
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';

import type {HealthdApiCpuExecutionTimeUserHz, HealthdApiCpuResult} from './externs.js';

export interface CpuUsage {
  // The usage in percentage. Return null if the usage cannot be calculated.
  usagePercentage: number|null;

 * Helper class to calculate CPU usage.
export class CpuUsageHelper {
  // Last execution time for logical CPUs. The index for the first dimension is
  // physical CPU ID and the index for the second dimension is logical CPU ID.
  private lastExecutionTime: HealthdApiCpuExecutionTimeUserHz[][] = [];

   * Calculate the CPU usage from execution time.
   * @returns - CPU usage for each logical CPU. The index for the first
   *            dimension is physical CPU ID and the index for the second
   *            dimension is logical CPU ID. Return null if the last execution
   *            time is not found.
  getCpuUsage(cpu: HealthdApiCpuResult): CpuUsage[][]|null {
    if (this.lastExecutionTime.length === 0) {
      for (const [physicalCpuId, physicalCpu] of cpu.physicalCpus.entries()) {
        this.lastExecutionTime[physicalCpuId] = [];
        for (const logicalCpu of physicalCpu.logicalCpus) {
      return null;

    const output: CpuUsage[][] = [];
    for (const [physicalCpuId, physicalCpu] of cpu.physicalCpus.entries()) {
      output[physicalCpuId] = [];
      for (const [logicalCpuId, logicalCpu] of physicalCpu.logicalCpus
               .entries()) {
        const lastExecTime: HealthdApiCpuExecutionTimeUserHz|undefined =
        assert(lastExecTime !== undefined);

            this.getLogicalCpuUsage(logicalCpu.executionTime, lastExecTime!));
        this.lastExecutionTime[physicalCpuId][logicalCpuId] =
    return output;

  private getLogicalCpuUsage(
      currentExecTime: HealthdApiCpuExecutionTimeUserHz,
      lastExecTime: HealthdApiCpuExecutionTimeUserHz,
      ): CpuUsage {
    const user: number|null = this.getCpuTimeDiff(
        parseInt(currentExecTime.user), parseInt(lastExecTime.user));
    const system: number|null = this.getCpuTimeDiff(
        parseInt(currentExecTime.system), parseInt(lastExecTime.system));
    const idle: number|null = this.getCpuTimeDiff(
        parseInt(currentExecTime.idle), parseInt(lastExecTime.idle));
    let usage: number|null = null;
    if (user !== null && system !== null && idle !== null) {
      const total: number = user + system + idle;
      if (total !== 0) {
        usage = (user + system) / total * 100;

    return {
      usagePercentage: usage,

  private getCpuTimeDiff(current: number, last: number): number|null {
    if (current < last) {
      // The increment is negative when the execution time counter exceeds
      // maximum value.
      return null;
    return current - last;