// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
// <if expr="not chromeos_ash">
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {sendWithPromise} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';
import {$, appendParam} from 'chrome://resources/js/util.js';
// </if>
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import {sendWithPromise} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr.m.js';
import {NativeEventTarget as EventTarget} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/event_target.js';
import {$, appendParam} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/util.js';
// </if>
import {OnHeadersReceivedDetails, SamlHandler} from './saml_handler.js';
import {PasswordAttributes} from './saml_password_attributes.js';
import {WebviewEventManager} from './webview_event_manager.js';
//clang-format on
* @fileoverview An UI component to authenticate to Chrome. The component hosts
* IdP web pages in a webview. A client who is interested in monitoring
* authentication events should subscribe itself via addEventListener(). After
* initialization, call {@code load} to start the authentication flow.
* See go/cros-auth-design for details on Google API.
* Individual sync trusted vault key.
* @typedef {{
* keyMaterial: ArrayBuffer,
* version: number,
* }}
export let SyncTrustedVaultKey;
* Individual sync trusted recovery method.
* @typedef {{
* publicKey: ArrayBuffer,
* type: number,
* }}
export let SyncTrustedRecoveryMethod;
* Sync trusted vault encryption keys optionally passed with 'authCompleted'
* message.
* @typedef {{
* obfuscatedGaiaId: string,
* encryptionKeys: Array<SyncTrustedVaultKey>,
* trustedRecoveryMethods: Array<SyncTrustedRecoveryMethod>
* }}
export let SyncTrustedVaultKeys;
* Credentials passed with 'authCompleted' message.
* `isAvailableInArc` field is optional and is used only on Chrome OS.
* @typedef {{
* email: string,
* gaiaId: string,
* password: string,
* usingSAML: boolean,
* publicSAML: boolean,
* skipForNow: boolean,
* sessionIndex: string,
* trusted: boolean,
* services: Array,
* passwordAttributes: !PasswordAttributes,
* syncTrustedVaultKeys: !SyncTrustedVaultKeys,
* isAvailableInArc: (boolean|undefined),
* }}
export let AuthCompletedCredentials;
* Parameters for the authorization flow.
* @typedef {{
* hl: string,
* gaiaUrl: string,
* authMode: AuthMode,
* isLoginPrimaryAccount: boolean,
* email: string,
* constrained: string,
* platformVersion: string,
* readOnlyEmail: boolean,
* service: string,
* dontResizeNonEmbeddedPages: boolean,
* clientId: string,
* clientVersion: (string|undefined),
* gaiaPath: string,
* emailDomain: string,
* showTos: string,
* extractSamlPasswordAttributes: boolean,
* flow: string,
* ignoreCrOSIdpSetting: boolean,
* enableGaiaActionButtons: boolean,
* forceDarkMode: boolean,
* enterpriseEnrollmentDomain: string,
* samlAclUrl: string,
* isSupervisedUser: boolean,
* isDeviceOwner: boolean,
* needPassword: (boolean|undefined),
* ssoProfile: string,
* urlParameterToAutofillSAMLUsername: string,
* frameUrl: URL,
* isFirstUser : (boolean|undefined),
* recordAccountCreation : (boolean|undefined),
* autoReloadAttempts : number,
* }}
export let AuthParams;
const SIGN_IN_HEADER = 'google-accounts-signin';
const EMBEDDED_FORM_HEADER = 'google-accounts-embedded';
const SERVICE_ID = 'chromeoslogin';
const BLANK_PAGE_URL = 'about:blank';
const GAIA_DONE_ELAPSED_TIME = 'ChromeOS.Gaia.Done.ElapsedTime';
// Metric names for messages we get from Gaia.
const GAIA_MESSAGE_SAML_USER_INFO = 'ChromeOS.Gaia.Message.Saml.UserInfo';
const GAIA_MESSAGE_GAIA_USER_INFO = 'ChromeOS.Gaia.Message.Gaia.UserInfo';
const GAIA_MESSAGE_SAML_CLOSE_VIEW = 'ChromeOS.Gaia.Message.Saml.CloseView';
const GAIA_MESSAGE_GAIA_CLOSE_VIEW = 'ChromeOS.Gaia.Message.Gaia.CloseView';
* The source URL parameter for the constrained signin flow.
export const CONSTRAINED_FLOW_SOURCE = 'chrome';
* Enum for the authorization mode, must match AuthMode defined in
* chrome/browser/ui/webui/inline_login_ui.cc.
* @enum {number}
export const AuthMode = {
* Enum for the authorization type.
* @enum {number}
export const AuthFlow = {
SAML: 1,
* Supported Authenticator params.
* @type {!Array<string>}
* @const
export const SUPPORTED_PARAMS = [
'gaiaId', // Obfuscated GAIA ID to skip the email prompt page
// during the re-auth flow.
'gaiaUrl', // Gaia url to use.
'gaiaPath', // Gaia path to use without a leading slash.
'hl', // Language code for the user interface.
'service', // Name of Gaia service.
'frameUrl', // Initial frame URL to use. If empty defaults to
// gaiaUrl.
'constrained', // Whether authentication happens in a constrained
// window.
