
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {CategoryEnum, Emoji, Gender, Tone, VisualContent} from './types.js';

export type CategoryButtonClickEvent =
    CustomEvent<{categoryName: CategoryEnum}>;

export const CATEGORY_BUTTON_CLICK = 'category-button-click';

export type GroupButtonClickEvent = CustomEvent<{group: string}>;

export const GROUP_BUTTON_CLICK = 'group-button-click';

export interface TextItem {
  name?: string;
  category: CategoryEnum;
  text: string;
  baseEmoji?: string;
  isVariant: boolean;
  tone?: Tone;
  gender?: Gender;
  groupedTone: boolean;
  groupedGender: boolean;
  alternates: Emoji[];

export type EmojiTextButtonClickEvent = CustomEvent<TextItem>;

export const EMOJI_TEXT_BUTTON_CLICK = 'emoji-text-button-click';

export interface VisualItem {
  name?: string;
  category: CategoryEnum;
  visualContent: VisualContent;

export type EmojiImgButtonClickEvent = CustomEvent<VisualItem>;

export const EMOJI_IMG_BUTTON_CLICK = 'emoji-img-button-click';

 * TODO(b/233130994): Update the type after removing emoji-button.
 * The current event type is used as an intermediate step for a refactor
 * leading to the removal of emoji-button. Therefore, its current state allows
 * keeping variants events for both emoji-button and emoji-group valid at the
 * same time. It will be be improved after removing emoji-button.
export type EmojiVariantsShownEvent =
    CustomEvent<{owner?: Element, variants?: HTMLElement, baseEmoji?: string}>;

export const EMOJI_VARIANTS_SHOWN = 'emoji-variants-shown';

export type CategoryDataLoadEvent = CustomEvent<{category: string}>;

 * The event that data of a category is fetched and processed for rendering.
 * Note: this event does not indicate if rendering of the category data is
 * completed or not.
export const CATEGORY_DATA_LOADED = 'category-data-loaded';

export type EmojiPickerReadyEvent = CustomEvent;

 * The event that the user clicks try again when there is either a network or
 * http error when trying to fetch for gifs.
export const GIF_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN = 'gif-error-try-again';

export type GifErrorTryAgainEvent = CustomEvent;

 * The event that all the data are loaded and rendered and all the
 * emoji-picker functionalities are ready to use.
export const EMOJI_PICKER_READY = 'emoji-picker-ready';

export type EmojiClearRecentClickEvent = CustomEvent;

export const EMOJI_CLEAR_RECENTS_CLICK = 'emoji-clear-recents-click';

type ExtractDetail<T> = T extends CustomEvent<infer U>? U : never;

 * Constructs a CustomEvent with the given event type and details.
 * The event will bubble up through elements and components.
export function createCustomEvent<T extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
    type: T,
    detail: ExtractDetail<HTMLElementEventMap[T]>): CustomEvent<typeof detail> {
  return new CustomEvent(type, {bubbles: true, composed: true, detail});