistoryEmpty(category: CategoryEnum) {
return this.incognito || this.categoriesHistory[category]?.isHistoryEmpty();
* @returns True if the emoji should use the global variant preference, or
* false if it should revert to the individual preference.
private shouldUseGroupedPreference(isHistory: boolean): boolean {
return this.variantGroupingSupport && !isHistory;
* Gets HTML classes for an emoji group element.
* The emojis need to be passed in directly so Polymer registers changes
* e.g. when clearing history emojis.
* The currEmojiGroup is passed in for additional attribute info.
* @returns {string} HTML element class attribute.
private getEmojiGroupClassNames(
emojis: EmojiVariants[], currEmojiGroup: EmojiGroupElement,
activeCategory: CategoryEnum, activeInfiniteGroupId: string) {
const baseClassNames = currEmojiGroup.isHistory ? 'group history' : 'group';
// Make emoji hidden if it is empty.
// Note: Filtering empty groups in dom-repeat is expensive due to
// re-rendering, so making it hidden is more efficient.
if (!emojis || emojis.length === 0) {
return baseClassNames + ' hidden';
if (!this.gifSupport) {
return baseClassNames;
// If the active group can be reached via scrolling (i.e. emojis, emoticons,
// symbols, recently used GIFs, trending GIFs), whereas the current group
// being rendered cannot, the current group should be hidden, and vice
// versa. i.e. When on an emoji group, you can scroll down to other emoticon
// or symbol groups, or recently used or trending GIFs, but cannot scroll
// past trending GIFs to view #tag GIF groups.
const canScrollToActiveGroup =
this.canScrollToGroup(activeCategory, activeInfiniteGroupId);
const canScrollToCurrGroup =
this.canScrollToGroup(currEmojiGroup.category, currEmojiGroup.groupId);
const canScrollToCurrGroupFromActive =
(canScrollToCurrGroup && canScrollToActiveGroup);
// For GIF category groups (not including history or recently used), only
// the currently active group should be displayed and all other groups
// should be hidden.
const currGroupIsActiveInfiniteGroup =
currEmojiGroup.groupId === activeInfiniteGroupId;
if (!canScrollToCurrGroupFromActive && !currGroupIsActiveInfiniteGroup) {
return baseClassNames + ' hidden';
return baseClassNames;
* Create an instance of emoji group element.
private createEmojiGroupElement(
emoji: EmojiVariants[], preferences: PreferenceMapping,
isHistory: boolean, subcategoryIndex: number): EmojiGroupElement {
const baseDetails = {
'emoji': emoji,
'preferences': preferences,
'isHistory': isHistory,
return (
Object.assign({}, baseDetails, this.allCategoryTabs[subcategoryIndex]));
* Gets preferences for an emoji group.
private getEmojiGroupPreference(category: CategoryEnum): PreferenceMapping {
return this.categoriesHistory[category]?.getPreferenceMapping() ?? {};
private onShowEmojiVariants(ev: events.EmojiVariantsShownEvent) {
// Hide the currently shown emoji variants if the new one belongs
// to a different emoji group.
if (this.activeVariant && ev.detail.owner !== this.activeVariant) {
this.activeVariant = ev.detail.owner as EmojiGroupComponent;
// Updates the UI if a variant is shown.
if (ev.detail.variants) {
this.$.message.textContent = ev.detail.baseEmoji + ' variants shown.';
private positionEmojiVariants(variants: HTMLElement) {
// TODO(crbug.com/1174311): currently positions horizontally within page.
// ideal UI would be overflowing the bounds of the page.
// also need to account for vertical positioning.
// compute width required for the variant popup as: SIZE * columns + 10.
// SIZE is emoji width in pixels. number of columns is determined by width
// of variantRows, then one column each for the base emoji and skin tone
// indicators if present. 10 pixels are added for padding and the shadow.
// Reset any existing left margin before calculating a new position.
variants.style.marginLeft = '0';
// get size of emoji picker
const pickerRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
// determine how much overflows the right edge of the window.
const rect = variants.getBoundingClientRect();
const overflowWidth = rect.x + rect.width - pickerRect.width;
// shift left by overflowWidth rounded up to next multiple of EMOJI_SIZE.
const shift = constants.EMOJI_ICON_SIZE *
Math.ceil(overflowWidth / constants.EMOJI_ICON_SIZE);
// negative value means we are already within bounds, so no shift needed.
variants.style.marginLeft = `-${Math.max(shift, 0)}px`;
// Now, examine vertical scrolling and scroll if needed. Not quire sure why
// we need listcontainer.offsetTop, but it makes things work.
const groups = this.$.groups;
const scrollTop = groups.scrollTop;
const variantTop = variants.offsetTop;
const variantBottom = variantTop + variants.offsetHeight;
const listTop = this.$['list-container'].offsetTop;
if (variantBottom > scrollTop + (groups.offsetHeight) + listTop) {
top: variantBottom - (groups.offsetHeight) - listTop,
left: 0,
behavior: 'smooth',
* Triggers when category property changes
private onCategoryChanged(newCategoryName: string) {
const categoryTabs =
this.allCategoryTabs.filter(tab => tab.category === newCategoryName);
this.set('emojiGroupTabs', categoryTabs);
this.$.tabs.scrollLeft =
private async onCategoryButtonClick(newCategory: CategoryEnum) {
await this.ensureFetchAndProcessDataFinished();
this.set('category', newCategory);
this.set('pagination', 1);
if (newCategory === CategoryEnum.GIF) {
this.set('activeInfiniteGroupId', this.emojiGroupTabs[0]?.groupId);
if (this.$['search-container'].searchNotEmpty()) {
afterNextRender(this, () => {
} else {
* Trigger when pagination changes
private onPaginationChanged(newPage: number) {
// Left chevron has the same margin as the text subcategory button.
