// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {Channel} from './channel.js';
import {PostMessageChannel} from './post_message_channel.js';
import {WebviewScrollShadowsHelper, WebviewScrollShadowsHelperConstructor} from './scroll_helper_injected.js';
* @fileoverview
* Script to be injected into SAML provider pages, serving three main purposes:
* 1. Signal hosting extension that an external page is loaded so that the
* UI around it should be changed accordingly;
* 2. Provide an API via which the SAML provider can pass user credentials to
* Chrome OS, allowing the password to be used for encrypting user data and
* offline login.
* 3. Scrape password fields, making the password available to Chrome OS even if
* the SAML provider does not support the credential passing API.
(function() {
function APICallForwarder() {}
* The credential passing API is used by sending messages to the SAML page's
* |window| object. This class forwards API calls from the SAML page to a
* background script and API responses from the background script to the SAML
* page. Communication with the background script occurs via a |Channel|.
APICallForwarder.prototype = {
// Channel to which API calls are forwarded.
channel_: null,
* Initialize the API call forwarder.
* @param {!Channel} channel Channel to which API calls should be forwarded.
init(channel) {
this.channel_ = channel;
'apiResponse', this.onAPIResponse_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage_.bind(this));
onMessage_(event) {
if (event.source !== window || typeof event.data !== 'object' ||
!event.data.hasOwnProperty('type') ||
event.data.type !== 'gaia_saml_api') {
// Forward API calls to the background script.
this.channel_.send({name: 'apiCall', call: event.data.call});
onAPIResponse_(msg) {
// Forward API responses to the SAML page.
{type: 'gaia_saml_api_reply', response: msg.response}, '/');
* A class to scrape password from type=password input elements under a given
* docRoot and send them back via a Channel.
function PasswordInputScraper() {}
PasswordInputScraper.prototype = {
// URL of the page.
pageURL_: null,
// Channel to send back changed password.
channel_: null,
// An array to hold password fields.
passwordFields_: null,
// An array to hold cached password values.
passwordValues_: null,
// A MutationObserver to watch for dynamic password field creation.
passwordFieldsObserver: null,
* Initialize the scraper with given channel and docRoot. Note that the
* scanning for password fields happens inside the function and does not
* handle DOM tree changes after the call returns.
* @param {!Object} channel The channel to send back password.
* @param {!string} pageURL URL of the page.
* @param {!HTMLElement} docRoot The root element of the DOM tree that
* contains the password fields of interest.
init(channel, pageURL, docRoot) {
this.pageURL_ = pageURL;
this.channel_ = channel;
this.passwordFields_ = [];
this.passwordValues_ = [];
this.passwordFieldsObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(mutation.addedNodes, function(addedNode) {
if (addedNode.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (addedNode.matches('input[type=password]')) {
} else {
docRoot, {subtree: true, childList: true});
* Find and track password fields that are descendants of the given element.
* @param {!HTMLElement} element The parent element to search from.
findAndTrackChildren(element) {
element.querySelectorAll('input[type=password]'), function(field) {
* Start tracking value changes of the given password field if it is
* not being tracked yet.
* @param {!HTMLInputElement} passworField The password field to track.
trackPasswordField(passwordField) {
const existing = this.passwordFields_.filter(function(element) {
return element === passwordField;
if (existing.length !== 0) {
const index = this.passwordFields_.length;
const fieldId = passwordField.id || passwordField.name || '';
'input', this.onPasswordChanged_.bind(this, index, fieldId));
* Check if the password field at |index| has changed. If so, sends back
* the updated value.
maybeSendUpdatedPassword(index, fieldId) {
const newValue = this.passwordFields_[index].value;
if (newValue === this.passwordValues_[index]) {
this.passwordValues_[index] = newValue;
// Use an invalid char for URL as delimiter to concatenate page url,
// password field index and id to construct a unique ID for the password
// field.
const passwordId =
this.pageURL_.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '|' + index + '|' + fieldId;
{name: 'updatePassword', id: passwordId, password: newValue});
* Handles 'change' event in the scraped password fields.
* @param {number} index The index of the password fields in
* |passwordFields_|.
* @param {string} fieldId The id or name of the password field or blank.
onPasswordChanged_(index, fieldId) {
this.maybeSendUpdatedPassword(index, fieldId);
function onGetSAMLFlag(channel, isSAMLPage) {
if (!isSAMLPage) {
const pageURL = window.location.href;
channel.send({name: 'pageLoaded', url: pageURL});
const initPasswordScraper = function() {
const passwordScraper = new PasswordInputScraper();
passwordScraper.init(channel, pageURL, document.documentElement);
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
window.addEventListener('readystatechange', function listener(event) {
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
window.removeEventListener(event.type, listener, true);
}, true);
} else {
const channel = new PostMessageChannel();
{name: 'getSAMLFlag'}, onGetSAMLFlag.bind(undefined, channel));
const apiCallForwarder = new APICallForwarder();
// Send scroll information from the topmost frame.
if (window.top === window.self) {
const scrollHelper = WebviewScrollShadowsHelperConstructor();