// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {PointF, RectF} from '//resources/mojo/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import type {Word} from './text.mojom-webui.js';
import {WritingDirection} from './text.mojom-webui.js';
// Percentage of image size to add to the word bounding boxes hit box.
* Helper function that implements hit testing for words. A hit is used to
* determine the users intent when their mouse is not on a specific word.
* @param words The list of words to check for a hit with
* @param target The point normalized to image coordinates to check for a hit.
* @return The best hit, null if no matches are found.
export function bestHit(words: Word[], target: PointF): Word|null {
if (words.length === 0) {
return null;
return bestHorizontallyExtendedHit(words, target) ||
bestVerticalHit(words, target);
// Finds the closes hit when extending alal word hit boxes horizontally.
function bestHorizontallyExtendedHit(words: Word[], target: PointF): Word|null {
const hits: Word[] = [];
for (const word of words) {
const hit = horizontallyExtendedHit(word, target);
if (hit) {
return getBestHit(hits, target);
// Finds the best hit that is vertically close.
function bestVerticalHit(words: Word[], target: PointF): Word|null {
const closestProjectedDistances: Word[] =
getShortedProjectedDistanceHits(words, target);
return getBestHit(closestProjectedDistances, target);
function horizontallyExtendedHit(word: Word, target: PointF): Word|null {
const position = rotateCoordinate(word, target);
const boundingBox = boundingBoxWithMargin(word);
if (boxContainsTarget(boundingBox, position)) {
return word;
if (isInExtension(position, boundingBox, word.writingDirection)) {
return word;
return null;
// Finds the hit closest the the target.
function getBestHit(hits: Word[], target: PointF): Word|null {
let closestHit = null;
let closestDistance = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (const hit of hits) {
const wordBoundingBox = hit.geometry?.boundingBox.box;
if (!wordBoundingBox) {
const distX = target.x - wordBoundingBox.x;
const distY = target.y - wordBoundingBox.y;
const totalDistance = distX * distX + distY * distY;
if (totalDistance < closestDistance) {
closestHit = hit;
closestDistance = totalDistance;
return closestHit;
// Rotates the target coordinates to be in relation to the word rotation.
function rotateCoordinate(word: Word, target: PointF): PointF {
const wordBoundingBox = word.geometry?.boundingBox;
if (!wordBoundingBox) {
return {x: 0, y: 0};
// Translate to origin 0,0.
const translatedX = target.x - wordBoundingBox.box.x;
const translatedY = target.y - wordBoundingBox.box.y;
// Rotate clockwise around origin.
const rotatedX = translatedX * Math.cos(wordBoundingBox.rotation) +
translatedY * Math.sin(wordBoundingBox.rotation);
const rotatedY = -translatedX * Math.sin(wordBoundingBox.rotation) +
translatedY * Math.cos(wordBoundingBox.rotation);
// Translate the coordinate back.
const finalX = rotatedX + wordBoundingBox.box.x;
const finalY = rotatedY + wordBoundingBox.box.y;
return {x: finalX, y: finalY};
// Creates a bounding box for the word, with additional BOUNDING_BOX_HIT_MARGIN.
function boundingBoxWithMargin(word: Word): RectF {
const wordBoundingBox = word.geometry?.boundingBox.box;
if (!wordBoundingBox) {
return {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
return {
x: wordBoundingBox.x,
y: wordBoundingBox.y,
width: wordBoundingBox.width + BOUNDING_BOX_HIT_MARGIN_PERCENT,
height: wordBoundingBox.height + BOUNDING_BOX_HIT_MARGIN_PERCENT,
/** @return True if target is within the box. */
function boxContainsTarget(box: RectF, target: PointF): boolean {
const boxMinX = box.x - (box.width / 2);
const boxMaxX = box.x + (box.width / 2);
const boxMinY = box.y - (box.height / 2);
const boxMaxY = box.y + (box.height / 2);
return target.x >= boxMinX && target.x <= boxMaxX && target.y >= boxMinY &&
target.y <= boxMaxY;
* Determines if the position is within the giving bounding box, if the bounding
* box expanded horizontally infinetely.
* @returns True if the position is within the horizontal expansion of the word.
function isInExtension(
position: PointF, boundingBox: RectF,
writingDirection: WritingDirection|null): boolean {
const boxLeft = boundingBox.x - (boundingBox.width / 2);
const boxRight = boundingBox.x + (boundingBox.width / 2);
const boxTop = boundingBox.y - (boundingBox.height / 2);
const boxBottom = boundingBox.y + (boundingBox.height / 2);
if (writingDirection === WritingDirection.kTopToBottom) {
const isAboveBox = position.x > boxLeft && position.x < boxRight &&
position.y <= boundingBox.y;
const isBelowBox = position.x > boxLeft && position.x < boxRight &&
position.y >= boundingBox.y;
return isAboveBox || isBelowBox;
// If writingDirection is null, assume left to right.
const isLeftOfBox = position.y > boxTop && position.y < boxBottom &&
position.x <= boundingBox.x;
const isRightOfBox = position.y > boxTop && position.y < boxBottom &&
position.x >= boundingBox.x;
return isLeftOfBox || isRightOfBox;
* Gets the hits with the shortest projected distance as defined by
* getProjectedDistance().
* @returns The list of hits with the shortest distance to the target.
function getShortedProjectedDistanceHits(
words: Word[], target: PointF): Word[] {
let closestHits: Word[] = [];
let closestProjectedDistance = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (const word of words) {
const projectedDistance = getProjectedDistance(word, target);
if (!projectedDistance) {
if (Math.abs(closestProjectedDistance - projectedDistance) <=
// This porjected distance is close enough within the hit margin, so add
// to closest hits.
} else if (projectedDistance <= closestProjectedDistance) {
// Sizable new closest projected distance, so reset closest hits.
closestHits = [word];
closestProjectedDistance = projectedDistance;
return closestHits;
* Calculates the projected distance from the target to the word. The projected
* distance is the "vertical" distance from the target to the top/bottom of the
* word. For top to bottom reading languages, the projected distance is the
* distance from the right/left of the word.
* @returns The projected distance from the target to the word. Null if the word
* does not have a bounding box.
function getProjectedDistance(word: Word, target: PointF): number|null {
const rotatedTarget = rotateCoordinate(word, target);
const boundingBox = word.geometry?.boundingBox.box;
if (!boundingBox) {
return null;
const deltaX = Math.max(
Math.abs(boundingBox.x - rotatedTarget.x) - boundingBox.width / 2, 0);
const deltaY = Math.max(
Math.abs(boundingBox.y - rotatedTarget.y) - boundingBox.height / 2, 0);
return word.writingDirection === WritingDirection.kTopToBottom ? deltaX :