// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var controller;
* Armed callback to be triggered when a keyset changes.
* @type {{string:target function:callback}}
* @private
var keysetChangeListener_;
* Registers a function, which may override a preexisting implementation.
* @param {string} path Full path for the function name.
* @param {function=} opt_fn Optional function definition. If not specified,
* the default implementation prettyprints the method call with arguments.
* @return {function} Registered function, which may be a mock implementation.
function registerFunction(path, opt_fn) {
var parts = path.split('.');
var base = window;
var part = null;
var fn = opt_fn;
if (!fn) {
fn = function() {
var prettyprint = function(arg) {
if (arg instanceof Array) {
var terms = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
return '[' + terms.join(', ') + ']';
} else if (typeof arg == 'object') {
var properties = [];
for (var key in arg) {
properties.push(key + ': ' + prettyprint(arg[key]));
return '{' + properties.join(', ') + '}';
} else {
return arg;
// The property 'arguments' is an array-like object. Convert to a true
// array for prettyprinting.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
console.log('Call to ' + path + ': ' + prettyprint(args));
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
part = parts[i];
if (!base[part]) {
base[part] = {};
base = base[part];
base[parts[parts.length - 1]] = fn;
return fn;
* The chrome.i18n API is not compatible with component extensions due to the
* way component extensions are loaded (crbug/66834).
function overrideGetMessage() {
var originalGetMessage = chrome.i18n.getMessage;
* Localize a string resource.
* @param {string} key The message key to localize.
* @return {string} Translated resource.
chrome.i18n.getMessage = function(key) {
if (key.startsWith('@@'))
return originalGetMessage(key);
// TODO(kevers): Add support for other locales.
var table = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.TranslationTable;
var entry = table[key];
if (!entry)
entry = table[key.toLowerCase()];
return entry ? entry.message || '' : '';
* Overrides call to switch keysets in order to catch when the keyboard
* is ready for input. Used to synchronize the start of automated
* virtual keyboard tests.
function overrideSwitchToKeyset() {
var KeyboardContainer = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.KeyboardContainer;
var switcher = KeyboardContainer.prototype.switchToKeyset;
KeyboardContainer.prototype.switchToKeyset = function() {
var success = switcher.apply(this, arguments);
if (success) {
// The first resize call forces resizing of the keyboard window.
// The second resize call forces a clean layout for chrome://keyboard.
var settings = controller.model_.settings;
settings.supportCompact = true;
if (keysetChangeListener_ &&
keysetChangeListener_.target == arguments[0]) {
var callback = keysetChangeListener_.callback;
keysetChangeListener_ = undefined;
// TODO (rsadam): Get rid of this hack. Currently this is needed to
// ensure the keyset was fully loaded before carrying on with the test.
setTimeout(callback, 0);
return success;
* Arms a one time callback to invoke when the VK switches to the target keyset.
* Only one keyset change callback may be armed at any time. Used to synchronize
* tests and to track initial load time for the virtual keyboard.
* @param {string} keyset The target keyset.
* @param {function} callback The callback to invoke when the keyset becomes
* active.
function onSwitchToKeyset(keyset, callback) {
if (keysetChangeListener_) {
console.error('A keyset change listener is already armed.');
keysetChangeListener_ = {
target: keyset,
callback: callback
* Spatial data is used in conjunction with a language model to offer
* corrections for 'fat finger' typing and is not needed for the system VK.
function overrideGetSpatialData() {
var Controller = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.Controller;
Controller.prototype.getSpatialData_ = function() {};
* Return the most recently used US layout. By default, this will return the
* compact layout.
function getDefaultUsLayout() {
return window.localStorage['vkDefaultLayoutIsFull']
? 'us' : 'us.compact.qwerty';
// Plug in for API calls.
function registerInputviewApi() {
// Flag values for ctrl, alt and shift as defined by EventFlags
// in "event_constants.h".
// @enum {number}
var Modifier = {
NONE: 0,
ALT: 8,
// Mapping from keyName to keyCode (see ui::KeyEvent).
var nonAlphaNumericKeycodes = {
Backquote: 0xC0,
Backslash: 0xDC,
Backspace: 0x08,
BracketLeft: 0xDB,
BracketRight: 0xDD,
Comma: 0xBC,
Enter: 0x0D,
Period: 0xBE,
Quote: 0xBF,
Semicolon: 0xBA,
Slash: 0xBF,
Space: 0x20,
Tab: 0x09
* Displays a console message containing the last runtime error.
* @private
function logIfError_() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
function commitText_(text) {
chrome.virtualKeyboardPrivate.insertText(text, logIfError_);
* Retrieve the preferred keyboard configuration.
* @param {function} callback The callback function for processing the
* keyboard configuration.
* @private
function getKeyboardConfig_(callback) {
* Retrieve a list of all enabled input methods.
* @param {function} callback The callback function for processing the list
* of enabled input methods.
* @private
function getInputMethods_(callback) {
if (chrome.inputMethodPrivate)
* Retrieve the name of the active input method.
* @param {function} callback The callback function for processing the
* name of the active input mehtod.