this.$.tabs.scrollLeft = this.calculateTabScrollLeftPosition(newPage);
* Returns true if the subcategory bar requires text group buttons.
private isTextSubcategoryBarEnabled(category: string) {
// Categories that require its subcategory bar to be labelled by text.
const textCategories = ['symbol', 'emoticon', 'gif'];
return textCategories.includes(category);
* Returns the array of page numbers which starts at 1 and finishes at the
* last pagination.
private getPaginationArray(tabs: SubcategoryData[]) {
// cast safe here since it is the result of filter.
const paginations =
tabs.map(tab => tab.pagination).filter(num => num) as number[];
const lastPagination = Math.max(...paginations);
return Array.from(Array(lastPagination), (_, idx) => idx + 1);
* Dynamically calculate the pagination for the GIF category groups tabs to
* determine the number of tabs that can fit in each page. Existing
* emoji/emoticon/symbol tabs pagination is hardcoded since the tabs remain
* consistent, but GIF tabs change after every API call.
private setGifGroupsPagination(gifGroupTabs: GifSubcategoryData[]):
GifSubcategoryData[] {
const gifCategoriesGroupData = gifGroupTabs;
// Max tabs bar width accounts for the chevron clicks and/or history button
const maxTabsWidth = constants.EMOJI_PICKER_WIDTH -
2 * constants.EMOJI_PICKER_SIDE_PADDING - 2 * constants.EMOJI_ICON_SIZE;
let totalTabsWidth = 0;
let pagination = 1;
for (const tabData of gifCategoriesGroupData) {
// Calculate maximum number of tabs that can fit within the tabs bar width
// to set pagination
const tabWidth = this.getTabElementWidth(tabData.name);
if (totalTabsWidth + tabWidth > maxTabsWidth) {
pagination += 1;
totalTabsWidth = 0;
totalTabsWidth += tabWidth;
tabData.pagination = pagination;
return gifCategoriesGroupData;
* Calculate the width of the specific tab element before it
* is rendered by customising the dummy element with the tab name
* and finding width.
private getTabElementWidth(tabName: string): number {
this.dummyTab = {
name: tabName,
groupId: '-1',
active: false,
disabled: false,
category: CategoryEnum.GIF,
return this.$.dummyTab.clientWidth;
* Returns true if the page is not the first.
private isNotFirstPage(pageNumber: number) {
return pageNumber !== 1;
private getPaginationFromGroupId(groupId: string) {
const tab = this.allCategoryTabs.find((tab) => tab.groupId === groupId);
if (tab) {
return tab.pagination;
} else {
throw new Error('Tab not found.');
private calculateTabScrollLeftPosition(page: number) {
const chevronMargin = constants.TAB_BUTTON_MARGIN;
const offsetByLeftChevron = constants.EMOJI_ICON_SIZE + chevronMargin;
return (page === 1) ?
0 :
(page - 1) * constants.EMOJI_PICKER_WIDTH - offsetByLeftChevron;
private getTabIndex(itemPagination: number, currentPagination: number) {
return itemPagination === currentPagination ? 0 : -1;
// The gifSupport field ensures that this function gets called when
// gifSupport is updated, allowing the correct categories to be shown
private getCategoryMetadata(gifSupport: boolean, category: string) {
// This determines whether the GIF category button will appear
return METADATA.map(data => ({
name: data.name,
icon: data.icon,
active: data.name === category,
* Checks if recently used GIFs are still valid if we open the emoji picker
* and it has been 24 hours since the last validation.
private async validateRecentlyUsedGifs() {
// This check ensures that we don't try and validate recently used GIFs
// if the validating process is already currently happening.
const currentTime = new Date();
if ((currentTime.getTime() - this.previousGifValidation.getTime()) >
constants.TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS) {
const updated = await this.categoriesHistory[CategoryEnum.GIF]?.validate(
this.previousGifValidation = currentTime;
constants.GIF_VALIDATION_DATE, currentTime.toJSON());
if (updated) {
private loadPreviousGifValidationTime(): Date {
const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(constants.GIF_VALIDATION_DATE);
if (!stored) {
// First time opening the Emoji Picker so there should be no recently used
// GIFs to render.
return new Date();
return new Date(stored);
private computeListContainerClass(category: CategoryEnum, status: Status): string {
// Only displays emoji-error if there is no internet connection and we are in GIF category.
if (category === CategoryEnum.GIF && status !== Status.kHttpOk) {
return 'error-only';
// Do not display GIF emoji groups if there is no internet connection and we are in non-GIF
// category.
if (category !== CategoryEnum.GIF && status !== Status.kHttpOk) {
return 'no-gif';
return '';
private getLeftChevronAriaLabel(gifSupport: boolean): string | undefined {
return gifSupport ? 'Previous' : undefined;
private getRightChevronAriaLabel(gifSupport: boolean): string | undefined {
return gifSupport ? 'Next': undefined;
private closeGifNudgeOverlay() {
if (this.showGifNudgeOverlay) {
this.showGifNudgeOverlay = false;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[EmojiPickerApp.is]: EmojiPickerApp;
interface HTMLElementEventMap {
[events.EMOJI_PICKER_READY]: CustomEvent;
[events.CATEGORY_DATA_LOADED]: events.CategoryDataLoadEvent;
customElements.define(EmojiPickerApp.is, EmojiPickerApp);