// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_search_field/cr_search_field.js';
import './emoji_category_button.js';
import './emoji_group.js';
import {CrSearchFieldElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_search_field/cr_search_field.js';
import {assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {Size} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import {Url} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/url/mojom/url.mojom-webui.js';
import {PolymerSpliceChange} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/interfaces.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {NO_INTERNET_SEARCH_ERROR_MSG} from './constants.js';
import {Status} from './emoji_picker.mojom-webui.js';
import {EmojiPickerApiProxy} from './emoji_picker_api_proxy.js';
import {getTemplate} from './emoji_search.html.js';
import {createCustomEvent, EMOJI_IMG_BUTTON_CLICK, GIF_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN} from './events.js';
import Fuse from './fuse.js';
import {CategoryData, CategoryEnum, EmojiGroupData, EmojiVariants, Gender, Tone} from './types.js';
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'seal-snackbar': { show(): void } & HTMLElement;
interface Image {
url: Url;
size: Size;
export interface EmojiSearch {
$: {
search: CrSearchFieldElement,
searchShadow: HTMLElement,
export class EmojiSearch extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'emoji-search' as const;
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
categoriesData: {type: Array, readonly: true},
categoryMetadata: {type: Array, readonly: true},
lazyIndexing: {type: Boolean, value: true},
searchResults: {type: Array},
needIndexing: {type: Boolean, value: false},
gifSupport: {type: Boolean, value: false},
sealSupport: {type: Boolean, value: false},
status: {type: Status, value: null},
searchQuery: {type: String, value: ''},
nextGifPos: {type: String, value: ''},
errorMessage: {type: String, value: NO_INTERNET_SEARCH_ERROR_MSG},
closeGifNudgeOverlay: {type: Object},
useMojoSearch: {type: Boolean, value: false},
useGroupedPreference: {type: Boolean, value: false},
globalTone: {type: Number, value: null, readonly: true},
globalGender: {type: Number, value: null, readonly: true},
sealMode: {type: Boolean, value: false},
categoriesData: EmojiGroupData;
categoryMetadata: CategoryData[];
lazyIndexing: boolean;
private searchResults: EmojiGroupData;
private needIndexing: boolean;
private gifSupport: boolean;
private sealSupport: boolean;
private status: Status|null;
private closeGifNudgeOverlay: () => void;
private useMojoSearch = false;
private useGroupedPreference: boolean;
private globalTone: Tone|null = null;
private globalGender: Gender|null = null;
private sealMode: boolean;
// TODO(b/235419647): Update the config to use extended search.
private fuseConfig: Fuse.IFuseOptions<EmojiVariants> = {
threshold: 0.0, // Exact match only.
ignoreLocation: true, // Match in all locations.
{name: 'base.name', weight: 10}, // Increase scoring of emoji name.
private fuseInstances = new Map<CategoryEnum, Fuse<EmojiVariants>>();
private nextGifPos: string; // This variable ensures that we get the correct
// set of GIFs when fetching more.
private scrollTimeout: number|null;
static get observers() {
return [
override ready() {
// Cast here is safe since that is the spec from the cr search field mixin.
'search', (ev) => this.onSearch((ev as CustomEvent<string>).detail));
'keydown', (ev: KeyboardEvent) => this.onSearchKeyDown(ev));
this.addEventListener(GIF_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN, this.onClickTryAgain);
private async onSearch(newSearch: string): Promise<void> {
this.sealMode = this.isSealMode(newSearch);
if (this.sealMode) {
const localSearchResults = this.useMojoSearch ?
await this.computeEmojiSearchResults(newSearch) :
if (!this.gifSupport) {
this.set('searchResults', localSearchResults);
} else {
// With GIF support, we will progressively show local search results first
// and more online GIFs after. To avoid displaying a "no results" screen in
// the middle, we only do this update when local search results are not
// empty.
if (localSearchResults.length > 0) {
this.set('searchResults', localSearchResults);
this.computeInitialGifSearchResults(newSearch).then((searchResults) => {
this.set('searchResults', [...localSearchResults, ...searchResults]);
// If the user is searching, to ensure emoji tooltip or variants popup can
// be full displayed, we need to specify the minimum height as 100%.
