// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview A helper object used by the chrome://intro page to
* interact with the browser.
// <if expr="chromeos_lacros">
// Profile info sent from C++.
export interface LacrosIntroProfileInfo {
pictureUrl: string;
title: string;
subtitle: string;
managementDisclaimer: string;
// </if>
export interface IntroBrowserProxy {
// Called when the user clicks the "sign in" button.
continueWithAccount(): void;
// <if expr="enable_dice_support">
// Called when the user clicks the "continue without account" button.
continueWithoutAccount(): void;
// </if>
// Initializes the FRE intro main view.
initializeMainView(): void;
export class IntroBrowserProxyImpl implements IntroBrowserProxy {
continueWithAccount() {
// <if expr="enable_dice_support">
continueWithoutAccount() {
initializeMainView() {
static getInstance(): IntroBrowserProxy {
return instance || (instance = new IntroBrowserProxyImpl());
static setInstance(obj: IntroBrowserProxy) {
instance = obj;
let instance: IntroBrowserProxy|null = null;