// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {CenterRotatedBox} from './geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import type {Word} from './text.mojom-webui.js';
// A point in the normalized coordinate plane.
interface Vertex {
x: number;
y: number;
// A bounding box, in normalized coordinates.
interface BoundingBox {
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
export enum ClippingEdge {
export interface WordsInRegionResult {
// The index of the first word in the selection, or -1 if no words found.
startIndex: number;
// The index of the last word in the selection, or -1 if no words found.
endIndex: number;
// The intersection over union between the bounding boxes of the selected
// words and the selection region.
iou: number;
// Searches for words intersecting the selection region. Since coordinates are
// normalized, the image bounds are required to correctly handle rotations.
export function findWordsInRegion(
words: Word[], selectionRegion: CenterRotatedBox,
imageBounds: DOMRect): WordsInRegionResult {
let intersectionArea = 0;
let unionArea = areaOfPolygon(toPolygon(selectionRegion, imageBounds));
let startIndex = -1;
let endIndex = -1;
const selectionBounds = {
left: selectionRegion.box.x - selectionRegion.box.width / 2,
right: selectionRegion.box.x + selectionRegion.box.width / 2,
top: selectionRegion.box.y - selectionRegion.box.height / 2,
bottom: selectionRegion.box.y + selectionRegion.box.height / 2,
const wordPolygons =
words.map((word) => toPolygon(word.geometry!.boundingBox, imageBounds));
const clippedWords =
wordPolygons.map((wordPolygon) => clip(wordPolygon, selectionBounds));
for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
const wordPolygon = wordPolygons[i];
const clippedWord = clippedWords[i];
const wordIntersectionArea = areaOfPolygon(clippedWord);
if (wordIntersectionArea > 0) {
if (startIndex === -1) {
startIndex = endIndex = i;
} else {
startIndex = Math.min(startIndex, i);
endIndex = Math.max(endIndex, i);
intersectionArea += wordIntersectionArea;
unionArea += areaOfPolygon(wordPolygon) - wordIntersectionArea;
const iou = intersectionArea / unionArea;
return {iou, startIndex, endIndex};
// Converts a CenterRotatedBox to an array of vertices representing a polygon.
export function toPolygon(
box: CenterRotatedBox, imageBounds: DOMRect): Vertex[] {
const polygon: Vertex[] = [];
const center = {x: box.box.x, y: box.box.y};
const left = box.box.x - box.box.width / 2;
const right = box.box.x + box.box.width / 2;
const top = box.box.y - box.box.height / 2;
const bottom = box.box.y + box.box.height / 2;
polygon.push(rotate(center, box.rotation, {x: left, y: top}, imageBounds));
polygon.push(rotate(center, box.rotation, {x: right, y: top}, imageBounds));
rotate(center, box.rotation, {x: right, y: bottom}, imageBounds));
polygon.push(rotate(center, box.rotation, {x: left, y: bottom}, imageBounds));
return polygon;
// Calculates the area of a polygon using the shoelace formula.
export function areaOfPolygon(polygon: Vertex[]): number {
let area = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
if (i < polygon.length - 1) {
area += polygon[i].x * polygon[i + 1].y - polygon[i + 1].x * polygon[i].y;
} else {
area += polygon[i].x * polygon[0].y - polygon[0].x * polygon[i].y;
return 0.5 * Math.abs(area);
// Returns the result of rotating the target vertex about the anchor vertex.
// All vertices are defined in normalized coordinates, so the image bounds
// are used to convert to absolute coordinates while rotating.
export function rotate(
anchor: Vertex, angleRadian: number, target: Vertex,
imageBounds: DOMRect): Vertex {
const anchorXAbs = anchor.x * imageBounds.width;
const anchorYAbs = anchor.y * imageBounds.height;
const targetXAbs = target.x * imageBounds.width;
const targetYAbs = target.y * imageBounds.height;
const cosAngle = Math.cos(angleRadian);
const sinAngle = Math.sin(angleRadian);
const deltaX = targetXAbs - anchorXAbs;
const deltaY = targetYAbs - anchorYAbs;
const rotatedDeltaX = deltaX * cosAngle - deltaY * sinAngle;
const rotatedDeltaY = deltaY * cosAngle + deltaX * sinAngle;
return {
x: (anchorXAbs + rotatedDeltaX) / imageBounds.width,
y: (anchorYAbs + rotatedDeltaY) / imageBounds.height,
// Clips the polygon to the selection bounds. As the selection
// region is an axis-aligned rectangle, a simplified case of the
// Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm may be used.
export function clip(polygon: Vertex[], selectionBounds: BoundingBox) {
polygon = clipEdge(polygon, selectionBounds, ClippingEdge.TOP);
polygon = clipEdge(polygon, selectionBounds, ClippingEdge.LEFT);
polygon = clipEdge(polygon, selectionBounds, ClippingEdge.BOTTOM);
polygon = clipEdge(polygon, selectionBounds, ClippingEdge.RIGHT);
return polygon;
// Clips the polygon to a single edge of the selection bounds.
function clipEdge(
polygon: Vertex[], selectionBounds: BoundingBox,
edge: ClippingEdge): Vertex[] {
const clippedPolygon: Vertex[] = [];
if (polygon.length === 0) {
return clippedPolygon;
let previous: Vertex;
let next = polygon[polygon.length - 1];
let isPreviousInside: boolean;
let isNextInside = isInsideEdge(next, selectionBounds, edge);
for (let i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
previous = next;
next = polygon[i];
isPreviousInside = isNextInside;
isNextInside = isInsideEdge(next, selectionBounds, edge);
if (isPreviousInside !== isNextInside) {
intersectionWithEdge(previous, next, selectionBounds, edge));
if (isNextInside) {
return clippedPolygon;
// Returns whether the given vertex is inside the specified edge of the
// selection bounds.
export function isInsideEdge(
vertex: Vertex, selectionBounds: BoundingBox, edge: ClippingEdge) {
switch (edge) {
case ClippingEdge.LEFT:
return vertex.x >= selectionBounds.left;
case ClippingEdge.RIGHT:
return vertex.x <= selectionBounds.right;
case ClippingEdge.TOP:
return vertex.y >= selectionBounds.top;
case ClippingEdge.BOTTOM:
return vertex.y <= selectionBounds.bottom;
// Given two vertices defining a line, returns the intersection of that line
// with the specified edge of the selection bounds.
export function intersectionWithEdge(
v0: Vertex, v1: Vertex, selectionBounds: BoundingBox,
edge: ClippingEdge): Vertex {
switch (edge) {
case ClippingEdge.LEFT:
return {
x: selectionBounds.left,
y: v0.y + (v1.y - v0.y) * (selectionBounds.left - v0.x) / (v1.x - v0.x),
case ClippingEdge.RIGHT:
return {
x: selectionBounds.right,
y: v0.y +
(v1.y - v0.y) * (selectionBounds.right - v0.x) / (v1.x - v0.x),
case ClippingEdge.TOP:
return {
x: v0.x + (v1.x - v0.x) * (selectionBounds.top - v0.y) / (v1.y - v0.y),
y: selectionBounds.top,
case ClippingEdge.BOTTOM:
return {
x: v0.x +
(v1.x - v0.x) * (selectionBounds.bottom - v0.y) / (v1.y - v0.y),
y: selectionBounds.bottom,