* @private
function getCurrentInputMethod_(callback) {
if (chrome.inputMethodPrivate)
* Retrieve the current display size in inches.
* @param {function} callback
* @private
function getDisplayInInches_(callback) {
* Retrieve the current input method configuration.
* @param {function} callback The callback function for processing the
* name of the active input mehtod.
* @private
function getInputMethodConfig_(callback) {
if (chrome.inputMethodPrivate)
* Changes the active input method.
* @param {string} inputMethodId The id of the input method to activate.
* @private
function switchToInputMethod_(inputMethodId) {
if (chrome.inputMethodPrivate)
* Opens the language settings for specifying and configuring input methods.
* @private
function openSettings_() {
* Dispatches a virtual key event. The system VK does not use the IME
* API as its primary role is to work in conjunction with a non-VK aware
* IME. Some reformatting of the key data is required to work with the
* virtualKeyboardPrivate API.
* @param {!Object} keyData Description of the key event.
function sendKeyEvent_(keyData) {
keyData.forEach(function(data) {
var charValue = data.key.length == 1 ? data.key.charCodeAt(0) : 0;
var keyCode = data.keyCode ? data.keyCode :
getKeyCode_(data.key, data.code);
var event = {
type: data.type,
charValue: charValue,
keyCode: keyCode,
keyName: data.code,
modifiers: Modifier.NONE
if (data.altKey)
event.modifiers |= Modifier.ALT;
if (data.ctrlKey)
event.modifiers |= Modifier.CONTROL;
if (data.shiftKey)
event.modifiers |= Modifier.SHIFT;
if (data.capsLock)
event.modifiers |= Modifier.CAPSLOCK;
chrome.virtualKeyboardPrivate.sendKeyEvent(event, logIfError_);
* Computes keyCodes for use with ui::KeyEvent.
* @param {string} keyChar Character being typed.
* @param {string} keyName w3c name of the character.
function getKeyCode_(keyChar, keyName) {
var keyCode = nonAlphaNumericKeycodes[keyName];
if (keyCode)
return keyCode;
var match = /Key([A-Z])/.exec(keyName);
if (match)
return match[1].charCodeAt(0);
match = /Digit([0-9])/.exec(keyName);
if (match)
return match[1].charCodeAt(0);
if (keyChar.length == 1) {
if (keyChar >= 'a' && keyChar <= 'z')
return keyChar.charCodeAt(0) - 32;
if (keyChar >= 'A' && keyChar <= 'Z')
return keyChar.charCodeAt(0);
if (keyChar >= '0' && keyChar <= '9')
return keyChar.charCodeAt(0);
return 0;
window.inputview = {
commitText: commitText_,
getKeyboardConfig: getKeyboardConfig_,
getInputMethods: getInputMethods_,
getCurrentInputMethod: getCurrentInputMethod_,
getInputMethodConfig: getInputMethodConfig_,
switchToInputMethod: switchToInputMethod_,
getDisplayInInches: getDisplayInInches_,
openSettings: openSettings_
registerFunction('chrome.input.ime.hideInputView', function() {
var defaultSendMessage = registerFunction('chrome.runtime.sendMessage');
registerFunction('chrome.runtime.sendMessage', function(message) {
if (message.type == 'send_key_event')
else if (message.type == 'commit_text')
registerFunction('chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage', function() {
var callback = arguments[0];
if (!chrome.i18n) {
chrome.i18n = {};
chrome.i18n.getMessage = function(name) {
return name;
* Trigger loading the virtual keyboard on completion of page load.
window.onload = function() {
var params = {};
var matches = window.location.href.match(/[#?].*$/);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
matches[0].slice(1).split('&').forEach(function(s) {
var pair = s.split('=');
params[pair[0]] = pair[1];
var keyset = params['id'] || getDefaultUsLayout();
var languageCode = params['language'] || 'en';
var passwordLayout = params['passwordLayout'] || 'us';
var name = params['name'] || 'English';
i18n.input.chrome.inputview.Controller.DEV = true;
i18n.input.chrome.inputview.Adapter.prototype.isSwitching = function() {
return false;
if (keyset != 'none') {
window.initializeVirtualKeyboard(keyset, languageCode, passwordLayout,
* Run cleanup tasks.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if (controller)
* Loads a virtual keyboard. If a keyboard was previously loaded, it is
* reinitialized with the new configuration.
* @param {string} keyset The keyboard keyset.
* @param {string} languageCode The language code for this keyboard.
* @param {string} passwordLayout The layout for password box.
* @param {string} name The input tool name.
* @param {Object=} opt_config Optional configuration settings.
window.initializeVirtualKeyboard = function(keyset, languageCode,
passwordLayout, name, opt_config) {
var Controller = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.Controller;
Controller.DISABLE_HWT = !(opt_config && opt_config.enableHwtForTesting);
onSwitchToKeyset(keyset, function() {
if (controller)
controller.initialize(keyset, languageCode, passwordLayout, name);
controller = new Controller(keyset, languageCode, passwordLayout, name);