'--min-height': (newSearch.length > 0 ? '100%' : 'unset'),
// TODO(b/281609806): Remove this compatibility logic once gif support is
// turned on by default
private getSearchPlaceholderLabel(gifSupport: boolean): string {
return gifSupport ? 'Search' : 'Search emojis';
* Processes the changes to the data and determines whether indexing is
* needed or not. It also triggers indexing if mode is not lazy and there
* are new changes.
private categoriesDataChanged(
changedRecords: PolymerSpliceChange<EmojiGroupData>,
lazyIndexing: boolean): void {
if (!changedRecords && lazyIndexing) {
// Indexing is needed if there are new changes.
this.needIndexing = this.needIndexing ||
(s) => s.removed.length + s.addedCount > 0);
// Trigger indexing if mode is not lazy and indexing is needed.
if (!lazyIndexing && this.needIndexing) {
* Event handler for keydown on the search input. Used to switch focus to the
* results list on down arrow or enter key presses.
onSearchKeyDown(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {
// If GIF support is enabled, we may have an overlay for the GIF nudge. Need
// to ensure the overlay is closed before searching for anything.
const resultsCount = this.getNumSearchResults();
// if not searching or no results, do nothing.
if (!this.$.search.getValue() || resultsCount === 0) {
const isDown = ev.key === 'ArrowDown';
const isEnter = ev.key === 'Enter';
const isTab = ev.key === 'Tab';
if (isDown || isEnter || isTab) {
if (resultsCount === 0) {
const firstResultButton = this.findFirstResultButton();
if (!firstResultButton) {
throw new Error('Cannot find search result buttons.');
if (isEnter && resultsCount === 1) {
} else {
* Format the emoji data for search:
* 1) Remove duplicates.
* 2) Remove groupings.
private preprocessDataForIndexing(emojiData: EmojiGroupData):
EmojiVariants[] {
// TODO(b/235419647): Remove addition of extra space.
return Array.from(
new Map(emojiData.map(group => group.emoji).flat(1).map(emoji => {
// The Fuse search library in ChromeOS doesn't support prefix
// matching. A workaround is appending a space before all name and
// keyword labels. This allows us to force a prefix matching by
// prepending a space on users' searches. E.g. for the Emoji "smile
// face", we store " smile face", if the user searches for "fa", the
// search will be " fa" and will match " smile face", but not "
// infant".
emoji.base.name = ' ' + emoji.base.name;
if (emoji.base.keywords && emoji.base.keywords.length > 0) {
emoji.base.keywords =
emoji.base.keywords.map(keyword => ' ' + keyword);
return [emoji.base.string, emoji];
* Indexes category data for search.
* Note: The indexing is done for all data from scratch, it is possible
* to index only the new changes with the cost of increasing logic
* complexity.
private createSearchIndices(): void {
if (!this.categoriesData || this.categoriesData.length === 0) {
// Get the list of unique categories in the order they appeared
// in the data.
const categories =
[...new Set(this.categoriesData.map(item => item.category))];
// Remove existing indices.
for (const category of categories) {
// Filter records for the category and preprocess them.
const indexableEmojis =
emojiGroup => emojiGroup.category === category));
// Create a new index for the category.
category, new Fuse(indexableEmojis, this.fuseConfig));
this.needIndexing = false;
private findEmoji(category: CategoryEnum, emojiString: string):
EmojiVariants {
for (const group of this.categoriesData) {
if (group.category !== category) {
for (const emoji of group.emoji) {
if (emoji.base.string === emojiString) {
return emoji;
assertNotReached('Not able to find matching emoji');
private async computeEmojiSearchResults(search: string):
Promise<EmojiGroupData> {
const results = await EmojiPickerApiProxy.getInstance().searchEmoji(search);
return [
category: CategoryEnum.EMOJI,
group: '',
emoji: results.emojiResults.results.map(
(emoji) => this.findEmoji(CategoryEnum.EMOJI, emoji)),
category: CategoryEnum.SYMBOL,
group: '',
emoji: results.symbolResults.results.map(
(emoji) => this.findEmoji(CategoryEnum.SYMBOL, emoji)),
category: CategoryEnum.EMOTICON,
group: '',
emoji: results.emoticonResults.results.map(
(emoji) => this.findEmoji(CategoryEnum.EMOTICON, emoji)),
* Computes search results for a keyword.
private computeLocalSearchResults(search: string): EmojiGroupData {
if (!search) {
return [];
// Index data if needed (for lazy mode).
if (this.needIndexing) {
// TODO(b/235419647): Use `^${search}|'" ${search}"'` for extended search.
