
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/network_icon.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_shared_style.css.js';

import {OncMojo} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/onc_mojo.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {CrosNetworkConfig, CrosNetworkConfigRemote, FilterType, ManagedProperties, NO_LIMIT} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/chromeos/services/network_config/public/mojom/cros_network_config.mojom-webui.js';
import {NetworkType} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/chromeos/services/network_config/public/mojom/network_types.mojom-webui.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

import {getTemplate} from './network_state_ui.html.js';
import {NetworkUiBrowserProxy, NetworkUiBrowserProxyImpl} from './network_ui_browser_proxy.js';

 * Properties to display in the network state table. Each entry can be either
 * a single state field or an array of state fields. If more than one is
 * specified then the first non empty value is used.
const NETWORK_STATE_FIELDS: Array<string[]|string> = [
  ['cellular.networkTechnology', 'EAP.EAP'],

const FAVORITE_STATE_FIELDS: string[] = ['guid', 'name', 'type', 'source'];

const DEVICE_STATE_FIELDS: string[] = ['type', 'deviceState'];

function createTableCellElement(): HTMLTableCellElement {
  return document.createElement('td');

function createTableRowElement(): HTMLTableRowElement {
  return document.createElement('tr');

function getOncTypeString(key: string, value: number|string|undefined): string {
  if (value === undefined) {
    return '';
  if (key === 'type' && value === 'etherneteap') {
    // Special case, not in production UI.
    return 'EthernetEAP';
  return OncMojo.getTypeString(key, value) as string;

class NetworkStateUiElement extends PolymerElement {
  static get is() {
    return 'network-state-ui' as const;

  static get template() {
    return getTemplate();

   * This UI will use both the networkingPrivate extension API and the
   * networkConfig mojo API until we provide all of the required functionality
   * in networkConfig. TODO(stevenjb): Remove use of networkingPrivate api.
  private networkConfig_: CrosNetworkConfigRemote =

  private browserProxy_: NetworkUiBrowserProxy =

  override connectedCallback() {

    /** Set the refresh rate if the interval is found in the url. */
    const interval = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('refresh');
    if (interval) {
      window.setInterval(() => {
      }, parseInt(interval, 10) * 1000);

   * Returns the ONC data property for |state| associated with a key. Used
   * to access properties in the state by |key| which may may refer to a
   * nested property, e.g. 'WiFi.Security'. If any part of a nested key is
   * missing, this will return undefined.
  private getOncProperty_(
      state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties,
      key: string): string|undefined {
    let dict: {[key: string]: any} = state;
    const keys: string[] = key.split('.');
    while (keys.length > 1) {
      const k: string = keys.shift()!;
      dict = dict[k];
      if (!dict || typeof dict !== 'object') {
        return undefined;
    const k: string = keys.shift()!;
    return getOncTypeString(k, dict[k]);

   * Creates a cell with a button for expanding a network state table row.
  private createStateTableExpandButton_(
      state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
      OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties): HTMLTableCellElement {
    const cell = createTableCellElement();
    cell.className = 'state-table-expand-button-cell';
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
      this.toggleExpandRow_( as HTMLButtonElement, state);
    button.className = 'state-table-expand-button';
    button.textContent = '+';
    return cell;

   * Creates a cell with an icon representing the network state.
  private createStateTableIcon_(state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
      HTMLTableCellElement {
    const cell = createTableCellElement();
    cell.className = 'state-table-icon-cell';
    const icon = document.createElement('network-icon');
    icon.isListItem = true;
    icon.networkState = OncMojo.getDefaultNetworkState(state.type);
    return cell;

   * Creates a cell in the network state table.
  private createStateTableCell_(value: string|undefined): HTMLTableCellElement {
    const cell = createTableCellElement();
    cell.textContent = value || '';
    return cell;

