// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Create by |LineChart.LineChart|.
* A scalable label which can calculate the suitable unit and generate text
* labels.
* @const
export class UnitLabel {
constructor(/** Array<string> */ units, /** number */ unitBase) {
/** @const {Array<string>} - See |getSuitableUnit()|. */
this.units_ = units;
if (units.length === 0) {
console.warn('LineChart.UnitLabel: Length of units must greater than 0.');
/** @const {number} - See |getSuitableUnit()|. */
this.unitBase_ = unitBase;
if (unitBase < 0) {
console.warn('LineChart.UnitLabel: unitBase must greater than 0.');
* The current max value for this label. To calculate the suitable units.
* @type {number}
this.maxValue_ = 0;
/** @type {number} - The cache of maxValue. See |setMaxValue()|. */
this.maxValueCache_ = 0;
/** @type {number} - The current suitable unit's index. */
this.currentUnitIdx_ = 0;
/** @type {Array<string>} - The generated text labels. */
this.labels_ = [];
/** @type {number} - The height of the label, in pixels. */
this.height_ = 0;
/** @type {number} - The font height of the label, in pixels. */
this.fontHeight_ = 1;
/** @type {number} - The maximum precision for the number of the label. */
this.precision_ = 1;
/** @type {number} - See |getScale()|. */
this.scale_ = 1;
/** @type {boolean} True if the label need not be regenerated. */
this.isCache_ = false;
* Get the generated text labels.
* @return {Array<string>}
getLabels() {
return this.labels_;
* The scale of the real value and the y coordinate of the chart.
* @return {number}
getScale() {
return this.scale_;
* Get current suitable unit.
* @return {string}
getCurrentUnitString() {
return this.units_[this.currentUnitIdx_];
* Set the layout of the label. See |LineChart.SubChart.setLayout()|.
* @param {number} height - The label height, in pixels.
* @param {number} fontHeight - The font height, in pixels.
* @param {number} precision - The maximum precision of the value of label.
* It means that the minimum step size of the label is |10^(-percision)|.
setLayout(height, fontHeight, precision) {
if (precision < 0 || precision > 20) {
console.warn('Precision must be between 0 and 20.');
if (this.height_ === height && this.fontHeight_ === fontHeight &&
this.precision_ === precision) {
this.height_ = height;
this.fontHeight_ = fontHeight;
this.precision_ = precision;
this.isCache_ = false;
* Set the maximum value of the label. Decide the suitable unit by this value.
* @param {number} maxValue
setMaxValue(maxValue) {
if (this.maxValueCache_ === maxValue) {
this.maxValueCache_ = maxValue;
const /** Array<string> */ units = this.units_;
const /** number */ unitBase = this.unitBase_;
const /** {unitIdx: number, value: number} */ result =
this.constructor.getSuitableUnit(maxValue, units, unitBase);
this.currentUnitIdx_ = result.unitIdx;
this.maxValue_ = result.value;
this.isCache_ = false;
* Find the suitable unit. If the value is greater than |unitBase|, we will
* try to use a bigger unit.
* @param {number} value - The original value.
* @param {Array<string>} units - The unit set. Ex: ['B', 'KB', 'MB'].
* @param {number} unitBase - The base of the units. It means the next unit
* is |unitBase| times of current unit.
* Ex: The |unitBase| of ['B', 'KB', 'MB'] is 1024.
* @return {{unitIdx: number, value: number}}
static getSuitableUnit(value, units, unitBase) {
let /** number */ unitIdx = 0;
while (unitIdx + 1 < units.length && value >= unitBase) {
value /= unitBase;
return {
unitIdx: unitIdx,
value: value,
* Update the labels and scale if the status is changed.
updateLabelsAndScale_() {
if (this.isCache_) {
this.isCache_ = true;
if (this.maxValue_ === 0) {
const /** {stepSize: number, stepSizePrecision: number} */ result =
const /** number */ stepSize = result.stepSize;
const /** number */ stepSizePrecision = result.stepSizePrecision;
const /** number */ topLabelValue =
this.getTopLabelValue_(this.maxValue_, stepSize);
const /** string */ unitStr = this.getCurrentUnitString();
const /** Array<string> */ labels = [];
for (let /** number */ value = topLabelValue; value >= 0;
value -= stepSize) {
const /** string */ valueStr = value.toFixed(stepSizePrecision);
const /** string */ label = valueStr + ' ' + unitStr;
this.labels_ = labels;
const /** number */ realTopValue =
this.scale_ = this.height_ / realTopValue;
* Find a step size to show a suitable amount of labels on screen. The default
* step size according to the precision of the label. We will try 1 time, 2
* times and 5 tims of the default step size. If they are not suitable, we
* will reduce the precision and try again.
* @return {{stepSize: number, stepSizePrecision: number}}
getSuitableStepSize_() {
const /** number */ maxValue = this.maxValue_;
const /** number */ maxLabelNum = this.getMaxNumberOfLabel_();
let /** number */ stepSize = Math.pow(10, -this.precision_);
* This number is for Number.toFixed. if precision is less than 0, it is set
* to 0.
* @type {number}
let stepSizePrecision = Math.max(this.precision_, 0);
while (true) {
if (this.getNumberOfLabelWithStepSize_(stepSize) <= maxLabelNum) {
if (this.getNumberOfLabelWithStepSize_(stepSize * 2) <= maxLabelNum) {
stepSize *= 2;
if (this.getNumberOfLabelWithStepSize_(stepSize * 5) <= maxLabelNum) {
stepSize *= 5;
/* Reduce the precision. */
stepSize *= 10;
if (stepSizePrecision > 0) {
return {
stepSize: stepSize,
stepSizePrecision: stepSizePrecision,
* Get the maximun number of equally spaced labels. |fontHeight_| is doubled
* because the top two labels are both drawn in the same gap.
* @return {number}
getMaxNumberOfLabel_() {
const /** number */ minLabelSpacing =
2 * this.fontHeight_ + MIN_LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING;
let /** number */ maxLabelNum =
1 + Math.floor(this.height_ / minLabelSpacing);
if (maxLabelNum < 2) {
maxLabelNum = 2;
} else if (maxLabelNum > MAX_VERTICAL_LABEL_NUM) {
return maxLabelNum;
* Get the number of labels with |stepSize|. Because we want the top of the
* label to be an exact multiple of the |stepSize|, we use |Math.ceil() + 1|
* to add an additional label above the |maxValue|. See |getTopLabelValue_()|.
* @param {number} stepSize
* @return {number}
getNumberOfLabelWithStepSize_(stepSize) {
const /** number */ maxValue = this.maxValue_;
return Math.ceil(maxValue / stepSize) + 1;
* Top label value is an exact multiple of |stepSize|.
* @param {number} maxValue
* @param {number} stepSize
* @return {number}
getTopLabelValue_(maxValue, stepSize) {
return Math.ceil(maxValue / stepSize) * stepSize;
* Transform the value in the current suitable unit to the real value.
* @param {number} value
* @return {number}
getRealValueWithCurrentUnit_(value) {
return value * Math.pow(this.unitBase_, this.currentUnitIdx_);