'clientId', // Chrome client id.
'needPassword', // Whether the host is interested in getting a password.
// If this set to |false|, |confirmPasswordCallback| is
// not called before dispatching |authCopleted|.
// Default is |true|.
'flow', // One of 'default', 'enterprise', or
// 'cfm' or 'enterpriseLicense'.
'enterpriseDomainManager', // Manager of the current domain. Can be
// either a domain name (foo.com) or an email
// address ([email protected]).
'enterpriseEnrollmentDomain', // Domain in which hosting device is (or
// should be) enrolled.
'emailDomain', // Value used to prefill domain for email.
'chromeType', // Type of Chrome OS device, e.g. "chromebox".
'clientVersion', // Version of the Chrome build.
'platformVersion', // Version of the OS build.
'releaseChannel', // Installation channel.
'endpointGen', // Current endpoint generation.
'menuEnterpriseEnrollment', // Enables "Enterprise enrollment" menu item.
'lsbReleaseBoard', // Chrome OS Release board name
'isFirstUser', // True if this is non-enterprise device,
// and there are no users yet.
'obfuscatedOwnerId', // Obfuscated device owner ID, if needed.
'extractSamlPasswordAttributes', // If enabled attempts to extract password
// attributes from the SAML response.
'ignoreCrOSIdpSetting', // If set to true, causes Gaia to ignore 3P
// SAML IdP SSO redirection policies (and
// redirect to SAML IdPs by default).
'ssoProfile', // An identifier for the device's managing OU's
// SAML SSO setting. Used by the login screen to
// pass to Gaia.
// The email can be passed to Gaia to let it know which user is trying to
// sign in. Gaia behavior can be different depending on the `gaiaPath`: it
// can either simply prefill the email field, but still allow modifying it,
// or it can proceed straight to the authentication challenge for the
// corresponding account, not allowing the user to modify the email.
// Determines which URL parameter will be used to pass the email to Gaia.
// TODO(b/292087570): misleading name, should be either renamed or
// removed completely (need to confirm if email_hint URL parameter
// is still relevant for some flows).
// If the authentication is done via external IdP, 'startsOnSamlPage'
// indicates whether the flow should start on the IdP page.
// SAML assertion consumer URL, used to detect when Gaia-less SAML flows end
// (e.g. for SAML managed guest sessions).
'isSupervisedUser', // True if the user is supervised user.
'isDeviceOwner', // True if the user is device owner.
'doSamlRedirect', // True if the authentication is done via external IdP.
'rart', // Encrypted reauth request token.
// Url parameter name for SAML IdP web page which is used to autofill the
// username.
// A tri-state value which indicates the support level for passwordless login.
// Refer to `GaiaView::PasswordlessSupportLevel` for details.
// Control if the account creation during sign in flow should be handled.
// Url parameter for the number of automatic reloads done to the
// authentication flow to avoid login page timeout. Added for
// `DeviceAuthenticationFlowAutoReloadInterval` policy.
// Timeout in ms to wait for the message from Gaia indicating end of the flow.
// Could be userInfo (The message is used to extract user services and to
// define whether or not the account is a child one) or closeView (specific
// message to indicate the end of the flow).
const GAIA_DONE_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 1000;
* Extract domain name from an URL.
* @param {string} url An URL string.
* @return {string} The host name of the URL.
function extractDomain(url) {
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
return a.hostname;
* Handlers for the HTML5 messages received from Gaia.
* Each handler is a function that receives the Authenticator as 'this',
* and the data field of the HTML5 Payload.
const messageHandlers = {
'attemptLogin'(msg) {
if (this.authMode === AuthMode.DESKTOP) {
this.password_ = msg.password;
// We need to dispatch only first event, before user enters password.
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('attemptLogin', {detail: msg.email}));
'dialogShown'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('dialogShown'));
'dialogHidden'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('dialogHidden'));
'backButton'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('backButton', {detail: msg.show}));
'getAccounts'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('getAccounts'));
'showView'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('showView'));
'menuItemClicked'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('menuItemClicked', {detail: msg.item}));
'identifierEntered'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{detail: {accountIdentifier: msg.accountIdentifier}}));
'userInfo'(msg) {
this.services_ = msg.services;
this.servicesProvided_ = true;
if (!this.authCompletedFired_) {
const metric = this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML ?
chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordBooleanHistogram', [metric, true]);
if (this.email_ && this.gaiaId_ && this.sessionIndex_) {
'showIncognito'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('showIncognito'));
'setPrimaryActionLabel'(msg) {
if (!this.enableGaiaActionButtons_) {
new CustomEvent('setPrimaryActionLabel', {detail: msg.value}));
'setPrimaryActionEnabled'(msg) {
if (!this.enableGaiaActionButtons_) {
new CustomEvent('setPrimaryActionEnabled', {detail: msg.value}));
'setSecondaryActionLabel'(msg) {
if (!this.enableGaiaActionButtons_) {
new CustomEvent('setSecondaryActionLabel', {detail: msg.value}));
'setSecondaryActionEnabled'(msg) {
if (!this.enableGaiaActionButtons_) {
new CustomEvent('setSecondaryActionEnabled', {detail: msg.value}));
'setAllActionsEnabled'(msg) {
if (!this.enableGaiaActionButtons_) {
new CustomEvent('setAllActionsEnabled', {detail: msg.value}));
'removeUserByEmail'(msg) {
new CustomEvent('removeUserByEmail', {detail: msg.email}));
'exit'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('exit'));
'syncTrustedVaultKeys'(msg) {
this.syncTrustedVaultKeys_ = msg.value;
'closeView'(msg) {
if (!this.authCompletedFired_) {
if (!this.services_) {
console.error('Authenticator: UserInfo should come before closeView');
const metric = this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML ?
chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordBooleanHistogram', [metric, true]);
this.closeViewReceived_ = true;
if (this.email_ && this.gaiaId_ && this.sessionIndex_) {
'getDeviceId'(msg) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('getDeviceId'));
* Old or not supported on Chrome OS messages.
* @type {!Array<string>}
* @const
* Initializes the authenticator component.
export class Authenticator extends EventTarget {
* @param {!WebView|string} webview The webview element or its ID to host
* IdP web pages.
constructor(webview) {
/** @private {AuthFlow} The current auth flow of the hosted page.*/
this.authFlow_ = AuthFlow.DEFAULT;
/** @private {string} The domain name of the current auth page. */
this.authDomain_ = '';
/** @private {boolean} Whether media access was requested. */
this.videoEnabled_ = false;
this.isLoaded_ = false;
this.email_ = null;
this.password_ = null;
this.gaiaId_ = null, this.sessionIndex_ = null;
this.skipForNow_ = false;
/** @type {AuthMode} */
this.authMode = AuthMode.DEFAULT;
this.dontResizeNonEmbeddedPages = false;
this.isFirstUser_ = false;
this.isNewAccount = false;
* @type {!SamlHandler|undefined}
* @private
this.samlHandler_ = undefined;
this.idpOrigin_ = null;
this.initialFrameUrl_ = null;
this.reloadUrl_ = null;
this.trusted_ = true;
this.readyFired_ = false;
this.authCompletedFired_ = false;
* @private {WebView|undefined}
this.webview_ = typeof webview === 'string' ?
/** @type {WebView} */ ($(webview)) :
this.enableGaiaActionButtons_ = false;
this.webviewEventManager_ = new WebviewEventManager();
this.clientId_ = null;
this.confirmPasswordCallback = null;
this.noPasswordCallback = null;
this.onePasswordCallback = null;
this.insecureContentBlockedCallback = null;
this.samlApiUsedCallback = null;
this.recordSamlProviderCallback = null;
this.missingGaiaInfoCallback = null;
this.needPassword = true;
this.services_ = null;
this.servicesProvided_ = false;
this.waitApiPasswordConfirm_ = false;
this.gaiaDoneTimer_ = null;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.isConstrainedWindow_ = false;
this.samlAclUrl_ = null;
/** @private {?SyncTrustedVaultKeys} */
this.syncTrustedVaultKeys_ = null;
this.closeViewReceived_ = false;
this.gaiaStartTime = null;
'message', e => this.onMessageFromWebview_(e), false);
window.addEventListener('focus', () => this.onFocus_(), false);
window.addEventListener('popstate', e => this.onPopState_(e), false);
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.isDomLoaded_ = document.readyState !== 'loading';
if (this.isDomLoaded_) {
} else {
'DOMContentLoaded', () => this.initializeAfterDomLoaded_());
/** @return {AuthFlow} */
get authFlow() {
return this.authFlow_;
* Dispatches 'authFlowChange' event if the value changes.
* @param {AuthFlow} value
set authFlow(value) {
const previous = this.authFlow_;
if (value !== previous) {
this.authFlow_ = value;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('authFlowChange', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {oldValue: previous, newValue: value},
/** @return {string} */
get authDomain() {
return this.authDomain_;
* Dispatches 'authDomainChange' event if the value changes.
* @param {string} domain
set authDomain(domain) {
const previous = this.authDomain_;
if (domain !== previous) {
this.authDomain_ = domain;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('authDomainChange', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {oldValue: previous, newValue: domain},
/** @return {boolean} */
get videoEnabled() {
return this.videoEnabled_;
* Dispatches 'videoEnabledChange' event if the value changes.
* @param {boolean} enabled
set videoEnabled(enabled) {
const previous = this.videoEnabled_;
if (enabled !== previous) {
this.videoEnabled_ = enabled;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('videoEnabledChange', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {oldValue: previous, newValue: enabled},
* Reinitializes authentication parameters so that a failed login attempt
* would not result in an infinite loop.
resetStates() {
this.isLoaded_ = false;
this.email_ = null;
this.gaiaId_ = null;
this.password_ = null;
this.readyFired_ = false;
this.skipForNow_ = false;
this.sessionIndex_ = null;
this.trusted_ = true;
this.authFlow = AuthFlow.DEFAULT;
this.videoEnabled = false;
this.services_ = null;
this.servicesProvided_ = false;
this.waitApiPasswordConfirm_ = false;
this.syncTrustedVaultKeys_ = null;
this.closeViewReceived_ = false;
* Resets the webview to the blank page.
resetWebview() {
if (this.webview_.src && this.webview_.src !== BLANK_PAGE_URL) {
this.webview_.src = BLANK_PAGE_URL;
* Completes the part of the initialization that should happen after the
* page's DOM has loaded.