// Add an initial space to force prefix matching only.
const prefixSearchTerm = ` ${search}`;
const searchResults: EmojiGroupData = [];
// Search the keyword in the fuse instance of each category.
for (const [category, fuseInstance] of this.fuseInstances.entries()) {
const categorySearchResult =
fuseInstance.search(prefixSearchTerm).map(item => item.item);
// Add the category results if not empty.
if (categorySearchResult.length !== 0) {
'category': category,
'group': '',
'emoji': categorySearchResult,
'searchOnly': false,
return searchResults;
private onSearchScroll(): void {
if (this.gifSupport) {
if (this.scrollTimeout) {
this.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
* Checks the current scroll position and decides if new GIF elements need to
* be fetched and displayed.
private checkScrollPosition(): void {
const thisRect = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('results');
const searchResultRect = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('search-results');
if (!thisRect || !searchResultRect) {
// No need to append more GIFs if the first set of GIFs is still rendering.
if (searchResultRect.getBoundingClientRect().height <=
thisRect.getBoundingClientRect().height) {
// Append more GIFs to show if user is near the bottom of the currently
// rendered GIFs (300px is around the average height of 2 GIFs).
if (searchResultRect!.getBoundingClientRect().bottom -
thisRect!.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <=
300) {
const gifIndex = this.searchResults.findIndex(
group => group.category === CategoryEnum.GIF);
if (gifIndex === -1) {
.then((searchResults) => {
this.push(['searchResults', gifIndex, 'emoji'], ...searchResults);
// As part of loading more GIFs process, we also show seal snackbar.
if (!this.sealMode && this.sealSupport) {
private async computeInitialGifSearchResults(search: string):
Promise<EmojiGroupData> {
if (!search) {
return [];
const searchResults: EmojiGroupData = [];
const apiProxy = EmojiPickerApiProxy.getInstance();
const {status, searchGifs} = await apiProxy.searchGifs(search);
this.status = status;
this.nextGifPos = searchGifs.next;
if (searchGifs.results.length > 0) {
'category': CategoryEnum.GIF,
'group': '',
'emoji': apiProxy.convertTenorGifsToEmoji(searchGifs),
'searchOnly': false,
return searchResults;
private async computeFollowingGifSearchResults(search: string):
Promise<EmojiVariants[]> {
if (!search) {
return [];
const apiProxy = EmojiPickerApiProxy.getInstance();
const {searchGifs} = await apiProxy.searchGifs(search, this.nextGifPos);
this.nextGifPos = searchGifs.next;
return apiProxy.convertTenorGifsToEmoji(searchGifs);
private onResultClick(ev: MouseEvent): void {
// If the click is on elements except emoji-button, trigger the click on
// the emoji-button.
if ((ev.target as HTMLElement | null)?.nodeName !== 'EMOJI-BUTTON') {
// Using ! here, since if we use ! we should at least get a crash (and
// nothing would happen if we fall through via ?. )
(ev.currentTarget as HTMLElement | null)!.querySelector('emoji-button')!
* Finds the first button in the search result page.
private findFirstResultButton(): HTMLElement|null {
const results = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#search-results')
if (results) {
for (const result of results) {
const button = result.firstEmojiButton();
if (button) {
return button;
return null;
* Calculates the total number of items in the search results.
getNumSearchResults(): number {
return this.searchResults ?
this.searchResults.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.emoji.length, 0) :
* Checks if the search query is empty
searchNotEmpty(): boolean {
return this.$.search.getValue() !== '';
noResults(status: Status, searchResults: EmojiGroupData): boolean {
return (!this.gifSupport || status === Status.kHttpOk) &&
searchResults.length === 0;
isGifInErrorState(status: Status, searchResults: EmojiGroupData): boolean {
return this.gifSupport && status !== Status.kHttpOk &&
searchResults.length === 0;
onClickTryAgain() {
getSearchQuery(): string {
return this.$.search.getValue();
isSealMode(query: string): boolean {
return query.includes(':');
onSealToastConfirmed() {
if (!this.sealMode && this.sealSupport) {
this.setSearchQuery(`${SEAL_DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME}: ${this.getSearchQuery()}`);
onSealQueryChange(e: CustomEvent<string>) {
onSealImageClick(e: CustomEvent<Image>) {
name: 'image',
category: CategoryEnum.GIF,
visualContent: {
id: 'seal',
url: {
full: e.detail.url,
preview: e.detail.url,
previewImage: e.detail.url,
previewSize: e.detail.size,
* Sets the search query
setSearchQuery(value: string): void {
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[EmojiSearch.is]: EmojiSearch;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[EmojiSearch.is]: EmojiSearch;
customElements.define(EmojiSearch.is, EmojiSearch);