// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icons.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_tooltip/cr_tooltip.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_hidden_style.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_shared_style.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_shared_vars.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/js/action_link.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/action_link.css.js';
import './icons.html.js';
import './shared_style.css.js';
import './shared_vars.css.js';
import './strings.m.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.js';
import type {ChromeEvent} from '/tools/typescript/definitions/chrome_event.js';
import type {CrToggleElement} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.js';
import {I18nMixin} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {assert, assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {flush, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {getTemplate} from './item.html.js';
import {ItemMixin} from './item_mixin.js';
import {computeInspectableViewLabel, EnableControl, getEnableControl, getEnableToggleAriaLabel, getEnableToggleTooltipText, getItemSource, getItemSourceString, isEnabled, sortViews, SourceType, userCanChangeEnablement} from './item_util.js';
import {navigation, Page} from './navigation_helper.js';
export interface ItemDelegate {
deleteItem(id: string): void;
deleteItems(ids: string[]): Promise<void>;
uninstallItem(id: string): Promise<void>;
setItemEnabled(id: string, isEnabled: boolean): void;
setItemAllowedIncognito(id: string, isAllowedIncognito: boolean): void;
setItemAllowedOnFileUrls(id: string, isAllowedOnFileUrls: boolean): void;
setItemHostAccess(id: string, hostAccess: chrome.developerPrivate.HostAccess):
setItemCollectsErrors(id: string, collectsErrors: boolean): void;
inspectItemView(id: string, view: chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionView):
openUrl(url: string): void;
reloadItem(id: string): Promise<void>;
repairItem(id: string): void;
showItemOptionsPage(extension: chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionInfo): void;
showInFolder(id: string): void;
getExtensionSize(id: string): Promise<string>;
addRuntimeHostPermission(id: string, host: string): Promise<void>;
removeRuntimeHostPermission(id: string, host: string): Promise<void>;
id: string,
reason: chrome.developerPrivate.SafetyCheckWarningReason): void;
setShowAccessRequestsInToolbar(id: string, showRequests: boolean): void;
setItemPinnedToToolbar(id: string, pinnedToToolbar: boolean): void;
// TODO(tjudkins): This function is not specific to items, so should be pulled
// out to a more generic place when we need to access it from elsewhere.
recordUserAction(metricName: string): void;
ChromeEvent<(data: chrome.developerPrivate.EventData) => void>;
export interface ExtensionsItemElement {
$: {
a11yAssociation: HTMLElement,
detailsButton: HTMLElement,
enableToggle: CrToggleElement,
name: HTMLElement,
removeButton: HTMLElement,
const ExtensionsItemElementBase = I18nMixin(ItemMixin(PolymerElement));
export class ExtensionsItemElement extends ExtensionsItemElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'extensions-item';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
// The item's delegate, or null.
delegate: Object,
// Whether or not dev mode is enabled.
inDevMode: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
safetyCheckShowing: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
// The underlying ExtensionInfo itself. Public for use in declarative
// bindings.
data: Object,
// Whether or not the expanded view of the item is shown.
showingDetails_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
// First inspectable view after sorting.
firstInspectView_: {
type: Object,
computed: 'computeFirstInspectView_(data.views)',
static get observers() {
return ['observeIdVisibility_(inDevMode, showingDetails_, data.id)'];
delegate: ItemDelegate;
inDevMode: boolean;
safetyCheckShowing: boolean;
data: chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionInfo;
private showingDetails_: boolean;
private firstInspectView_: chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionView;
private fire_(eventName: string, detail?: any) {
new CustomEvent(eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true, detail}));
/** @return The "Details" button. */
getDetailsButton(): HTMLElement {
return this.$.detailsButton;
/** @return The "Remove" button, if it exists. */
getRemoveButton(): HTMLElement|null {
return this.data.mustRemainInstalled ? null : this.$.removeButton;
/** @return The "Errors" button, if it exists. */
getErrorsButton(): HTMLElement|null {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#errors-button');
private getEnableToggleAriaLabel_(): string {
return getEnableToggleAriaLabel(
this.isEnabled_(), this.data.type, this.i18n('appEnabled'),
this.i18n('extensionEnabled'), this.i18n('itemOff'));
private getEnableToggleTooltipText_(): string {
return getEnableToggleTooltipText(this.data);
private observeIdVisibility_() {
const idElement = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#extension-id');
if (idElement) {
idElement.textContent = this.i18n('itemId', this.data.id);
private shouldShowErrorsButton_(): boolean {
// When the error console is disabled (happens when
// --disable-error-console command line flag is used or when in the
// Stable/Beta channel), |installWarnings| is populated.
if (this.data.installWarnings && this.data.installWarnings.length > 0) {
return true;
// When error console is enabled |installedWarnings| is not populated.
// Instead |manifestErrors| and |runtimeErrors| are used.
return this.data.manifestErrors.length > 0 ||
this.data.runtimeErrors.length > 0;
private onRemoveClick_() {
if (this.safetyCheckShowing) {
const actionToRecord = this.data.safetyCheckText ?