* @private
initializeAfterDomLoaded_() {
this.isDomLoaded_ = true;
* Binds this authenticator to the current |webview_|.
* @private
bindToWebview_() {
this.samlHandler_ =
new SamlHandler(this.webview_, false /* startsOnSamlPage */);
this.samlHandler_, 'insecureContentBlocked',
e => this.onInsecureContentBlocked_(e));
this.samlHandler_, 'authPageLoaded', e => this.onAuthPageLoaded_(e));
this.samlHandler_, 'videoEnabled', () => this.videoEnabled = true);
this.samlHandler_, 'apiPasswordAdded',
e => this.onSamlApiPasswordAdded_(e));
this.samlHandler_, 'apiAccountCreated',
e => this.onSamlApiAccountCreated_(e));
this.samlHandler_, 'apiPasswordConfirmed',
e => this.onSamlApiPasswordConfirmed_(e));
this.samlHandler_, 'challengeMachineKeyRequired',
e => this.onChallengeMachineKeyRequired_(e));
this.webview_, 'droplink', e => this.onDropLink_(e));
this.webview_, 'newwindow', e => this.onNewWindow_(e));
this.webview_, 'contentload', e => this.onContentLoad_(e));
this.webview_, 'loadabort', e => this.onLoadAbort_(e));
this.webview_, 'loadcommit', e => this.onLoadCommit_(e));
details => this.onRequestCompleted_(details),
{urls: ['<all_urls>'], types: ['main_frame']}, ['responseHeaders']);
details => this.onHeadersReceived_(details),
{urls: ['<all_urls>'], types: ['main_frame', 'xmlhttprequest']},
* Unbinds this Authenticator from the currently bound webview.
* @private
unbindFromWebview_() {
this.webview_ = undefined;
this.samlHandler_ = undefined;
* Re-binds to another webview.
* @param {WebView} webview the new webview to be used by this
* Authenticator.
* @private
rebindWebview_(webview) {
if (!this.isDomLoaded_) {
// We haven't bound to the previously set webview yet, so simply update
// |webview_| to use the new element during the delayed initialization.
this.webview_ = webview;
this.webview_ = webview;
* Copies attributes between nodes.
* @param {!Element} fromNode source to copy attributes from
* @param {!Element} toNode target to copy attributes to
* @param {!Set<string>} skipAttributes specifies attributes to be skipped
* @private
copyAttributes_(fromNode, toNode, skipAttributes) {
for (let i = 0; i < fromNode.attributes.length; ++i) {
const attribute = fromNode.attributes[i];
if (!skipAttributes.has(attribute.nodeName)) {
toNode.setAttribute(attribute.nodeName, attribute.nodeValue);
* Changes the 'partition' attribute of |webview_|. If |webview_| has
* already navigated, this function re-creates it since the storage
* partition of an active renderer process cannot change.
* @param {string} newWebviewPartitionName the new partition
setWebviewPartition(newWebviewPartitionName) {
if (!this.webview_.src) {
// We have not navigated anywhere yet. Note that a webview's src
// attribute does not allow a change back to "".
this.webview_.partition = newWebviewPartitionName;
} else if (this.webview_.partition !== newWebviewPartitionName) {
// The webview has already navigated. We have to re-create it.
const webivewParent = this.webview_.parentElement;
// Copy all attributes except for partition and src from the previous
// webview. Use the specified |newWebviewPartitionName|.
const newWebview = document.createElement('webview');
this.webview_, newWebview, new Set(['src', 'partition']));
newWebview.partition = newWebviewPartitionName;
webivewParent.replaceChild(newWebview, this.webview_);
this.rebindWebview_(/** @type {WebView} */ (newWebview));
* Loads the authenticator component with the given parameters.
* @param {AuthMode} authMode Authorization mode.
* @param {AuthParams} data Parameters for the authorization flow.
load(authMode, data) {
this.authMode = authMode;
this.authCompletedFired_ = false;
this.idpOrigin_ = data.gaiaUrl;
this.isConstrainedWindow_ = data.constrained === '1';
this.clientId_ = data.clientId;
this.dontResizeNonEmbeddedPages = data.dontResizeNonEmbeddedPages;
this.enableGaiaActionButtons_ = data.enableGaiaActionButtons;
this.initialFrameUrl_ = this.constructInitialFrameUrl_(data);
this.reloadUrl_ = data.frameUrl || this.initialFrameUrl_;
this.samlAclUrl_ = data.samlAclUrl;
if (data.startsOnSamlPage) {
this.samlHandler_.startsOnSamlPage = true;
// True if this is non-enterprise device and there are no users yet.
this.isFirstUser_ = !!data.isFirstUser;
// Enable or disable handling account create message from Gaia.