   * Creates a row in the network state table.
  private createStateTableRow_(
      stateFields: Array<string[]|string>,
      state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
      OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties): HTMLTableRowElement {
    const row = createTableRowElement();
    row.className = 'state-table-row';
    for (let i = 0; i < stateFields.length; ++i) {
      const field = stateFields[i];
      let value;
      if (typeof field === 'string') {
        value = this.getOncProperty_(state, field);
      } else {
        for (let j = 0; j < field.length; ++j) {
          value = this.getOncProperty_(state, field[j]);
          if (value !== undefined) {
      if (field === 'guid' && value) {
        value = value.slice(0, 8);
    return row;

   * Creates a table for networks or favorites.
  private createStateTable_(
      tablename: string, stateFields: Array<string[]|string>,
          Array<OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties>) {
    const table: HTMLTableElement =
        this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#' + tablename)!;
    const oldRows = table.querySelectorAll('.state-table-row');
    for (let i = 0; i < oldRows.length; ++i) {
    states.forEach((state) => {
      table.appendChild(this.createStateTableRow_(stateFields, state));

   * Returns a valid HTMLElement id from |guid|.
  private idFromGuid_(guid: string): string {
    return '_' + guid.replace(/[{}]/g, '');

   * Returns a valid HTMLElement id from |type|. Note: |type| may be a Shill
   * type or an ONC type, so strip _ and convert to lowercase to unify them.
  private idFromTypeString_(type: string): string {
    return '_' + type.replace(/[{}_]/g, '').toLowerCase();

  private idFromType_(type: NetworkType): string {
    return this.idFromTypeString_(getOncTypeString('type', type));

   * This callback function is triggered when visible networks are received.
  private onVisibleNetworksReceived_(states: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]) {
    this.createStateTable_('network-state-table', NETWORK_STATE_FIELDS, states);

   * This callback function is triggered when favorite networks are received.
  private onFavoriteNetworksReceived_(states:
                                          OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]) {
        'favorite-state-table', FAVORITE_STATE_FIELDS, states);

   * This callback function is triggered when device states are received.
  private onDeviceStatesReceived_(states: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties[]) {
    this.createStateTable_('device-state-table', DEVICE_STATE_FIELDS, states);

  private getSelectedFormat_(): string {
    const formatSelect = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLSelectElement>(
    return formatSelect!.options[formatSelect!.selectedIndex].value;

   * Toggles the button state and add or remove a row displaying the complete
   * state information for a row.
  private toggleExpandRow_(
      btn: HTMLElement,
      state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties) {
    const cell = btn.parentNode! as HTMLTableCellElement;
    const row = cell.parentNode! as HTMLTableRowElement;
    if (btn.textContent === '-') {
      btn.textContent = '+';
    } else {
      btn.textContent = '-';
      const expandedRow = this.createExpandedRow_(state, row);
      row.parentNode!.insertBefore(expandedRow, row.nextSibling!);

   * Creates the expanded row for displaying the complete state as JSON.
  private createExpandedRow_(
      state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties,
      baseRow: HTMLElement): HTMLTableRowElement {
    const guid = 'guid' in state ? state.guid : '';
    const expandedRow = createTableRowElement();
    expandedRow.className = 'state-table-row';
    const emptyCell = createTableCellElement(); = 'none';
    const detailCell = createTableCellElement(); =
        guid ? this.idFromGuid_(guid) : this.idFromType_(state.type);
    detailCell.className = 'state-table-expanded-cell';
    detailCell.colSpan = baseRow.childNodes.length - 1;
    if (guid) {
      this.handleNetworkDetail_(guid, this.getSelectedFormat_(), detailCell);
    } else {
      this.handleDeviceDetail_(state, this.getSelectedFormat_(), detailCell);
    return expandedRow;