'SafetyCheck.ReviewPanelRemoveClicked' :
private onEnableToggleChange_() {
this.delegate.setItemEnabled(this.data.id, this.$.enableToggle.checked);
this.$.enableToggle.checked = this.isEnabled_();
private onErrorsClick_() {
if (this.data.installWarnings && this.data.installWarnings.length > 0) {
this.fire_('show-install-warnings', this.data.installWarnings);
navigation.navigateTo({page: Page.ERRORS, extensionId: this.data.id});
private onDetailsClick_() {
navigation.navigateTo({page: Page.DETAILS, extensionId: this.data.id});
private computeFirstInspectView_(): chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionView {
return sortViews(this.data.views)[0];
private onInspectClick_() {
this.delegate.inspectItemView(this.data.id, this.firstInspectView_);
private onExtraInspectClick_() {
navigation.navigateTo({page: Page.DETAILS, extensionId: this.data.id});
private onReloadClick_() {
this.reloadItem().catch((loadError) => this.fire_('load-error', loadError));
private onRepairClick_() {
private isEnabled_(): boolean {
return isEnabled(this.data.state);
private isEnableToggleEnabled_(): boolean {
return userCanChangeEnablement(this.data);
/** @return Whether the reload button should be shown. */
private showReloadButton_(): boolean {
return getEnableControl(this.data) === EnableControl.RELOAD;
/** @return Whether the repair button should be shown. */
private showRepairButton_(): boolean {
return getEnableControl(this.data) === EnableControl.REPAIR;
/** @return Whether the enable toggle should be shown. */
private showEnableToggle_(): boolean {
return getEnableControl(this.data) === EnableControl.ENABLE_TOGGLE;
private computeClasses_(): string {
let classes = this.isEnabled_() ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
if (this.inDevMode) {
classes += ' dev-mode';
return classes;
private computeSourceIndicatorIcon_(): string {
switch (getItemSource(this.data)) {
case SourceType.POLICY:
return 'extensions-icons:business';
case SourceType.SIDELOADED:
return 'extensions-icons:input';
case SourceType.UNKNOWN:
// TODO(dpapad): Ask UX for a better icon for this case.
return 'extensions-icons:input';
case SourceType.UNPACKED:
return 'extensions-icons:unpacked';
case SourceType.WEBSTORE:
return '';
private computeSourceIndicatorText_(): string {
if (this.data.locationText) {
return this.data.locationText;
const sourceType = getItemSource(this.data);
return sourceType === SourceType.WEBSTORE ? '' :
private computeInspectViewsHidden_(): boolean {
return !this.data.views || this.data.views.length === 0;
private computeFirstInspectTitle_(): string {
// Note: theoretically, this wouldn't be called without any inspectable
// views (because it's in a dom-if="!computeInspectViewsHidden_()").
// However, due to the recycling behavior of iron list, it seems that
// sometimes it can. Even when it is, the UI behaves properly, but we
// need to handle the case gracefully.
return this.data.views.length > 0 ?
computeInspectableViewLabel(this.firstInspectView_) :
private computeFirstInspectLabel_(): string {
const label = this.computeFirstInspectTitle_();
return label && this.data.views.length > 1 ? label + ',' : label;
private computeExtraViewsHidden_(): boolean {
return this.data.views.length <= 1;
private computeDevReloadButtonHidden_(): boolean {
return !this.canReloadItem();
private computeExtraInspectLabel_(): string {
return this.i18n(
'itemInspectViewsExtra', (this.data.views.length - 1).toString());
* @return Whether the extension has severe warnings. Doesn't determine the
* warning's visibility.
private hasSevereWarnings_(): boolean {
return this.data.disableReasons.corruptInstall ||
this.data.disableReasons.suspiciousInstall ||
this.data.runtimeWarnings.length > 0 || !!this.data.blocklistText;
* @return Whether the extension has an MV2 warning. Doesn't determine the
* warning's visibility.
private hasMv2DeprecationWarning_(): boolean {
return this.data.disableReasons.unsupportedManifestVersion;
* @return Whether the extension has an allowlist warning. Doesn't determine
* the warning's visibility.
private hasAllowlistWarning_(): boolean {
return this.data.showSafeBrowsingAllowlistWarning;
private showDescription_(): boolean {
// Description is only visible iff no warnings are visible.
return !this.hasSevereWarnings_() && !this.hasMv2DeprecationWarning_() &&
private showSevereWarnings(): boolean {
// Severe warning are always visible, if they exist.
return this.hasSevereWarnings_();
private showMv2DeprecationWarning_(): boolean {
// MV2 deprecation warning is visible, if existent, if there are no severe
// warnings visible.
// Note: The item card has a fixed height and the content might get cropped
// if too many warnings are displayed.
return this.hasMv2DeprecationWarning_() && !this.hasSevereWarnings_();
private showAllowlistWarning_(): boolean {
// Allowlist warning is visible, if existent, if there are no severe
// warnings or mv2 deprecation warnings visible.
// Note: The item card has a fixed height and the content might get cropped
// if too many warnings are displayed. This should be a rare edge case and
// the allowlist warning will still be shown in the item detail view.
return this.hasAllowlistWarning_() && !this.hasSevereWarnings_() &&
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'extensions-item': ExtensionsItemElement;
customElements.define(ExtensionsItemElement.is, ExtensionsItemElement);