this.samlHandler_.shouldHandleAccountCreationMessage =
// Don't block insecure content for desktop flow because it lands on
// http. Otherwise, block insecure content as long as gaia is https.
this.samlHandler_.blockInsecureContent =
authMode !== AuthMode.DESKTOP && this.idpOrigin_.startsWith('https://');
this.samlHandler_.extractSamlPasswordAttributes =
this.samlHandler_.urlParameterToAutofillSAMLUsername =
this.needPassword = !('needPassword' in data) || data.needPassword;
this.webview_.contextMenus.onShow.addListener(function(e) {
this.webview_.src = this.reloadUrl_;
this.isLoaded_ = true;
this.isNewAccount = false;
* Reloads the authenticator component.
reload() {
this.authCompletedFired_ = false;
this.webview_.src = this.reloadUrl_;
this.isLoaded_ = true;
* Called in response to 'getAccounts' event.
* @param {Array<string>} accounts list of emails
getAccountsResponse(accounts) {
this.sendMessageToWebview('accountsListed', accounts);
* Called in response to 'getDeviceId' event.
* @param {string} deviceId Device ID.
getDeviceIdResponse(deviceId) {
this.sendMessageToWebview('deviceIdFetched', deviceId);
constructInitialFrameUrl_(data) {
assert(this.idpOrigin_ !== undefined, "this.idpOrigin_ must be defined");
assert(data.gaiaPath !== undefined, "data.gaiaPath must be defined");
let url = this.idpOrigin_ + data.gaiaPath;
if (data.doSamlRedirect) {
url = appendParam(url, 'domain', data.enterpriseEnrollmentDomain);
if (data.ssoProfile) {
url = appendParam(url, 'sso_profile', data.ssoProfile);
url = appendParam(
url, 'continue',
data.gaiaUrl + 'programmatic_auth_chromeos?hl=' + data.hl +
'&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Faccounts%2FOAuthLogin&' +
'client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(data.clientId) +
if (data.rart) {
url = appendParam(url, 'rart', data.rart);
if (data.autoReloadAttempts) {
url = appendParam(url, 'auto_reload_attempts', data.autoReloadAttempts);
return url;
if (data.chromeType) {
url = appendParam(url, 'chrometype', data.chromeType);
if (data.clientId) {
url = appendParam(url, 'client_id', data.clientId);
if (data.enterpriseDomainManager) {
url = appendParam(url, 'devicemanager', data.enterpriseDomainManager);
if (data.clientVersion) {
url = appendParam(url, 'client_version', data.clientVersion);
if (data.platformVersion) {
url = appendParam(url, 'platform_version', data.platformVersion);
if (data.releaseChannel) {
url = appendParam(url, 'release_channel', data.releaseChannel);
if (data.endpointGen) {
url = appendParam(url, 'endpoint_gen', data.endpointGen);
if (data.menuEnterpriseEnrollment) {
url = appendParam(url, 'mi', 'ee');
if (data.lsbReleaseBoard) {
url = appendParam(url, 'chromeos_board', data.lsbReleaseBoard);
if (data.isFirstUser) {
url = appendParam(url, 'is_first_user', 'true');
if (data.obfuscatedOwnerId) {
url = appendParam(url, 'obfuscated_owner_id', data.obfuscatedOwnerId);
if (data.hl) {
url = appendParam(url, 'hl', data.hl);
if (data.gaiaId) {
url = appendParam(url, 'user_id', data.gaiaId);
if (data.email) {
if (data.readOnlyEmail) {
url = appendParam(url, 'Email', data.email);
} else {
url = appendParam(url, 'email_hint', data.email);
if (this.isConstrainedWindow_) {
url = appendParam(url, 'source', CONSTRAINED_FLOW_SOURCE);
if (data.flow) {
url = appendParam(url, 'flow', data.flow);
if (data.emailDomain) {
// Use 'hd' (hosted domain) as the argument to show an email domain.
url = appendParam(url, 'hd', data.emailDomain);
if (data.showTos) {
url = appendParam(url, 'show_tos', data.showTos);
if (data.ignoreCrOSIdpSetting === true) {
url = appendParam(url, 'ignoreCrOSIdpSetting', 'true');
if (data.enableGaiaActionButtons) {
url = appendParam(url, 'use_native_navigation', '1');
if (data.isSupervisedUser) {
url = appendParam(url, 'is_supervised', '1');
if (data.isDeviceOwner) {
url = appendParam(url, 'is_device_owner', '1');
if (data.rart) {
url = appendParam(url, 'rart', data.rart);
if (data.forceDarkMode) {
url = appendParam(url, 'color_scheme', 'dark');
if (data.pwl) {
url = appendParam(url, 'pwl', data.pwl);
if (data.autoReloadAttempts) {
url = appendParam(url, 'auto_reload_attempts', data.autoReloadAttempts);
return url;
* Dispatches the 'ready' event if it hasn't been dispatched already for the
* current content.
* @private
fireReadyEvent_() {
if (!this.readyFired_) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('ready'));
this.readyFired_ = true;
* Invoked when a main frame request in the webview has completed.
