// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/cr_components/managed_footnote/managed_footnote.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_hidden_style.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icons.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_menu_selector/cr_menu_selector.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_nav_menu_item_style.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_ripple/cr_ripple.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon/cr_icon.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_shared_vars.css.js';
import './shared_icons.html.js';
import './shared_vars.css.js';
import './strings.m.js';
import type {CrMenuSelector} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_menu_selector/cr_menu_selector.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {BrowserServiceImpl} from './browser_service.js';
import {Page, TABBED_PAGES} from './router.js';
import {getTemplate} from './side_bar.html.js';
export interface FooterInfo {
managed: boolean;
otherFormsOfHistory: boolean;
export interface HistorySideBarElement {
$: {
'history': HTMLAnchorElement,
'menu': CrMenuSelector,
'toggle-history-clusters': HTMLElement,
'syncedTabs': HTMLElement,
export class HistorySideBarElement extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'history-side-bar';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
footerInfo: Object,
historyClustersEnabled: Boolean,
historyClustersVisible: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
/* The id of the currently selected page. */
selectedPage: {
type: String,
notify: true,
/* The index of the currently selected tab. */
selectedTab: {
type: Number,
notify: true,
guestSession_: Boolean,
historyClustersVisibleManagedByPolicy_: {
type: Boolean,
value: () => {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean(
* Used to display notices for profile sign-in status and managed status.
showFooter_: {
type: Boolean,
computed: 'computeShowFooter_(' +
'footerInfo.otherFormsOfHistory, footerInfo.managed)',
showHistoryClusters_: {
type: Boolean,
computed: 'computeShowHistoryClusters_(' +
'historyClustersEnabled, historyClustersVisible)',
compareHistoryEnabled_: Boolean,
footerInfo: FooterInfo;
historyClustersEnabled: boolean;
historyClustersVisible: boolean;
selectedPage: string;
selectedTab: number;
private guestSession_ = loadTimeData.getBoolean('isGuestSession');
private historyClustersVisibleManagedByPolicy_: boolean;
private showFooter_: boolean;
private showHistoryClusters_: boolean;
private compareHistoryEnabled_: boolean =
override ready() {
this.addEventListener('keydown', e => this.onKeydown_(e));
private onKeydown_(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === ' ') {
(e.composedPath()[0] as HTMLElement).click();
private onSelectorActivate_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'history-close-drawer', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
* Relocates the user to the clear browsing data section of the settings page.
private onClearBrowsingDataClick_(e: Event) {
const browserService = BrowserServiceImpl.getInstance();
private computeClearBrowsingDataTabIndex_(): string {
return this.guestSession_ ? '-1' : '';
* Prevent clicks on sidebar items from navigating. These are only links for
* accessibility purposes, taps are handled separately.
private onItemClick_(e: Event) {
* @returns The url to navigate to when the history menu item is clicked. It
* reflects the currently selected tab.
private getHistoryItemHref_(): string {
return this.showHistoryClusters_ &&
TABBED_PAGES[this.selectedTab] === Page.HISTORY_CLUSTERS ?
* @returns The path that determines if the history menu item is selected. It
* reflects the currently selected tab.
private getHistoryItemPath_(): string {
return this.showHistoryClusters_ &&
TABBED_PAGES[this.selectedTab] === Page.HISTORY_CLUSTERS ?
private computeShowFooter_(
includeOtherFormsOfBrowsingHistory: boolean, managed: boolean): boolean {
return includeOtherFormsOfBrowsingHistory || managed;
private computeShowHistoryClusters_(): boolean {
return this.historyClustersEnabled && this.historyClustersVisible;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'history-side-bar': HistorySideBarElement;
customElements.define(HistorySideBarElement.is, HistorySideBarElement);