   * Requests network details and calls showDetail_ with the result.
  private handleNetworkDetail_(
      guid: string, selectedId: string, detailCell: HTMLElement) {
    if (selectedId === 'shill') {
      this.browserProxy_.getShillNetworkProperties(guid).then((response) => {
    } else if (selectedId === 'state') {
          .then((responseParams) => {
            if (responseParams && responseParams.result) {
              this.showDetail_(detailCell, responseParams.result);
            } else {
                  detailCell, 'getNetworkState(' + guid + ') failed');
          .catch((error) => {
            this.showDetailError_(detailCell, 'Mojo service failure: ' + error);
    } else if (selectedId === 'managed') {
          .then((responseParams) => {
            if (responseParams && responseParams.result) {
              this.showDetail_(detailCell, responseParams.result);
            } else {
                  detailCell, 'getManagedProperties(' + guid + ') failed');
          .catch((error) => {
            this.showDetailError_(detailCell, 'Mojo service failure: ' + error);
    } else {
          (properties: chrome.networkingPrivate.NetworkProperties) => {
            this.showDetail_(detailCell, properties, chrome.runtime.lastError);

   * Requests network details and calls showDetail_ with the result.
  private handleDeviceDetail_(
      state: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties,
      selectedId: string, detailCell: HTMLTableCellElement) {
    if (selectedId === 'shill') {
          .then((response) => {
    } else {
      this.showDetail_(detailCell, state);

  private showDetail_(
      detailCell: HTMLElement,
      state: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|
      error?: chrome.runtime.Error) {
    if (error && error.message) {
      this.showDetailError_(detailCell, error.message);
    detailCell.textContent =
        JSON.stringify(state, (_: string, value: string|bigint) => {
          return typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() : value;
        }, '\t');

  private showDetailError_(detailCell: HTMLElement, error: string) {
    detailCell.textContent = error;

   * Callback invoked by Chrome after a getShillNetworkProperties call. The
   * |args| parameter contains the requested Shill properties on success, and
   * contains just 'GUID' and 'ShillError' on failure.
  private getShillNetworkPropertiesResult_(args: any[]) {
    const properties = args.shift();
    const guid = properties['GUID'];
    if (!guid) {
      console.error('No GUID in getShillNetworkPropertiesResult_');

    const detailCell =
        this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('td#' + this.idFromGuid_(guid));
    if (!detailCell) {
      console.error('No cell for GUID: ' + guid);

    if (properties['ShillError']) {
      detailCell.textContent = properties['ShillError'];
    } else {
      detailCell.textContent = JSON.stringify(properties, null, '\t');

   * Callback invoked by Chrome after a getShillDeviceProperties call. The
   * |args| parameter contains the requested Shill properties on success, and
   * contains just 'GUID' and 'ShillError' on failure.
  private getShillDevicePropertiesResult_(args: any[]) {
    const properties = args.shift();
    const type = properties['Type'];
    if (!type) {
      console.error('No Type in getShillDevicePropertiesResult_');

    const detailCell =
        this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('td#' + this.idFromTypeString_(type));
    if (!detailCell) {
      console.error('No cell for Type: ' + type);

    if (properties['ShillError']) {
      detailCell.textContent = properties['ShillError'];
    } else {
      detailCell.textContent = JSON.stringify(properties, null, '\t');

   * Callback invoked by Chrome after a getShillEthernetEap call. The first
   * item in the result will be the EAP properties if any.
  private getShillEthernetEapResult_(result: any[]) {
    const state = result.shift();
    const states = [];
    if (state) {
      // |state.type| is expected to be the string "etherneteap", which is not
      // supported by the rest of this UI. Use the kEthernet constant instead.
      // See
      state.type = NetworkType.kEthernet;
        'ethernet-eap-state-table', FAVORITE_STATE_FIELDS, states);

   * Requests an update of all network info.
  private requestNetworks_() {
          filter: FilterType.kVisible,
          networkType: NetworkType.kAll,
          limit: NO_LIMIT,
        .then((responseParams) => {

          filter: FilterType.kConfigured,
          networkType: NetworkType.kAll,
          limit: NO_LIMIT,
        .then((responseParams) => {

    this.networkConfig_!.getDeviceStateList().then((responseParams) => {

    // Only request EthernetEAP properties when the 'shill' format is selected.
    if (this.getSelectedFormat_() === 'shill') {
      this.browserProxy_.getShillEthernetEap().then((result) => {

declare global {
  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    []: NetworkStateUiElement;

customElements.define(, NetworkStateUiElement);