* @private
onRequestCompleted_(details) {
const currentUrl = details.url;
if (!currentUrl.startsWith('https')) {
this.trusted_ = false;
if (this.isConstrainedWindow_) {
let isEmbeddedPage = false;
if (this.idpOrigin_ && currentUrl.startsWith(this.idpOrigin_)) {
const headers = details.responseHeaders;
for (let i = 0; headers && i < headers.length; ++i) {
if (headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === EMBEDDED_FORM_HEADER) {
isEmbeddedPage = true;
// In some cases, non-embedded pages should not be resized. For
// example, on desktop when reauthenticating for purposes of unlocking
// a profile, resizing would cause a browser window to open in the
// system profile, which is not allowed.
if (!isEmbeddedPage && !this.dontResizeNonEmbeddedPages) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('resize', {detail: currentUrl}));
* Manually updates the history. Invoked upon completion of a webview
* navigation.
* @param {string} url Request URL.
* @private
updateHistoryState_(url) {
if (history.state && history.state.url !== url) {
history.pushState({url: url}, '');
} else {
history.replaceState({url: url}, '');
* Invoked when the sign-in page takes focus.
* @private
onFocus_() {
if (this.authMode === AuthMode.DESKTOP &&
document.activeElement === document.body) {
* Invoked when the history state is changed.
* @param {!Event} e The popstate event being triggered.
* @private
onPopState_(e) {
const state = e.state;
if (state && state.url) {
this.webview_.src = state.url;
* Invoked when headers are received in the main frame of the webview. It
* reads the authenticated user info from a signin header.
* @param {OnHeadersReceivedDetails} details
* @private
onHeadersReceived_(details) {
if (this.authCompletedFired_) {
// SIGN_IN_HEADER could be sent more thane once. Sometimes already
// after authentication completed. Return here to avoid triggering
// maybeCompleteAuth which shows "create your password screen" because
// scraped passwords are wiped at that point.
const currentUrl = details.url;
if (this.idpOrigin_ === null || this.idpOrigin_ === undefined ||
!currentUrl.startsWith(this.idpOrigin_)) {
const headers = details.responseHeaders;
for (let i = 0; headers && i < headers.length; ++i) {
const header = headers[i];
const headerName = header.name.toLowerCase();
if (headerName === SIGN_IN_HEADER) {
const headerValues = header.value.toLowerCase().split(',');
const signinDetails = {};
headerValues.forEach(function(e) {
const pair = e.split('=');
signinDetails[pair[0].trim()] = pair[1].trim();
// Removes "" around.
const email = signinDetails['email'].slice(1, -1);
this.gaiaId_ = signinDetails['obfuscatedid'].slice(1, -1);
this.sessionIndex_ = signinDetails['sessionindex'];
* Returns true if given HTML5 message is received from `this.idpOrigin_` -
* which is usually Gaia.
* @param {Object} e Payload of the received HTML5 message.
isGaiaMessage_(e) {
if (!this.isWebviewEvent_(e)) {
return false;
// The event origin does not have a trailing slash, while `idpOrigin_` does.
// Strip the trailing slash from `idpOrigin_` before comparison.
if (e.origin !== this.idpOrigin_.substring(0, this.idpOrigin_.length - 1)) {
return false;
// Gaia messages must be an object with 'method' property.
if (typeof e.data !== 'object' || !e.data.hasOwnProperty('method')) {
return false;
return true;
* Invoked when an HTML5 message is received from the webview element.
* @param {Object} e Payload of the received HTML5 message.
* @private
onMessageFromWebview_(e) {
if (!this.isGaiaMessage_(e)) {
const msg = e.data;
if (msg.method in messageHandlers) {
if (this.authCompletedFired_) {
console.warn(msg.method + ' message sent after auth completed');
messageHandlers[msg.method].call(this, msg);
} else if (!IGNORED_MESSAGES_FROM_GAIA.includes(msg.method)) {
console.warn('Unrecognized message from GAIA: ' + msg.method);
* Invoked to send a HTML5 message with attached data to the webview
* element.
* @param {string} messageType Type of the HTML5 message.
* @param {string|Object=} messageData Data to be attached to the message.
sendMessageToWebview(messageType, messageData = null) {
const currentUrl = this.webview_.src;
let payload = undefined;
if (messageData) {
payload = {type: messageType, data: messageData};
} else {
// TODO(crbug.com/1116343): Use new message format when it will be
// available in production.
payload = messageType;
this.webview_.contentWindow.postMessage(payload, currentUrl);
* Invoked by the hosting page to verify the Saml password.
verifyConfirmedPassword(password) {
if (!this.samlHandler_.verifyConfirmedPassword(password)) {
this.email_, this.samlHandler_.scrapedPasswordCount);
this.password_ = password;
* Check Saml flow and start password confirmation flow if needed.
* Otherwise, continue with auto completion.
