// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert, assertInstanceof} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
class PostSelectionWorklet {
// TODO(b/335858693): Ideally, there should not be different corner lengths,
// and instead should handle this using an inputted percent value. However,
// this adds extra complexity to the rendering logic.
static get inputProperties() {
return [
ctx: PaintRenderingContext2D, size: PaintSize,
properties: StylePropertyMapReadOnly) {
// Get inputted properties.
const cornerLengthHorizontalProp =
const cornerLengthVerticalProp =
const cornerWidthProp = properties.get('--post-selection-corner-width');
const cornerRadiusProp = properties.get('--post-selection-corner-radius');
// Ensure the values are in the correct format
assertInstanceof(cornerLengthHorizontalProp, CSSUnitValue);
assertInstanceof(cornerLengthVerticalProp, CSSUnitValue);
assertInstanceof(cornerWidthProp, CSSUnitValue);
assertInstanceof(cornerRadiusProp, CSSUnitValue);
cornerLengthHorizontalProp.unit === 'px',
'--post-selection-corner-horizontal-length must be a pixel value');
cornerLengthVerticalProp.unit === 'px',
'--post-selection-corner-vertical-length must be a pixel value');
cornerWidthProp.unit === 'px',
'--post-selection-corner-width must be a pixel value');
cornerRadiusProp.unit === 'px',
'--post-selection-corner-radius must be a pixel value');
// Convert properties to integers so they are easier to use.
const cornerLengthHorizontal = cornerLengthHorizontalProp.value;
const cornerLengthVertical = cornerLengthVerticalProp.value;
const cornerWidth = cornerWidthProp.value;
// Handle cases where radius is larger than width or height
const cornerRadius = Math.min(
Math.abs(size.width / 2),
Math.abs(size.height / 2),
const minX = cornerWidth / 2;
const minY = cornerWidth / 2;
// Need to subtract 1 to account for indexing by zero
const maxX = size.width - (cornerWidth / 2) - 1;
const maxY = size.height - (cornerWidth / 2) - 1;
if (cornerLengthHorizontal <= 0 || cornerLengthVertical <= 0 ||
cornerWidth <= 0) {
ctx.lineWidth = cornerWidth;
// Top-Left Corner
ctx.moveTo(minX, cornerLengthVertical);
ctx.arcTo(minX, minY, cornerLengthHorizontal, minY, cornerRadius);
ctx.lineTo(cornerLengthHorizontal, minY);
// Top-Right
ctx.moveTo(maxX - cornerLengthHorizontal, minY);
ctx.arcTo(maxX, minY, maxX, cornerLengthVertical, cornerRadius);
ctx.lineTo(maxX, cornerLengthVertical);
// Bottom-Right
ctx.moveTo(maxX, maxY - cornerLengthVertical);
ctx.arcTo(maxX, maxY, maxX - cornerLengthHorizontal, maxY, cornerRadius);
ctx.lineTo(maxX - cornerLengthHorizontal, maxY);
// Bottom-Left
ctx.moveTo(minX + cornerLengthHorizontal, maxY);
ctx.arcTo(minX, maxY, minX, maxY - cornerLengthVertical, cornerRadius);
ctx.lineTo(minX, maxY - cornerLengthVertical);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
registerPaint('post-selection', PostSelectionWorklet);