// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './folder_selector.js';
import {BrowserProxy} from '../browser_proxy.js';
import {FOLDER_EXPANDED, FolderExpandedEvent, FolderSelector} from './folder_selector.js';
import {getTemplate} from './manage_mirrorsync.html.js';
* ManageMirrorSync represents the top level web component that tracks the
* state for the chrome://manage-mirrorsync dialog.
class ManageMirrorSync extends HTMLElement {
* The <folder-selector> component on the page. Gets set when the
* <manage-mirrorsync> components connects to the DOM.
private folderSelector: FolderSelector|null = null;
* Bind the onSpecifyFolderSelection event listener to enable removal of it
* once the first click has been registered.
private onSpecifyFolderSelectionBound: (event: Event) => void;
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
this.onSpecifyFolderSelectionBound =
* Invoked when the <manage-mirrorsync> web component is attached to the DOM.
connectedCallback() {
'click', this.onSpecifyFolderSelectionBound);
this.folderSelector = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('folder-selector');
* Shows the folder-selector web component if the specific folder selection
* option was chosen. Doesn't hide after initially shown.
private async onSpecifyFolderSelection(event: Event) {
if (!event.currentTarget) {
const isChecked = (event.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement).checked;
if (!isChecked) {
(event: FolderExpandedEvent) => this.onFolderExpanded(event.detail));
this.folderSelector?.toggleAttribute('hidden', false);
'click', this.onSpecifyFolderSelectionBound);
// Kick off retrieving the child folders for the root path.
* When a folder gets expanded, kick off the retrieval of the child folders.
* This will call back into the <folder-selector> element with the data on
* retrieval.
private async onFolderExpanded(path: string) {
const proxy = BrowserProxy.getInstance().handler;
const childFolders = await proxy.getChildFolders({path});
const folderPaths = childFolders.paths.map(({path}) => path);
customElements.define('manage-mirrorsync', ManageMirrorSync);