// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {Size} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import {Url} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/url/mojom/url.mojom-webui.js';
// LINT.IfChange
// `DEFAULT` is not defined in tools/emoji_data.py for `Tone` and `Gender`
// because it is only relevant for frontend persistence.
export enum Tone {
LIGHT = 1,
DARK = 5,
export enum Gender {
WOMAN = 1,
MAN = 2,
// LINT.ThenChange(//chromeos/ash/components/emoji/tools/emoji_data.py)
export type PreferenceMapping = Record<string, string>;
export interface CategoryData {
name: CategoryEnum;
icon: string;
active: boolean;
// string is defined in Emoji only when Emoji is of type Emoji, Emoticon or
// Symbol. string represents the Emoji to be inserted in string form, e.g. "😂".
// visualContent is defined in Emoji only when Emoji is of type GIF.
// visualContent represents the information needed to display visual content
// such as GIF (see VisualContent interface below).
// tone and gender are defined in Emoji only when it's of type Emoji, and only
// for variants of applicable emojis. They can never have the value DEFAULT
// because the fields are omitted in this case, but DEFAULT is relevant for
// persistence.
export interface Emoji {
string?: string;
visualContent?: VisualContent;
name?: string;
keywords?: string[];
tone?: Tone;
gender?: Gender;
// When `groupedTone` is true, all emojis that also have it set to true will
// update to have the same tone. The same applies to `groupedGender`.
export interface EmojiVariants {
base: Emoji;
alternates: Emoji[];
groupedTone?: boolean;
groupedGender?: boolean;
export interface EmojiHistoryItem extends EmojiVariants {
// Timestamp is in milliseconds since unix epoch.
timestamp?: number;
export interface EmojiGroup {
category: CategoryEnum;
group: string;
searchOnly?: boolean;
emoji: EmojiVariants[];
export type EmojiGroupData = EmojiGroup[];
export interface VisualContent {
id: string;
url: {full: Url, preview: Url, previewImage: Url};
previewSize: Size;
// `fullSize` is currently unused by Emoji Picker.
export interface SubcategoryData {
name: string;
icon?: string;
groupId: string;
active: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
pagination?: number;
category: CategoryEnum;
export interface EmojiGroupElement {
name: string;
category: CategoryEnum;
emoji: EmojiVariants[];
groupId: string;
active: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
pagination?: number;
preferences: PreferenceMapping;
isHistory: boolean;
export enum CategoryEnum {
EMOJI = 'emoji',
EMOTICON = 'emoticon',
SYMBOL = 'symbol',
GIF = 'gif',
export interface GifSubcategoryData {
name: string;
pagination?: number;
icon?: string;