* @private
maybeCompleteAuth_() {
if (this.authCompletedFired_) {
const missingGaiaInfo =
!this.email_ || !this.gaiaId_ || !this.sessionIndex_;
if (missingGaiaInfo && !this.skipForNow_) {
if (this.missingGaiaInfoCallback) {
this.webview_.src = this.initialFrameUrl_;
// Could be set either by `userInfo` message or by the
// `onGaiaDoneTimeout_`.
const userInfoAvailable = !!this.services_;
const gaiaDone = userInfoAvailable && this.closeViewReceived_ &&
if (gaiaDone) {
} else if (this.gaiaDoneTimer_) {
// Early out if `gaiaDoneTimer_` is running.
} else {
this.gaiaStartTime = Date.now();
// Start `gaiaDoneTimer_` if Gaia is not yet done.
this.gaiaDoneTimer_ = window.setTimeout(
() => this.onGaiaDoneTimeout_(), GAIA_DONE_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS);
if (this.recordSamlProviderCallback && this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML) {
// Makes distinction between different SAML providers
this.recordSamlProviderCallback(this.samlHandler_.x509certificate || '');
if (this.samlHandler_.samlApiUsed) {
if (this.samlApiUsedCallback) {
// Makes distinction between Gaia and Chrome Credentials Passing API
// login to properly fill ChromeOS.SAML.ApiLogin metrics.
this.samlApiUsedCallback(this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML);
this.password_ = this.samlHandler_.apiPasswordBytes;
if (this.samlHandler_.scrapedPasswordCount === 0) {
if (this.noPasswordCallback) {
// Fall through to finish the auth flow even if this.needPassword
// is true. This is because the flag is used as an intention to get
// password when it is available but not a mandatory requirement.
console.warn('Authenticator: No password scraped for SAML.');
} else if (this.needPassword) {
if (this.samlHandler_.scrapedPasswordCount === 1) {
// If we scraped exactly one password, we complete the
// authentication right away.
this.password_ = this.samlHandler_.firstScrapedPassword;
if (this.onePasswordCallback) {
if (this.confirmPasswordCallback) {
// Confirm scraped password. The flow follows in
// verifyConfirmedPassword.
this.email_, this.samlHandler_.scrapedPasswordCount);
* Invoked to complete the authentication using the password the user
* enters manually for SAML IdPs that do not use Chrome Credentials Passing
* API and we couldn't scrape their password input.
completeAuthWithManualPassword(password) {
this.password_ = password;
* Asserts the |arr| which is known as |nameOfArr| is an array of strings.
* @private
assertStringArray_(arr, nameOfArr) {
Array.isArray(arr), 'FATAL: Bad %s type: %s', nameOfArr, typeof arr);
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
this.assertStringElement_(arr[i], nameOfArr, i);
* Asserts the |dict| which is known as |nameOfDict| is a dict of strings.
* @private
assertStringDict_(dict, nameOfDict) {
typeof dict === 'object', 'FATAL: Bad %s type: %s', nameOfDict,
typeof dict);
for (const key in dict) {
this.assertStringElement_(dict[key], nameOfDict, key);
/** Asserts an element |elem| in a certain collection is a string. */
assertStringElement_(elem, nameOfCollection, index) {
typeof elem === 'string', 'FATAL: Bad %s[%s] type: %s',
nameOfCollection, index, typeof elem);
* Invoked to process authentication completion.
* @private
onAuthCompleted_() {
this.skipForNow_ ||
(this.email_ && this.gaiaId_ && this.sessionIndex_));
let scrapedPasswords = [];
if (this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML && !this.samlHandler_.samlApiUsed) {
scrapedPasswords = this.samlHandler_.scrapedPasswords;
// Chrome will crash on incorrect data type, so log some error message
// here.
if (this.services_) {
this.assertStringArray_(this.services_, 'services');
let passwordAttributes = {};
if (this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML &&
this.samlHandler_.extractSamlPasswordAttributes) {
passwordAttributes = this.samlHandler_.passwordAttributes;
this.assertStringDict_(passwordAttributes, 'passwordAttributes');
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
// TODO(rsorokin): get rid of the stub values.
detail: {
email: this.email_ || '',
gaiaId: this.gaiaId_ || '',
password: this.password_ || '',
usingSAML: this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML,
scrapedSAMLPasswords: scrapedPasswords,
publicSAML: this.samlAclUrl_ || false,
skipForNow: this.skipForNow_,
sessionIndex: this.sessionIndex_ || '',
trusted: this.trusted_,
services: this.services_ || [],
servicesProvided: this.servicesProvided_,
passwordAttributes: passwordAttributes,
syncTrustedVaultKeys: this.syncTrustedVaultKeys_ || {},
this.authCompletedFired_ = true;
* Invoked when |samlHandler_| fires 'insecureContentBlocked' event.
* @private
onInsecureContentBlocked_(e) {
if (!this.isLoaded_) {
if (this.insecureContentBlockedCallback) {
} else {
console.error('Authenticator: Insecure content blocked.');
* Invoked when |samlHandler_| fires 'authPageLoaded' event.
* @private
onAuthPageLoaded_(e) {
if (!this.isLoaded_) {
if (!e.detail.isSAMLPage) {
this.authFlow = AuthFlow.SAML;
* Invoked when |samlHandler_| fires 'apiPasswordAdded' event. Could be from
* 3rd-party SAML IdP or Gaia which also uses the API.
