// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {SafeXMLUtils} from './safe_xml_utils.js';
import {decodeTimestamp} from './saml_timestamps.js';
* @fileoverview A utility for extracting password information from SAML
* authorization response. This requires that the SAML IDP administrator
* has correctly configured their domain to issue these attributes.
/** @const @private {number} The shortest XML string that could be useful. */
const MIN_SANE_XML_LENGTH = 100;
/** @const @private {number} The max length that we are willing to parse. */
const MAX_SANE_XML_LENGTH = 50 * 1024; // 50 KB
/** @const @private {string} Schema name prefix. */
const SCHEMA_NAME_PREFIX = 'http://schemas.google.com/saml/2019/';
/** @const @private {string} Schema name for password modified timestamp. */
const PASSWORD_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP = 'passwordmodifiedtimestamp';
/** @const @private {string} Schema name for password expiration timestamp. */
const PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_TIMESTAMP = 'passwordexpirationtimestamp';
/** @const @private {string} Schema name for password-change URL. */
const PASSWORD_CHANGE_URL = 'passwordchangeurl';
* Query selector for finding an element with tag AttributeValue that is a
* child of an element of tag Attribute with a certain Name attribute.
* @const @private {string}
const QUERY_SELECTOR_FORMAT = 'Attribute[Name="{0}"] > AttributeValue';
/** Turns a schema name into a query selector to find the AttributeValue. */
function makeQuerySelector(schemaName) {
'{0}', SCHEMA_NAME_PREFIX + schemaName);
/** @const @private {string} Query selector for password modified time. */
/** @const @private {string} Query selector for password expiration time. */
/** @const @private {string} Query selector for password expiration time. */
* Extract password information from the Attribute elements in the given SAML
* authorization response.
* @param {string} xmlStr The SAML response XML, as a string.
* @return {!PasswordAttributes} A struct containing all the attributes that
* could be extracted, formatted as strings. Some or all of the strings can
* be empty if some or all of the attributes could not be extracted.
export function readPasswordAttributes(xmlStr) {
// Don't throw any exception that could cause login to fail - extracting
// these attributes can fail, but login should not be interrupted.
try {
if (!xmlStr || typeof xmlStr !== 'string') {
return PasswordAttributes.EMPTY;
if (xmlStr.length < MIN_SANE_XML_LENGTH ||
xmlStr.length > MAX_SANE_XML_LENGTH) {
return PasswordAttributes.EMPTY;
if (!xmlStr.includes(SCHEMA_NAME_PREFIX)) {
// No need to bother parsing the XML if it doesn't contain this string.
return PasswordAttributes.EMPTY;
const xmlUtils = new SafeXMLUtils(xmlStr);
return new PasswordAttributes(
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error reading password attributes: ' + error);
return PasswordAttributes.EMPTY;
* Decode a timestamp string using {@code decodeTimestamp}.
* @param {string} timeStampStr Timestamp string to decode.
* @return {string} The timestamp as number of ms since 1970, formatted as a
* string (or an empty string if the timestamp could not be extracted).
function extractTimestampFromString(timeStampStr) {
if (!timeStampStr) {
return '';
const timestamp = decodeTimestamp(timeStampStr);
return timestamp ? String(timestamp.valueOf()) : '';
* Immutable struct to hold password attributes. All three fields are strings
* and are always present, but they are empty if that information is missing.
* Timestamps are in JS time - the number of ms since 1 January 1970 - but
* are also formatted as strings, since this struct is sent from JS into C++,
* and strings travel easier than int64s across this boundary.
* If this struct is changed, SamlPasswordAttributes::FromJS in
* saml_password_attributes.cc must also be changed.
* @export @final
export class PasswordAttributes {
constructor(modifiedTime, expirationTime, passwordChangeUrl) {
/** @type {string} Password last-modified timestamp. */
this.modifiedTime = modifiedTime;
/** @type {string} Password expiration timestamp. */
this.expirationTime = expirationTime;
/** @type {string} Password-change URL. */
this.passwordChangeUrl = passwordChangeUrl;
Object.freeze(this); // Make immutable.
/** An immutable and empty PasswordAttributes struct. */
PasswordAttributes.EMPTY = new PasswordAttributes('', '', '');