* @private
onSamlApiPasswordAdded_(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('apiPasswordAdded'));
this.waitApiPasswordConfirm_ = true;
// Saml API 'add' password might be received after the 'loadcommit'
// event. In such case, maybeCompleteAuth_ should be attempted again if
// GAIA ID is available.
if (this.gaiaId_) {
* Invoked when |samlHandler_| fires 'apiAccountCreated' event.
* @private
onSamlApiAccountCreated_(e) {
this.isNewAccount = true;
* Invoked when |samlHandler_| fires 'apiPasswordConfirmed' event. Could be
* from 3rd-party SAML IdP or Gaia which also uses the API.
* @private
onSamlApiPasswordConfirmed_(e) {
this.waitApiPasswordConfirm_ = false;
if (this.gaiaId_) {
* Invoked when |samlHandler_| fires 'challengeMachineKeyRequired' event.
* @private
onChallengeMachineKeyRequired_(e) {
sendWithPromise('samlChallengeMachineKey', e.detail.url, e.detail.challenge)
* Invoked when a link is dropped on the webview.
* @private
onDropLink_(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dropLink', {detail: e.url}));
* Invoked when the webview attempts to open a new window.
* @private
onNewWindow_(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('newWindow', {detail: e}));
* Invoked when a new document is loaded.
* @private
onContentLoad_(e) {
if (this.isConstrainedWindow_) {
// Signin content in constrained windows should not zoom. Isolate the
// webview from the zooming of other webviews using the 'per-view'
// zoom mode, and then set it to 100% zoom.
// Posts a message to IdP pages to initiate communication.
const currentUrl = this.webview_.src;
if (this.idpOrigin_ && currentUrl.startsWith(this.idpOrigin_)) {
const msg = {
'method': 'handshake',
// |this.webview_.contentWindow| may be null after network error
// screen is shown. See crbug.com/770999.
if (this.webview_.contentWindow) {
this.webview_.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, currentUrl);
} else {
console.error('Authenticator: contentWindow is null.');
// Focus webview after dispatching event when webview is already
// visible.
} else if (currentUrl === BLANK_PAGE_URL) {
} else if (currentUrl === this.samlAclUrl_) {
this.skipForNow_ = true;
* Invoked when the webview fails loading a page.
* @private
onLoadAbort_(e) {
if (this.samlHandler_.isIntentionalAbort()) {
// Ignore errors from subframe loads, as these should not cause an error
// screen to be displayed. When a subframe load is triggered, it means
// that the main frame load has succeeded, so the host is reachable in
// general.
if (!e.isTopLevel) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'loadAbort', {detail: {error_code: e.code, src: e.url}}));
* Invoked when the webview navigates withing the current document.
* @private
onLoadCommit_(e) {
if (this.gaiaId_) {
if (e.isTopLevel) {
this.authDomain = extractDomain(e.url);
* Returns |true| if event |e| was sent from the hosted webview.
* @private
isWebviewEvent_(e) {
const webviewWindow = this.webview_.contentWindow;
return !!webviewWindow && webviewWindow === e.source;
* Callback for the user info message waiting timeout.
* @private
onGaiaDoneTimeout_() {
if (!this.services_) {
console.warn('Gaia done timeout: Forcing empty services.');
this.services_ = [];
const metric = this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML ?
chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordBooleanHistogram', [metric, false]);
if (!this.closeViewReceived_) {
console.warn('Gaia done timeout: closeView was not called.');
this.closeViewReceived_ = true;
const metric = this.authFlow === AuthFlow.SAML ?
chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordBooleanHistogram', [metric, false]);
if (this.waitApiPasswordConfirm_) {
// Log duplicates the log from the saml handler. The message is used by
// the tast test to catch failures.
console.warn('SamlHandler.onAPICall_: API password was not confirmed');
this.waitApiPasswordConfirm_ = false;
* @private
maybeRecordGaiaElapsedTime_() {
if (!this.gaiaStartTime) {
chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordTime', [
Date.now() - this.gaiaStartTime,
this.gaiaStartTime = null;
* Record if the sign-in account in Oobe is an existing account or new
* account.
* @private
maybeRecordAccountFreshnessInOobe_() {
// Record the metric if the record new account feature
// flag is enabled. This metric is recorded only for the sign-in
// event happens in Oobe.
if (!this.samlHandler_.shouldHandleAccountCreationMessage ||
!this.isFirstUser_) {
chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordBooleanHistogram', [
this.isNewAccount = false;
* Record new account creation.
* @private
recordAccountCreated_() {
// Record true account is created during the first sign in event
// and false if another account existed.
// TODO (b/307591058): add metric to track if account is created
// during login or not.
* @private
maybeClearGaiaTimeout_() {
if (!this.gaiaDoneTimer_) {
this.gaiaDoneTimer_ = null;
* Disables all navigation actions until explicitly re-enabled by GAIA.
* @private
disableAllActions_() {
new CustomEvent('setAllActionsEnabled', {detail: false}));
* Set the user's email.
* @param {string} email New email value.
* @private
setEmail_(email) {
this.email_ = email;
this.samlHandler_.email = email;